Following the recent Playstation Magazine article, the latest issue of the Official Xbox Magazine (UK) now has a cover story on the videogame Aliens: Colonial Marines. The 9-page feature includes new screenshots and plenty of new details. You can click on the image below to read it. This issue also includes two exclusive posters so make sure to grab your copy.
Thanks to MFTP for the scans.
Update: Digital quality scans can be found here on the forums.
I betcha they only appear once in some BS hidden base on Acheron- that we're just finding out about NOW -_-
Just got this yesterday and are enjoying the Queenie Pinup!
That would be a more creative way to explain the new xenos instead of just saying that they are mutations.
I still don't like the idea because it leads me to wonder why then did we never see these other types in Aliens?
And, oh yeah, the game still isn't canon.
Number 426 why A:CM isn't canon.
Will they use the ampules of black goo to explain the existence of the new gearbox aliens? (Crusher, spitter, boiler xeno)
Runner - I've deleted your post. See my above ^ Thanks.
Chuck in Aliens Unleashed, Aliens A Comic Book Adventure and Aliens Online. And you could chuck in Alien Trilogy and all.
Like the Sulaco.
I think any Alien fan should watch Alien3 and Resurrection at least once.
(Wonder if Shaw could arrange an introduction for Dillon and Call...)
Guess what - it still isn't.
I'm trying to see if I can't find one on ebay. Those posters look absolutely worth it.
On another note, I agree with what you're saying. I really hope that Gearbox, which did such a fantastic job on the Borderlands games, do justice to this franchise that we all love. Prometheus is now part of the overall universe so it must be recognized and respected, liked or not. I for one, actually liked it and hope that it finds its own niche within the overlapping universe.
I would like to also point out that it might not be a bad idea to send an online request to Gearbox to make sure this game is polished inside and out. The last thing we need is awkward animation ruining the tension of any session, be it alone or multiplayer. I'd sign it. I've been very excited about this game and the premise behind it.
So far the magazine articles have done nothing to improve my attitude about the game. The videos are really well done but they are exactly that "videos".
I'm just about to start reading it.
A delay wouldn't bother me like it did in the past.
Delay release...
It'll be refreshing to see the runner from Alien3 make an appearance in A:CM. Considering its speed, I think it would be pretty tense trying to nail it with a pulse rifle before its in proximity to kill your player. I think it's easily one of the most menacing xenos in the entire series.
The ALIEN universe wasn't intended to be like Star Trek or Star Wars.....
You are mad. = Prometheus?
Take a step back, and stop the trolling or write something that's worth discussing.
I think it's understood you're not a fan of Prometheus, but also consider that a few of the things you listed are also weaknesses in Alien 3, which was critically panned and more disliked by the general public than Prometheus. However Gearbox is still including elements of Alien 3 into the game. Prometheus is considered canon by Fox and apparently Gearbox. Like it or not, you're just going to have to roll with the punches, assuming you pick up the game.
From the sound of it, the references to Prometheus are few in number.
I'd like to put down some cash for the magazine, just for those exclusive posters, but I wish I knew what they looked like first.
I seriously don't think I could face desk any harder.
what are the chances
I don't understand how such a blatantly false statement can even be made by Pitchford considering the fact that GBX worked with WayForward to make Aliens: Infestation on the Nintendo DS in 2011.
Oh yeah, and there are also these:
Aliens: Thanatos Encounter (2001) - Gameboy Color
Aliens: Extermination (2006) - Arcade
JC made a mockery of this universe (i'm not talking about the franchise here) he was the one to put the gorilla alien in the toy line and that just doesn't cut it.
Its just like AVP:R its awful looking!
Carry on course, thread!
1. Ruining the Space Jockey.
2. Crap Dialogue.
3. Spiffy Mr. Clean Ship.
4. Bringing in Religion into it. (Space Jockey Jesus, WTF? There are Christian fans of the Alien movies yah know)
5. Technology that is more advanced then the latter movies. Shouldn't the shit we see in Prometheus be standard issue by ALIENS?
6. Idiotic Characters.
7. Plot holes.
8. Turning the ALIEN universe from a dead nihilistic space full of mystery to something on the bordering of Star Trek.
Honestly putting Predators stuff would be just as bad as putting Prometheus stuff in here. Prometheus can stay in it's singular canon world, away from the ALIEN universe. Just like the AVP and Predator universe.
In fear of starting another 'canon' discussion I tentatively ask what makes Prometheus not canon?
The Pilot Chair!!!!! I can't wait for this game!
"It's said that Ridley Scott only considers James Cameron's sequel as genuine canon" - Since when?
Gorilla aliens, you know, Aliens beefed up because they came out of a different host than a human, that's insane, but Boilers and Spitters and Crushers? Nah, that's all fine, huh?
Still, cool article. Thanks for the scans, AVPGalaxy. Wish I could see that pilot least exploring the derelict sounds interesting.
This magazine doesn't mention tie ins with Prometheus, but the Playstation magazine article shows the developers mentioning it.
After reading this and other magazine articles, and seeing the survival trailer the animation stuff is worrying to me. The Aliens are not going to seem threatening if they're bumbling around environments. Sounds like the top thing Gearbox needs to fix up.
The Runner is going to appear.....but what worries me
My god, I see the Pilot!!! They better not ruin it by putting in non canon giant bald men.