has posted up what appears to be one of Damon Lindelof’s scripts for Prometheus entitled “Paradise“, though still unconfirmed by the writer. The document is 115 pages long and shares many similarities with the version that we saw on the screen with the exception of some alternate scenes and dialogue. It also includes some of the viral videos as well as some of the deleted scenes that were released recently via the Prometheus Blu-ray. You can click here to read the script in full.
“Shaw hops behind the wheel — slams the rover into gear, looks over her back shoulder where Fifield turns his attention on them — narrow elongated head that has punched through the helmet of his tattered spacesuit — grey glistening skin — He rises to his full height and — SCREEEE! Shaw throws the buggy into reverse — smashes into Fifield, driving him back into the wall of the airlock — crushes him!”.
Update 17/10/12: Damon Lindelof has now confirmed the authenticity of the script via Twitter.
No, if a movie is about creation, life and death then it is either a good movie that handles those themes well or it is Prometheus.
And my collection is made up almost entirely of Red Dwarf DVDs. Prometheus is not worthy!
And as you know that's exactly what they were aiming for.. so you agree that it's garbage! Cheers bro! My shout!
Oh and about that 2001 comparison thing...
Thus the engineers reject their role as creators by choosing to destroy their own creation(man) to evade certain doom. Yea...
I wonder DID HE ALWAYS WRITE LIKE THIS? Or did he just develop that overtime with all the nonsense a writer has to put up with.
Either way he's an irritant. He rims the execs hard and then plays the P.R game to such a fine t that allegedly everything he's working on is the greatest shit EVER EVER EVERRRRRRRRRRR.
So that's why nearly EVERYTHING was in CAPS LOCK.
You have to read this article!
I'm hearing two quotes from the movie at the moment:
"It's everything!"
"I was wrong, I was so wrong!"
It was however, and IMHO, a populist movie that was made with more intelligence and craft than most of the Hollywood mainstream movies.
Although i think the film would have been improved with the extended Engineer/Weyland dialogue and the Shaw/Engineer fight at the end. They are both memorable scenes.
It's a valid criticism which I think gets overlooked.
It seems to be a big problem in modern general audience pictures.
Of course is not a stunning movie but it is the best thing that it came since Aliens from Jim.In my modest opinion.
I know that some people will not agree.But I was no longer excited about anything related to the franchise for a long time and then the movie has premiered and I started to change my mind.I think this film gives a little hope at least.
I'll not lose my faith in Prometheus yet. If their ideas in the next work will going to work , I don't know.
But I will be waiting for the sequel and hoping that will complement the ideas initiated now.
There's nothing lost yet.
The film has (a lot) more positives than negatives points.It has to be emphasized.
I've heard some stupid criticisms about Prometheus and some legit ones - but shot length?
You nailed it man. It's how I felt after seeing and why I can't really re watch it.
I'll throw into the hate pot that the average shot length of the film is painfully short. Too much cutting, I can't get sucked in and dreadfully unsubtle soundtrack ain't helping to much either.
You totally lost me. I am not sure what you are trying to say. It seems as though you agreeing that Lindelof and Scott knew Prometheus' story was nothing but "hot air"...and that all the bullshit "deeper" meanings that they promised was nothing but window dressing and red herrings. Which is what I have been saying from day one.
I'm with you Darth Vile. I've got the same vibe.The problem was when I read the synopses I thought something..I exaggerated in my mind what probably could be done with it.So it was something in my mind and other on his.I guess Ridley knew when the synopsis fell in network the public would think so many things far away from what he was thinking.
He said almost before the movie premiere: "This movie is a meeting: 2001 with steroids!It's different".
That's what opened my mind. But I do not consider myself to be cheated or disappointed. I'm pleased with what I saw.
Are you kidding me? Did you guys see the same pre-release interviews by Damon Lindelof and Ridley Scott, that I saw?
Hi Zenzucht,
There exists wonderfuly provocative films of great subtlety, which contain intricate layers and meanings, and which motivate one's imagination to search for deeper meanings and messages. Prometheus is NOT one of these films, IMHO.
Rather, it is an example of lame story-telling on the part of the writer(s), and poor execution on the part of the Director. It is rife with plot-holes, inconsistent and non-sensical character behavior, ridiculous dialogue, and a fundamentally incoherent narrative that is built on a house of cards. In is a complete and utter mess. Again, IMHO.
.. and that's the complete opposite of what the movies should be.
As my gran-daddy always said: Remember your roooots boy!
Not because it makes any scientific or logical sense, no.
But, because...Life on Earth began in Scotland!
Space Jock.
Nice theory That's actually really interesting?
Another strange line of dialogue involves David saying" If we don't wear a suit, you people wouldn't be comfortable.." Now there is a lot parallel drawn between David & the Engineers, that they are servants for Higher Authority.That kind of line is too loaded to be thrown around before the most suspenseful part of the movie, the first trip to the temple. The Engineers themselves wear a suit, the elephantine suit, so that they look "agreeable" in the presence of the Higher Authority: the Ganesha/Giant Space Jockey of the original ALIEN.
OK fine... One minute then? Thirty seconds? I don't choose the believe!
Gotcha, but Vader waxing lyrical before shooting Luke out of the sky is pretty much mandatory for a villain like that - screen villains have always done it, and for some baffling reason continue to do it. While Weyland's motives are clear in the end, there is still no presented weight behind his decision to follow Shaw's hunch, which would not of seemed like so much of a hunch if the script bothered with some basic setup. A good writer could of wound these things in without the kind of cumbersome exposition that Lindelof seems to hate so much. Five minutes, max.
And a lot of these gripes are not just fan gripes - they have come from all walks, we just care more.
The issue with Lindelof's script is plainly the's atrocious in parts ("you can pay me...on the other side" - ugh). This pulled you back and snatched away any sense of realism. In my opinion the jarring cruddy conversations were far more damaging to the film than these scientific issues.
Even still...In my opinion it was a fine film....
Hi Deuterium, the thing is that I myself came up with such an idea as I struggled to justify the film's apparent mockery of the scientific process. You're quite right however (hmmm, PB...I like it! )
EDIT: Just picked up on this little gem: "WATER. Intensely BLUE, untouched and PRISTINE as the rays of the SUN dance off its glasslike surface. CLEAR. UNTOUCHED."
So the script is fine because nobody other than us fans gives a second shit?.. I am not sure what your point is here.
So all that money they spent on marketing was solely for our benefit then?
Sure, in theory, everyone with an internet connection has potential access to these external "sources".
However, in reality (and let's be honest, here), these resources constitute an "extended universe" that no ordinary, typical audience member would ever consult, much less know of it's existence. It is only a relatively small, atypical and exclusive group (e.g members of this forum) that view such material...and have the pleasure to debate and argue over it's canonical legitimacy, or not.