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New Aliens: Colonial Marines Promotional Material

Uber Agency is featuring a new Colonial Marines themed image on their website which you can check below. Early this year the marketing company collaborated with Axis Animation, Sega and Gearbox Software for the creation of a cinematic trailer for Aliens: Colonial marines. When contacted by us, Axis Animation expressed their excitement about what is coming next“. You can also see a few extra seconds from a cinematic scene at Uber’s website or here via download.

 New Aliens: Colonial Marines Promotional Material

Additionally, an older alternate trailer from the game featuring a few new scenes can be found here.

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Comments: 6
  1. ShadowPred
    Quote from: Griffith on Nov 10, 2012, 12:07:34 AM
    Wait a second I thought that the cinematic trailer was just for promotion but what I see from Uber agency is that we are getting cinematic cuts after you reach certain events in game instead of in game animations, I kind a like that... I thought that game studios didn't do this anymore because of the expenses, Anyway ..either is the Sephora or the Sulaco who suffers the decompression, from what I saw in the few seconds... Isn't contradictory that a drop from a Pulse Rifle grenade can cause such damage but hitting directly to a stock pile of missiles below a Dropship makes no consisten damage? .. Logic?.. Sorry for my inner fanboyism criticism  ::)

    Cinematic cuts?! I approve of this, make it happen Gearbox!
  2. Griffith
    Wait a second I thought that the cinematic trailer was just for promotion but what I see from Uber agency is that we are getting cinematic cuts after you reach certain events in game instead of in game animations, I kind a like that... I thought that game studios didn't do this anymore because of the expenses, Anyway ..either is the Sephora or the Sulaco who suffers the decompression, from what I saw in the few seconds... Isn't contradictory that a drop from a Pulse Rifle grenade can cause such damage but hitting directly to a stock pile of missiles below a Dropship makes no consisten damage? .. Logic?.. Sorry for my inner fanboyism criticism  ::)
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