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Prometheus H.R. Giger Artwork Preview

H.R. Giger lent his talent for Prometheus, Ridley Scott wanted to involve him in any way he could but ultimately most of the artwork created by the Swiss artist was left unused due time constrictions. Now you can see a small selection of H.R. Giger’s Prometheus artwork which will be featured in the upcoming Prometheus Blu-ray release this October.

Click below to see the exclusive preview images here first and make sure to pre-order your copy of the Blu-ray to see the full gallery featuring over 20 new images.

Giger (5) Giger (5)
Giger (3) Giger (3)
Giger (2) Giger (2)
Giger (1) Giger (1)
Giger Giger

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  1. Bum Burster
    Quote from: Dirty Harry on Oct 03, 2012, 04:29:16 PM
    Giger always is victim of "time and budget" problems. :'(
    The Deacon sucks!

    It makes complete sense to me. Not only it's the first intermediate stage between the chtulhu-reptiloids and humanoids, but that thing is young. If the Aliens series has told us anything, the babies shed their skin when they grow, and the adult is quite radically different. Even the most advanced birth in ALIEN 3 showed us an infant which was very thin and skinny.

    I believe it sticks with the slick aspect of the tech and even the ship. All is clean inside the ship, while the derelict's very structure in ALIEN has been corrupted, like if the xenomorph almost grew out of the biomechanoid tech.
    In Prometheus, we weren't there yet.

    The contamination, obviously pre-programmed to build serpentine lifeforms, went straight into humanoids.
    Now, if the Engineers' tech is somehow alive or something along that, then the corruption while have to get there first to capture the Giger aspect of it.
    So we'll get the bony facehuggers and the eggs.

    The problem, I guess, is that too many fans wanted the bridge to be closed immediately.
    I think it's a given in ALIEN that the generational mutation has already been established as quick enough, so much that any movie sequel to Prometheus could already show us the next step, much closer to the Giger design.

    This movie requires patience. Besides, many would have bitched about the even greater fan service if we already had plenty of quasi-xenos all over the movie.
  2. acrediblesource
    hrrmmm, id be surprised if he released a new book, he hasn't done so for a while now.
    Its a shame, they didn't work so closely together on this one as they did before but thats the price you pay for stardom and recognition. Who knows maybe there is something devious in the works. Monster movies are so lame without proper vision.

    Quote from: Magegg on Oct 05, 2012, 03:41:38 PM
    Quote from: Kol on Oct 03, 2012, 03:17:01 PMpoor giger. doing all the flights for nothin....  :'(
    Well, it doesn't seem like he put much effort on those drawings.

    I agree with the idea of making the aesthetycs a little different from Giger's (for example, including very little 'techno-organic' stuff), I mean, this is called 'Prometheus', not 'Alien 0' or whatever, they wanted to keep it fresh and distinct at least on a visual level, not simply making a sequel/entire reprise of the whole Alien universe and re-use the same visual concept and settings once again.
  3. Magegg
    Quote from: Kol on Oct 03, 2012, 03:17:01 PMpoor giger. doing all the flights for nothin....  :'(
    Well, it doesn't seem like he put much effort on those drawings.

    I agree with the idea of making the aesthetycs a little different from Giger's (for example, including very little 'techno-organic' stuff), I mean, this is called 'Prometheus', not 'Alien 0' or whatever, they wanted to keep it fresh and distinct at least on a visual level, not simply making a sequel/entire reprise of the whole Alien universe and re-use the same visual concept and settings once again.
  4. zuzuki
    Ridley- ''see, we have this squid with a lot of mouths and we made it look like vaginas''
    Giger- ''yeah, yeah, graulisch''


    Ridley- ''i don't want to say aliens, but aliens''
    Giger- ''yeah,yeah, with a penis for a head''
  5. MrSpaceJockey
    Quote from: ikarop on Oct 03, 2012, 05:53:36 PM

    Long time no see.

    Was the first thing I thought of when I read "no time." Just like ADI. Hopefully that didn't bring up any bad memories for Geegs.
  6. ikarop
    Quote from: wmmvrrvrrmm on Oct 03, 2012, 12:21:50 PM

    I just noticed this illustration amongst the images in the shot of Arthur Max inspecting the illustrations. And also just under Arthur Max's elbow is The Long Tomorrow

    change the s value from s600 to s1600 for full size image of wall of illustrations. I used Photoshop to sew and blend the frames of that shot together.

    That Babyhead concept piece is from Carlos Huante. The creature was already concepted before Giger did his take. In the Bluray you can even see how Ridley presents Giger with his own sketches of the creature.

    As I mentioned earlier, Ridley showed Giger all they had created in an attempt to impress him and get his "approval". The Deacon, Fifield creature, hammerpede, etc... were already there.
  7. OmegaZilla
    There is. Everything from HellBoy is much better. Deacon's not even remotely as threatening and crafted of a design as Sammael, the Ogdru Jahad or the Behemoth are.
  8. ChrisPachi
    Quote from: Gash on Oct 03, 2012, 12:00:10 even if Giger only did a few sketches that Ridley found 'interesting' I'd be surprised if that didn't act as a springboard to the other artists.
    A bit too much springing if you ask me - I mean, just look at it...


    There is no Giger here.
  9. Darth Vile
    Quote from: Gash on Oct 03, 2012, 12:00:10 PM
    Who can say? But most of the finished designs take a lot of their leads from Giger, whether it be early pre-production stuff on ALIEN or Dune, so even if Giger only did a few sketches that Ridley found 'interesting' I'd be surprised if that didn't act as a springboard to the other artists. As far as I can see Gigers sketches are the earliest to feature a pointy head, a lot of the stuff by others in the early design stages are more faithful to the original alien.

    Despite all the creatures having a softer more organic feel there's a healthy respect for Giger in the finished creatures, and the Engineer is practically Gigers' generic 'human' victim.

    Yes - completely agree. Behind all the design/concepts comes a strong sense of Giger's work. He continues to heavely influence that universe, albeit in a more passive way.
  10. wmmvrrvrrmm

    I just noticed this illustration amongst the images in the shot of Arthur Max inspecting the illustrations. And also just under Arthur Max's elbow is The Long Tomorrow

    change the s value from s600 to s1600 for full size image of wall of illustrations. I used Photoshop to sew and blend the frames of that shot together.
  11. Gash
    Who can say? But most of the finished designs take a lot of their leads from Giger, whether it be early pre-production stuff on ALIEN or Dune, so even if Giger only did a few sketches that Ridley found 'interesting' I'd be surprised if that didn't act as a springboard to the other artists. As far as I can see Gigers sketches are the earliest to feature a pointy head, a lot of the stuff by others in the early design stages are more faithful to the original alien.

    Despite all the creatures having a softer more organic feel there's a healthy respect for Giger in the finished creatures, and the Engineer is practically Gigers' generic 'human' victim.
  12. Negatronix
    What a joke. Horrible. There is a serious lack of form in any of that. They should have just stuck with Gigers Alien book, his biomechanoid beings, and pulled from his darker religious works for symbolism, and some of his environment paintings for the architecture.. The film would have had far more meat to chew on.

    What they chose works for what it is, and I hate that Im so torn, and bash more than I praise. I guess I expected more in every department.. Hopefully next time.

  13. geiger167

    Quote from: acrediblesource on Oct 02, 2012, 03:31:40 AM
    Just sketches, maybe we will have a Prometheus collection where he'll actually make a series of airbrush paintings like he did for Giger's Alien and Necronomicon.
    He doesn't paint anymore so not gonna happen, and why would he waste any more time on a film they clearly had very little intention of using his designs on ?  (I like the film by by the way, but it's Giger-lite, but he got a pay check so good for him)
  14. wmmvrrvrrmm
    Looking at the sort of exploration that some of us expected Ridley to accomplish and probably did but seemed to many have turn up a blank in the movie and looking at the modern day movie business, I suppose we should probably be thankful for the movie that we got. It might even be the best scifi movie I've seen and had time to wonder about in a good few years, which might not be saying a lot.

    I'm very glad that Giger's work has been shared because it's actually given me something to actually dream about in relation to the Prometheus movie
  15. ikarop
    Ridley mentions that Giger brought some "interesting" ideas but that he had to move on as there was "no time". Also that Ridley's impression was that Giger was kinda amazed by how fast things were moving with the film.
  16. ikarop
    According to the documentary they are interpolations from earlier stuff. Ridley showed Giger all they got in an attempt to impress him and get his "approval". They show a few moments from this meeting in the Bluray.
  17. wmmvrrvrrmm
    Quote from: LarsVader on Oct 02, 2012, 12:29:43 AM
    I wonder what the order of all of this is;
    are these Giger's interpolations of the stuff that the production team did earlier,
    or are these the very sketches that the production team based their work on?
    Cause some of these aren't that far from what we got on screen.

    Well the dates given seem quite interesting, useless information unless we knew the dates when they did their work. The drawings all seem to date back to the first half of 2011, well, at the moment I can see that the alien life forms (1,8,12 & 13 ) posted were done in late February, the Species like humanoid (21) in March and the three Deck Elements (22,24 & 27) were all drawn in April.

    I'm noticing the word Wasserfall on the Deck Element with the facehugger type creature, maybe it was supposed to have flowing water as a font?
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