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First Look at Prometheus’ NECA Toy Line [Updated]

The first image showing NECA’s toy line for Prometheus has arrived from San Diego Comic-Con 2012. The picture shows figurines for David, Holloway, the engineer, the engineer after the ship crash, the Space Jockey suit, the deacon, the trilobite and more. Check it out below:

 First Look at Prometheus' NECA Toy Line [Updated]

Update: According to NECA, Vickers & Shaw are being sculpted now for 2013 Series 3. More images of the figures can be found at the forums here.

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  1. LarsVader
    Quote from: SM on Aug 22, 2012, 06:27:40 AM
    Can he play one them funky looking flute things?
    No, but he does play a mean saxophone.

    And in addition he can smash in everyones head with his oscar.
  2. Vickers
    Quote from: LarsVader on Aug 22, 2012, 06:14:57 AM

    call me crazy, but...

    Why weren't we created with an ear for musical composition then? :'(
  3. LarsVader

    call me crazy, but...
  4. Sabres21768
  5. delsaber8
    Man, how am I going to afford all these. First we get tons of NECA figures, but to top it off we get hot toys too. I'm sad yet excited, because I know, I probably won't be able to afford all of them, yet having all these options to chose from is awesome.
  6. Highland
    schweeeet! They will 100% do a David then. He's the main man.

    I had that T2 arnie on order until I decided to go with the 1989 Joker. Hot Toys are churning out so much good shit at the minute I may have to sell an organ. Seriously, they have hit the after burners on movie toys.

    EDIT: If it's the movie master piece series we can expect some awesome head sculpts.
  7. LarsVader
    Quote from: Highland on Aug 06, 2012, 05:33:12 PM
    Quote from: LarsVader on Aug 06, 2012, 05:30:50 PM
    Quote from: Highland on Aug 06, 2012, 11:46:33 AM
    Would have been better if Sideshow/Hottoys picked this line up. NECA has some cool stuff like the Predators but I think the people who are likely to buy these would have rather spent a bit more to get good versions (assuming these are in the $50 range). Only the hardiest of hardcore Prometheus fans with bother with these I'd imagine.

    These head busts are all over the place and the detail is rough. A Hot Toys David with real material would have been mint I reckon (assuming these suits are plastic). Saying that we should be getting a Fassbender Magneto soon. I'll save my cash for that.
    It is official that HotToys is going to do Prometheus stuff.

    Really?! Sweet. 1/6 scale?? Just early information or any more details???
    This is all I know:
  8. Highland
    Quote from: LarsVader on Aug 06, 2012, 05:30:50 PM
    Quote from: Highland on Aug 06, 2012, 11:46:33 AM
    Would have been better if Sideshow/Hottoys picked this line up. NECA has some cool stuff like the Predators but I think the people who are likely to buy these would have rather spent a bit more to get good versions (assuming these are in the $50 range). Only the hardiest of hardcore Prometheus fans with bother with these I'd imagine.

    These head busts are all over the place and the detail is rough. A Hot Toys David with real material would have been mint I reckon (assuming these suits are plastic). Saying that we should be getting a Fassbender Magneto soon. I'll save my cash for that.
    It is official that HotToys is going to do Prometheus stuff.

    Really?! Sweet. 1/6 scale?? Just early information or any more details???
  9. LarsVader
    Quote from: Highland on Aug 06, 2012, 11:46:33 AM
    Would have been better if Sideshow/Hottoys picked this line up. NECA has some cool stuff like the Predators but I think the people who are likely to buy these would have rather spent a bit more to get good versions (assuming these are in the $50 range). Only the hardiest of hardcore Prometheus fans with bother with these I'd imagine.

    These head busts are all over the place and the detail is rough. A Hot Toys David with real material would have been mint I reckon (assuming these suits are plastic). Saying that we should be getting a Fassbender Magneto soon. I'll save my cash for that.
    It is official that HotToys is going to do Prometheus stuff.
  10. Nightmare Asylum
    With exclusive variants, including 'Dangling Head Ash', 'Half a Bishop', 'Bullet Hole Call', and 'Decapitated David'! Each figure also comes with a coupon for 50% off a bottle of Hood milk to be used with the figures to add a bit of that movie-like reality to their wounds! ;)
  11. Highland
    Would have been better if Sideshow/Hottoys picked this line up. NECA has some cool stuff like the Predators but I think the people who are likely to buy these would have rather spent a bit more to get good versions (assuming these are in the $50 range). Only the hardiest of hardcore Prometheus fans with bother with these I'd imagine.

    These head busts are all over the place and the detail is rough. A Hot Toys David with real material would have been mint I reckon (assuming these suits are plastic). Saying that we should be getting a Fassbender Magneto soon. I'll save my cash for that.
  12. delsaber8
    Quote from: AmazSpiderMan1 on Jul 28, 2012, 04:13:27 AM
    Prototype Mutated Fifield figure:

    That's cool, and I like how they are giving us some variety with the human figures and such, but honestly I'm more interested in the different creature figures such as the deacon, trilobite, etc. However that is not to say I won't be purchasing some of the human figures. Thanks for the update.
  13. Xenobluntz
    Quote from: psychonaut25 on Jul 13, 2012, 07:49:43 PM
    Quote from: Blacklabel on Jul 13, 2012, 07:46:56 PM
    ..if it looks like a penis and it has the same function of a penis.. then it probably is a penis.

    ...this entire franchise is weird. Damned aliens and their obsession with rape.  :laugh:

    And the irony is that the first proto-xeno-deacon-shit was created because two people who love each other make love. (one of them was infected with goo, but it doesn;t matter).

    Thats why I now call my daughter "The Deacon"...How can two people in love create sonething so grotesque and evil?!?!? lmao jk
  14. XenoVC
    Quote from: Sabres21768 on Jul 12, 2012, 06:47:39 AM
    Quote from: XenoVC on Jul 12, 2012, 06:30:22 AM
    I'd wager the Engineer vs Trilobite will be a TRU exclusive two pack, and I'd be willing to pick them both up together, as long as it isn't that disintegrating one, which doesn't even make much sense as he's not in his undies.

    He's not "disintegrating"...he's "burnt".
    At the end of the movie when he fought the Trilobite, the Engineer was burnt from the crash of the Juggernaught.

    Quote from: XenoVC on Jul 12, 2012, 06:30:22 AM
    Considering we still haven't got any human characters from the Alien series on the NECA side of things, this is a pleasing revelation.

    We do now...Hudson (and Hicks later) from NECA...

    Oooh, thanks for pointing that out about the burnt Engineer.

    Hicks and Hudson will definitely be picked up as well in that case.

    Michael Biehn's likeness must be out there for non Alien3 money now, also considering the skin in Colonial Marines.
  15. Sabres21768
    Check out the last pic of the Trilobite.  :o
  16. Jenga
    They really did a terrible job on the space jockey helmets. They are all warped and out of proportion to make them more human skull shaped which thankfully they did not do in the movie. The head that they examined and dissected in the film still had the same proportions of the original film.
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