Gamestop has revealed an image showing the four pre-order skins for Aliens: Colonial Marines by Sega and Gearbox Software. In the picture you can see the models for Sgt. Apone, Cpl. Hicks, Pvt. Hudson and Pvt. Drake.
If you want to pre-order the game at Gamestop you can do it here at their website.
Yea that pretty much sums it up for me, lol.
People complain just to complain.
And UK, Australia and NZ.
If you did a quick search on imdb, you'd notice that Michael Biehn actually has a lot of steady work in Hollywood. Still I'd love to see him offer his voice for Hicks for A:CM...but he might want to sue GBX for using his likeness first just like how he threatened to sue FOX for using his likeness in Alien3.
The really "cherry on the cake" though would be if GBX could get Bill Paxton to give some lines of voice for Hudson again. Hudson is the most "quotable" character in Aliens by far.
They're the same store, EB games is only in Canada
Yeah, same here. Their trade-in values are utter shit, but most of the time, my times at GameStop go off without a hitch.
There isn't a due date for the retail edition, but there is one for the Collector's Edition since a lot of people preorder them and supplies may quickly run out.
If your store is out of pre-orders then you're screwed. So all you have to do is make sure that you can reserve a copy.
I guess no Apone skin for people who pre-order in steam right?
they could use touchups but still props to the game
micheal biehn needs money now adays so i wouldnt be surprised if he did the voice
Is there a due date for pre ordering (besides the obvious Feb 12th)?
No idea what anyone's talking about
This is the most f**king accurate video of Gamestop I have ever seen, I even think THIS same guy was at the register when I went to PRE-ORDER a game, wasn't even there to buy one. I still have to go through this BS all the time. But at least I get good service at the one I go to.
yeah i do
Frost shouldve been in the lineup
And Vasquez isn't included because I don't f**king know! No one knows, except Gearbox.
Maybe they couldn't secure the rights for her specifically, maybe they (sadly) only let you use male players in mp, maybe they just thought these 4 were the best to include, maybe they know people want Vasquez and thus are saving her for paid DLC, we'll find out, now stop clogging the thread with useless questions at nothing.
And stop hitting your face boy, it makes you seem a fool
...and would somebody please tell me why in the hell Vasquez isn't part of the pre-order DLC. *facepalm x2*
Apone looks like a random black guy with a tash n a cigar (very Halo looking).
Other than that they look good.
(on a side note Hicks sleves should be green and have a USCM tat on it
It's very cool packaging.
Really? It's packaging.
Good point.
I wouldn't say they are free, exactly. The CE costs a bit more.
These come for free automatically in the Collector's Edition which you can get at amazon or Best Buy soon if they are not already available now. Out of curiosity, why do you hate GameStop?