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Aliens: Colonial Marines Fan Petition

Fans have started an online petition to ask for female characters to be an active part in the upcoming Aliens Colonial Marine videogame by Gearbox Software and Sega. If you agree with the below statement, you can sign the petition here.

While we fully support Gearbox, We would like to request the inclusion of playable females. The ALIENS franchise is dominated by strong females such as Ripley, Vasquez, Ferro, Dietrich and most importantly, The Queen. There is roughly 5-6 months before the game goes Gold and releases February 12th, 2013. We believe ALIENS is the perfect starting point for developers to start including playable females in more multiplayer shooters. And what better company to start this than Gearbox with the success of Borderlands and the benchmark shooter Brothers in Arms? 

There are many females that enjoy playing video games and are fans of the films who are tired of playing as a male all the time. Lets let Gearbox Software see how important this is to the ALIENS franchise!

“What we want is the ability to create a CUSTOM female to represent ourselves just like the men can, in multiplayer/co-op in order for us to “Become a Colonial Marine

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Comments: 206
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  1. Griffith
    Quote from: ShadowPred on Sep 02, 2012, 04:46:59 AM
    f**king congratulations Moosh! I cannot tell you how inspiring it is to see someone from our community rallying us together for a single cause, and making that cause succeed. I respect you completely and all I can say now is that I am honored to have played my part in this by having my signature in the petition.

    ^ ^ I second this

    also Moosh's name for the contest your name in A:CM

    We all want our name on ACM but I believe that no one else deserve this geek reward more than Moosh

    Congratz from Mexico  ;)
  2. ShadowPred
    f**king congratulations Moosh! I cannot tell you how inspiring it is to see someone from our community rallying us together for a single cause, and making that cause succeed. I respect you completely and all I can say now is that I am honored to have played my part in this by having my signature in the petition.
  3. FightFinda
    Thanks for the clarification, I really thought the far-right was Wierzbowski, oh well.

    Of course Moosh, a stranger is just a friend I haven't met :). It would be good if, when a playerbase gets established, we could have a gaggle of AVPGers all yelling "LET'S ROOOOCCKK!!" hehe.
  4. Moosh89
    Quote from: FightFinda on Sep 01, 2012, 01:07:20 PM
    Hmm, on that image I think I can see Ferro, Dietrich, Wierzbowski and Apone(?) but I'm really not sure who the big guy on the left is?

    By the way, I'll be getting this on PS3 no matter the outcome/reviews so if you need someone to ensure that the Aliens "Get Some!!" I'd be happy to join you and anyone else who's stuck for teammates.

    Left to right: Wierzbowski, Dietrich, Frost, Ferro & Spunkmeyer

    And if you are offering friendship to me, FOR SURE!!! Haha
  5. FightFinda
    Hmm, on that image I think I can see Ferro, Dietrich, Wierzbowski and Apone(?) but I'm really not sure who the big guy on the left is?

    By the way, I'll be getting this on PS3 no matter the outcome/reviews so if you need someone to ensure that the Aliens "Get Some!!" I'd be happy to join you and anyone else who's stuck for teammates.
  6. Moosh89
    I have a Hauppauge!, but I'm on PS3, although if enough of my forum buddies want me to, I might get it for 360 as well. I suck on 360 though, damn controller with my little weak hands!
  7. Moosh89
    Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, lets try not to give Sinister a hard time for sharing theirs :)

    I am sure they meant to harm or disrespect to this :)

    Quote from: Sinister Serenity on Sep 01, 2012, 02:56:54 AM

    I wouldn't mind female marines at all, in fact, I would like that.

    All is well, and Thanks for your support!

    Hopefully we will see female marines fighting alongside the male marines in the hives!, *Fingers crossed!!!*

  8. PVTDukeMorrison
    Quote from: ShadowPred on Sep 01, 2012, 02:52:19 AM
    Quote from: Sinister Serenity on Sep 01, 2012, 02:39:19 AM
    You know... I don't really understand the problem here. I mean.. I'm not sexist or anything, in fact im a big supporter to woman, but FFS you play as a marine in first person mode. Does it really matter? It doesn't make the game a "sausagefest".. This is a shooter/suspense game, not an RPG.

    Again, I honestly wouldn't care if they did end up putting female marines or if they didn't. I'm not against it, just not with it. It just seems like a waste of time.'s always better to see diversity in Multi-player, especially in an ALIENS game. f**king AvP 2010 was getting EXTREMELY old seeing the same bald marine running around. If you don't think diversity is important than I guess you would just like to see the same character model in every FPS game when playing multi-player, trust makes a difference because otherwise it's just completely stale.

    I've already seen the same Russian guy running around in call of duty for the past three years, diversity would a very, VERY welcome thing in my book
  9. ShadowPred
    Quote from: Sinister Serenity on Sep 01, 2012, 02:39:19 AM
    You know... I don't really understand the problem here. I mean.. I'm not sexist or anything, in fact im a big supporter to woman, but FFS you play as a marine in first person mode. Does it really matter? It doesn't make the game a "sausagefest".. This is a shooter/suspense game, not an RPG.

    Again, I honestly wouldn't care if they did end up putting female marines or if they didn't. I'm not against it, just not with it. It just seems like a waste of time.'s always better to see diversity in Multi-player, especially in an ALIENS game. f**king AvP 2010 was getting EXTREMELY old seeing the same bald marine running around. If you don't think diversity is important than I guess you would just like to see the same character model in every FPS game when playing multi-player, trust makes a difference because otherwise it's just completely stale.
  10. Moosh89
    Quote from: Sinister Serenity on Sep 01, 2012, 02:39:19 AM
    You know... I don't really understand the problem here. I mean.. I'm not sexist or anything, in fact im a big supporter to woman, but FFS you play as a marine in first person mode. Does it really matter? It doesn't make the game a "sausagefest".. This is a shooter/suspense game, not an RPG.

    Again, I honestly wouldn't care if they did end up putting female marines or if they didn't. I'm not against it, just not with it. It just seems like a waste of time.

    Quote from: Space Sweeper on Aug 27, 2012, 01:26:36 AM

    Aaaarrrr, absolute BADASSES!


    I respect your points Sinister Serenity :)

    However, ALIENS is about strong females, the Colonial Marines are a unisex fighting force, meaning Men and Women are equals, and a "true sequel" needs to represent this. Also, it is time that more females are represented in shooters, what better game than A:CM?

    And yes, Mr. "ADC" snapped this photo of the cast posing to promote the petition! :)
  11. Sinister Serenity
    You know... I don't really understand the problem here. I mean.. I'm not sexist or anything, in fact im a big supporter to woman, but FFS you play as a marine in first person mode. Does it really matter? It doesn't make the game a "sausagefest".. This is a shooter/suspense game, not an RPG.

    Again, I honestly wouldn't care if they did end up putting female marines or if they didn't. I'm not against it, just not with it. It just seems like a waste of time.

    Quote from: Space Sweeper on Aug 27, 2012, 01:26:36 AM

    Aaaarrrr, absolute BADASSES!

  12. Moosh89
    *****UPDATE, AUGUST 31ST, 2012*****

    Mr. Trevor Steedman has signed now!

    QuoteName: Trevor Steedman on Sep 1, 2012
    Comments: Hi Melissa, Trevor Steedman here, I played Pvt Weirzbowski in Aliens and I wholeheartedly support your cause and fully agree with what my fellow cast members here have said. Keep going girl and good luck! Luv, Trev x .

    There will be a video message from Mr. Steedman sometime tomorrow as well!

    Another step ahead! Congrats everyone!!!
  13. Moosh89
    Quote from: ShadowPred on Aug 31, 2012, 06:22:52 AM

    Not quite, It looks like Bella, and while she does indeed look playable and customizable (she is wearing different armour, nice "movie-like" armour!), Gearbox hasn't officially stated that there are playable females. (although it looks that way!)

    I hope that if there are, that you can build your own!, I hate being premade characters online (except the movie characters, I will like those!)
  14. Moosh89

    Yes!, My first ring I am offering for sale!, it turned out great!

    Now you can have a pet facehugger wrapped around your finger!!!

    More pr0n shots ;) :

    I kept the prices as low as possible!, I am only making (give or take) about $10 for each ring, the rest of the price goes to Shapeways for printing costs. They also handle shipping, which is separate but very reasonable!

    It usually takes about 3 weeks for me, and they deliver worldwide.

    My plan for the first bit of earnings is to buy more of these rings to personally send to the cast members who have signed and supported our petition as a Thank you! :)

    Many different materials to choose from including incredibly strong and flexible plastic, plastic with aluminum dust (not as strong as the Strong and Flexible), different mixtures of Stainless Steel, Gold Plated Stainless Steel and Sterling Silver.

    Pictured is Matte Gold Plated Stainless Steel. :acmaffirmative:

    Links to buy:

    SIZE 9:
    SIZE 10:
    SIZE 11:
    SIZE 12:

    Different sizes might be possible if enough demand is there, I can't see it going any smaller than Size 8 though, but I can go bigger if needed, although the price may need adjusting then :(

    *MODS, I hope this is OK!, think of it as "art" haha. I had to completely remodel this damn ring like 6 times!!! haha, so I am just shouting VICTORY!!, but my size won't print in steel :( (size 4.5)
  15. Moosh89

    *****UPDATE, AUGUST 21ST, 2012*****

    Just received an email from Ms. Colette Hiller!

    QuoteDear Melissa,

    I will sign your petition. And you can feel free to use my name to gain further support.

    Best wishes and best of luck!

    Colette Hiller – Corp Ferro

    Her name does not yet appear on the petition, unless she signed anonymously, But really, her email is good enough for me! :)

    Congrats everyone!
  16. Hudson
    That pretty much sums up everything one of my instructors in MOS school brought up when he claimed to be against females serving in combat. Men are just going to get too distracted by it. And honestly, with all of this recent media attention trying to push for females to serve in infantry units...most of the men in those units don't want them there, so it's going to create a bit more tension.

    This is a USMC perspective btw.
  17. shadowedge
    Quote from: Xenomorphine on Aug 19, 2012, 04:43:46 AM
    Quote from: shadowedge on Aug 16, 2012, 10:37:23 PM
    Very clever.

    I a just curious, is the American military equal when it comes to men and women? Or is any country equal yet? I know that there are some females in the armed forces here in the States but i do not know how they are treated in relation to the men or if they get the same benefits and stuff.

    I think we have a woman in my hometown who is a Colonel.

    It's... A bit of a sticky area, to be honest. Obviously, there are concerns about things like upper body strength, although, obviously, if a woman could pass the initial test for that, then so be it. From what I remember, though, the Israelis did studies on mixed gender front-line combat roles and human psychology has an unfortunate habit to enter operational procedure. Men are programmed to be more protective of female colleagues, for example and will take more risks to rescue them - and be plagued by more frustrations/stresses which can distract them, if female members of their unit are captured. This essentially leads to personnel being off their game, so to speak (and can even lead to motivations of revenge creeping into combat engagements and ignoring the recognised rules of engagement).

    There's also the topic of fraternisation, which does go on, even though it's not meant to. If you've ever witnessed an office romance and the negative consequences of that, this can be writ large in a life-or-death environment, where favouritism will tend to be suspected by others who are aware of the relationship, leading to trust issues, even if the pair, themselves, are somehow actively trying to avoid it and keep things strictly professional (although, again, considering human nature, favouritism is a real possibility).

    To a certain extent (it's not purely sexual, after all - people can have vested romantic feelings and be in a relationship without sex being involved), this latter problem can be eliminated, due to sleeping arrangements being separated (something which can't be done when bisexual/homosexual personnel enter the equation, for obvious reasons). But the first problem is still a risk to efficiency.

    Unless policy has changed, I think the Israelis still have women in front-line combat units, but got around it by making them female-exclusive.

    The unisex barracks/showering arrangements depicted in 'Starship Troopers' won't be happening any time soon, clearly, unless the Pentagon is allowed to implant mind-control chips in recruits' brains to rid them of basic human emotions. :)

    Yes, female personnel are frequently involved in firefights in support positions, but this is unavoidable. It's not the same thing as deliberately tempting fate in front-line 'dirty' infantry combat (and, it should be kept in mind, female personnel would be priority targets for militants trying to exploit these very psychological weaknesses, in the same way as innocent Jewish tourists are unfortunately more of a target for terrorists).

    That's why I think games which revolve around the Colonial Marines should be authentic and allow for female personnel, since the source material has been portrayed that way. But why I also have issues with the slightly self-righteous nature of the Twitter quote. Because there are are genuine psychological issues to take into account, which have absolutely nothing to do with sexism or assumptions about potential sexual assault, when discussing the pros and cons of having mixed-gender combat personnel units.

    With all that said, I love female military characters and own copies of the excellent 'Love My Rifle More Than You' and 'Dressed To Kill', which are the biographies of two female soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan and are very enlightening. One of the fiction novels I'm in the process of writing also centres around a female gunship pilot, set in the future, so... I'm all for more of this stuff being represented! But also of applying realism where possible!

    Thanks for the detailed reply! It is so informative, and honestly brings up some things that I never would have thought about.

    I will check out those two novels you mentioned. Good luck with yours as well, I hope it is a success.

    Were you by any chance in the military?
  18. Xenomorphine
    Quote from: shadowedge on Aug 16, 2012, 10:37:23 PM
    Very clever.

    I a just curious, is the American military equal when it comes to men and women? Or is any country equal yet? I know that there are some females in the armed forces here in the States but i do not know how they are treated in relation to the men or if they get the same benefits and stuff.

    I think we have a woman in my hometown who is a Colonel.

    It's... A bit of a sticky area, to be honest. Obviously, there are concerns about things like upper body strength, although, obviously, if a woman could pass the initial test for that, then so be it. From what I remember, though, the Israelis did studies on mixed gender front-line combat roles and human psychology has an unfortunate habit to enter operational procedure. Men are programmed to be more protective of female colleagues, for example and will take more risks to rescue them - and be plagued by more frustrations/stresses which can distract them, if female members of their unit are captured. This essentially leads to personnel being off their game, so to speak (and can even lead to motivations of revenge creeping into combat engagements and ignoring the recognised rules of engagement).

    There's also the topic of fraternisation, which does go on, even though it's not meant to. If you've ever witnessed an office romance and the negative consequences of that, this can be writ large in a life-or-death environment, where favouritism will tend to be suspected by others who are aware of the relationship, leading to trust issues, even if the pair, themselves, are somehow actively trying to avoid it and keep things strictly professional (although, again, considering human nature, favouritism is a real possibility).

    To a certain extent (it's not purely sexual, after all - people can have vested romantic feelings and be in a relationship without sex being involved), this latter problem can be eliminated, due to sleeping arrangements being separated (something which can't be done when bisexual/homosexual personnel enter the equation, for obvious reasons). But the first problem is still a risk to efficiency.

    Unless policy has changed, I think the Israelis still have women in front-line combat units, but got around it by making them female-exclusive.

    The unisex barracks/showering arrangements depicted in 'Starship Troopers' won't be happening any time soon, clearly, unless the Pentagon is allowed to implant mind-control chips in recruits' brains to rid them of basic human emotions. :)

    Yes, female personnel are frequently involved in firefights in support positions, but this is unavoidable. It's not the same thing as deliberately tempting fate in front-line 'dirty' infantry combat (and, it should be kept in mind, female personnel would be priority targets for militants trying to exploit these very psychological weaknesses, in the same way as innocent Jewish tourists are unfortunately more of a target for terrorists).

    That's why I think games which revolve around the Colonial Marines should be authentic and allow for female personnel, since the source material has been portrayed that way. But why I also have issues with the slightly self-righteous nature of the Twitter quote. Because there are are genuine psychological issues to take into account, which have absolutely nothing to do with sexism or assumptions about potential sexual assault, when discussing the pros and cons of having mixed-gender combat personnel units.

    With all that said, I love female military characters and own copies of the excellent 'Love My Rifle More Than You' and 'Dressed To Kill', which are the biographies of two female soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan and are very enlightening. One of the fiction novels I'm in the process of writing also centres around a female gunship pilot, set in the future, so... I'm all for more of this stuff being represented! But also of applying realism where possible!
  19. Moosh89
    Quote from: Bjørn Half-hand on Aug 17, 2012, 08:56:39 PM
    Quote from: Moosh89 on Aug 17, 2012, 08:53:52 PM
    Quote from: Bjørn Half-hand on Aug 17, 2012, 06:29:47 PM
    The petition is mentioned in the lastest issue of PSM3

    Thanks for the heads up!

    Anyone have a copy they can share here?

    It's a fairly small write up to be honest, I don't have a scanner but I'll happily type it up here for you in a minute.

    EDIT: Here you go;

    Aliens fans have started an online petition about the total absence of female marines in multiplayer. In the film female marines like vasquez play a huge role, and many see the Alien series as having a significant feminist message. Check the petition here:

    Thanks!, That's pretty cool that they even put a mini link in there too! :)
  20. Bjørn Half-hand
    Quote from: Moosh89 on Aug 17, 2012, 08:53:52 PM
    Quote from: Bjørn Half-hand on Aug 17, 2012, 06:29:47 PM
    The petition is mentioned in the lastest issue of PSM3

    Thanks for the heads up!

    Anyone have a copy they can share here?

    It's a fairly small write up to be honest, I don't have a scanner but I'll happily type it up here for you in a minute.

    EDIT: Here you go;

    Aliens fans have started an online petition about the total absence of female marines in multiplayer. In the film female marines like vasquez play a huge role, and many see the Alien series as having a significant feminist message. Check the petition here:

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