20th Century Fox have uploaded four new clips for Prometheus. The first entitled, Before The Adventure, shows Vickers talking to Shaw and Holloway before they start their mission. The second, Can’t Let It Be, shows Shaw climbing up to the surface before the Spacecraft takes flight. The third, Don’t Touch Anything, shows the main characters exploring the chambers and the fourth, We Made You Because We Could, is a discussion between Holloway and David.
Thanks to seeasea for the news.
That said, and keeping it in mind, I watched these clips and they're great. I particularly like the scene between David and Holloway. I hope they have a continued dynamic.
Isn´t that the same finger with the drop of black goo, in the close-up scene with the "Big things have small beginnings" phrase?
I think Holloway is about to enjoy a long drink with a special ingredient ...
Sounds an awful lot like Alien to me.
Weak story, Amazing visuals design.
The clincher for Alien was always creature design.
Take away dat awesome design and its just 10 little indians in space.
IE; Shaw sees the walls changing and THEY HAVE TO GO. It seems like there's a moment missing there.
They -just- got into the damn chamber. Literally. No time for any suspense or anything.
i liked fassbenders performance since some of the earliest clips, i knew he would shine out, i didn't know if he would shine out to everyone else though, glad to see he is to the critics so far!
Yeah world premiere at Le Grand Rex.
Though I'm disappointed for a World Premiere because I can't remember seeing any of the cast or director / screenwriter present.
I thought they would be there.
Even the most casual movie goer would likely look up Prometheus at IMDB before finding sites like AVPG & PF via Google.
I like what I see, but don't look forward to what could be an intrusive score.
I also know it's petty, but Shaw's accent really grates after hearing her trademark lines for so long
You've seen the movie?
As usual.
I was thinking that most of us, even the older Alien purists (don't mean that in a derogatory way) saw these movies as kids (I think every story I've heard from an Alien veteran begins, "I was a kid in 1979 when my dad/uncle/brother took me to see..."). I do doubt we'd be able to go into a new one with the same naivete or sense of wonder. The people who elevated Alien in '79 and into the 80's was the younger generation, the ones who existed before the 'franchise'. We've been both spoiled and disappointed by numerous sequels over the decades, as well as by other sci-fi landmarks. I think that if Prometheus is to sit in the pantheon next to Alien, or 2001, or Blade Runner, then it's likely going to be the younger fans who do this. I don't know.
Your sig pic is a spoiler, and not really appreciated. If you were desperate to be be spoiled that's your business but it'd be nice to keep images out of the equation for anyone who thinks they might have carefully navigated around this sort of thing - only to find your sig pic staring at them.
Leave it a week or so, maybe?
yeah and imagine you'll still get a movie that you are ready to watch anytime....thats all i need tbh, i dont really like resurrection but if this movie better than that then its a really cool movie and if its just as good as alien3 then its awesome for me
Also, LMG sucks, etc.
But Alien is now a classic.
Prometheus will never be unless you like the slasher thing aka AVP-R, the same story narrative ala AVP with stupid idea and concept that simply makes non sense.
The score doesn't match the atmosphere also.
And Visually there's only the beginning that is interesting. The rest of the movie is just... random.
Even the juggernaut feels weak compare to the Derelic in terms of atmospheres.
-we made you because we could
-imagine how dissapointing would be to hear that from your creators"
that gives me chills and its a big slap in the face for are the religious people
scenes like this, dialoges like this make a movie great if the plot is not so great..... for example FOR ME matrix was unique but its not my favourite movie but i luve some dialogues in it
Oh, you've seen it.
Oh, you haven't seen it.
hell, the plot isn't unique or interesting and shit, though that doesn't mean the movie will be bad.
hoping for good acting/voiceacting moments, some good dialogue, score/atmosphere combinations... ridley need to push the movie with those things if plot goes wrong
It was originally touted as two films when it was an Alien prequel, this shouldn't be a huge surprise. Although I thought Ridley was developing a host of new projects. Mind you, he'd have to stay quiet about a follow up to Prometheus until release anyway.
I don't get these boards sometimes. Everyone it seems has been bleating on about the fact this film must be a success for there to be a sequel, then low and behold it looks like that was the plan and anger rains down.
Fair enough, when I see the film I may be disappointed, but I'm struck by just how similar a lot of these criticisms are to those of ALIEN and Blade Runner. Perhaps some people just aren't as into Ridley Sci-Fi as they claimed.
If you want a story... read a book. If you want visuals... go see a movie. Simples.
Agreed, Fassbender's performance is absolutely riveting
Love the ampule room clip
Unfortunately every little bit of LMG's performance I've seen in every clip so far is cheesy and cringeworthy beyond belief
The music seems pretty 'meh' so far also, pretty forgettable...........hopefully I'll be proven wrong tomorrow when I see the movie, but based on what I've heard so far, I doubt the film score will blow me away......pretty sure the whole movie experience will be a very enjoyable ride overall though, and no doubt based on whats been shown so far, itll be visually staggering
I just wish the story would have been better. From the spoilers I have read so far there isn't anything new, surprising or unique in it. Is it really that hard nowadays to come up with something new?
didn't many critics hate ALIEN when it first came out?
Maybe they saw the french and british reviews
Ahh, exactly what they said about A L I E N in 79, bodes well then.
The film is basically out, it's not surprising clips are appearing. Very far from FOX desperation.
Scott can seriously f**k off and so can Lindelcock!!! If there is a sequel I hope someone who values story over visuals gets it. Without story, visuals mean nothing.
The only positive that I read about it is that its visually stunning. No praise for story. Bad sign.
Yup! Something gets a huge budget and you can see the film in segments before the actual film... and on top of that, style over substance.
First the film was shrouded in secrecy. Ridley and co. were doing everything to protect it and now we can piece together the movie via all the trailers, TV spots, featurettes and clips. And then there's also stills and behind the scenes photographs. If that's not enough, you can find a spoiler or two amidst the viral marketing.
I'm also eager to see some Idris Elba's badassery
'Dat Fassbender..
'Dat Noomi..
Also, too much music where silence would be more atmospheric.
Vickers seems to be a real cardboard cut-out two dimensional 'bad gal'.
On the plus side, Fassbender is damn good.
Nevertheless, thanks, Darkness, these four are marelous, the third one with ever-nosy David (oooops!) is my favourite!.. Someone got to order that bloody android to not grape ANYTHING before they left the ship!
And I love Aliens' music cue in it (like the drums)!
I liked the Head chamber clip, and shall be reserving my judgement for when i see the film for myself on Friday evening.