Gearbox and Sega’s upcoming Aliens: Colonial Marines videogame is the cover story of the latest issue of Games Master. The 6-page article features brand new (and kinda spoilerific) concept art pieces as well as some interesting bits about Weyland-Yutani’s role in the game. Click the image below to check out the magazine scans.
In related news, Sega has released a high quality screenshot today via Facebook. You can see it here.
They could have used Orichalcum in the walls, the mythic Atlantic metal.
This is featured in the Weyland Industries website, just bellow "oil":
I'm kind of curious why anyone would deem it worthwhile to live in LV-426? What was the Jorden family hoping to find? Why was LV-426 worth the expense of the AP?
I bet it had diamonds. Diamonds or gold.
Yes, multiple times. I'm sorry if I didn't memorize every scene down to the finest detail.
The aliens took up their hive in the atmosphere processor, so it was too hazardous to reinforce it with 'self repairing future metal'™ from the Derelict. Only HH was so reinforced.
You talking about Ferro's dropship? Did it hit the colony, cause I thought it crashed on the LV-426 surface away from the colony
it was a thermo nuclear explosion...therefore it is possible for the buildings as long as they are blastproof similar to a bunker (like most of the buildings in hadley's hope) the building would have remained intact....however all systems would have been fried and the map readout 'may' have had it's imaged burned onto the grass covering it.
The emense heat would have weakened but not melted the buildings. Probably
Just like Aliens Extermination with Alien Dragons in the teh coloneez!
Which blowns up again! But the Aliens crawling on the dropship at the end of Extermination might be how they get on the Sulaco!
I think that the Xeno's are on the Sulaco because after Alien 3, WY brought it back to Archeron (LV-426) to discreetly and easily recover specimens (eggs) from the Derelict, without having to draw attention to itself by bringing a big cargo frighter to Archeron. Then WY grew them to maturity and put them in some form of stasis... and then they got out and all hell broke loose. And along comes the Sephora...
I think gearbox had the freedom to go in a different direction if the story was solid, but ultimately they decided to go with something safer for a canonical game.
This means we get to explore the derelict. The devs were allowed an early sneak peek of prometheus, so they couldn't resist focusing the game on LV-426 (and I don't blame them! The derelict is legend.)
Not sure because I only would like to visit LV-426 briefly and have the rest of the game be set else where.
Its probably because thats how Fox and or Sega wanted it to Gearbox built a story around it.
Bishop don't know shit.
We have seen one demo from E3 of very unpolished footage and that footage was not ripped directly from the campaign because it was meant to be a giant set piece to impress the audience. In the real game I don't think HH will look as intact as it did there.
The AP isn't even 'almost completely destroyed'.
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Sure It isn't canonical Ash. Do you really think people with a brain are going to accept things like HH survival?, and that's just the first example we see in the videos; more is to come as soon as the game is released and we witness more storyline atrocities like this.
Oh yeah those guys, if they were put in "Aliens: Colonial Marines" now that would be cool.
Didn't mention the APC...
Allright gearbox. You've won me over.
For now.
The flight time is correct, but the egg was mounted in a corner inboard the Sulaco, not the APC.
It's not canon.
There's around 45-50 minutes flight time from the planet to the Sulaco for the Queen to lay an egg. For what it's worth.
Pretty much every Alien3 script - not just Wards - had not-entirely-convincing ways of bringing the Aliens back.
As for the mysterious egg in Alien 3, I think that was honestly just shitty shitty screenwriting. Not sure if it was Vincent Wards script that had that crap in it or not, but with the fiasco of a production that turned out to be.. I'm not left wondering how it got there, lol.
Think of it this way, the queen had an ovipositor that allowed it to lay eggs which she furiously ripped herself off of to chase Ripley, and sure, she could likely lay a single one as sort of a hive kick starter, but the other main problem is that once aboard the Sulaco she came out from her hiding spot on the dropship, chased Ripley for a few seconds, then chased Newt for like a minute tops, then spend the rest of her time fighting Ripley in the Power Loader... She literally didn't have time to lay the egg.
Anyhow, the main question is the one I'm most interested in because if this Is canon, it seems like one huuuuuge error. Meh. Can't wait to play the game tho!
The alien warriors are modeled after the xenos seen in ALIENS. (Cameron design)
And of course, a new xeno called "The Crusher." (Original design by gearbox)
I suspect we will see even more than those types.
Ditto. Came with a poster too I guess.