Fox has released a new interview with various Prometheus crew members about the production of the film’s sets and props. It includes comments on costume design as well as creature effects. Be aware of spoilers. You can read the full interview here or after the jump.
“We present the evolution of these nasty bits and pieces of creature evolution in a logical and biological fashion” says Scott. Adds Scanlan: “Each stage of a creature’s life cycle has a distinctive purpose. For our xenobiology, we brought in new elements that are not necessarily backward from those in Alien, but are of a similar DNA. Many of Ridley’s references are derived from nature – plants, vegetables, sea creatures and other animals. Nothing is invented.”
...more ''luncheon meat'', I'm guessing...
Are you spam?
Wow - that is an amazing flower! Can one get such a flower for ones home? I would love to order and get these serenata flowers delivered on line - is that possible? Or would it die?
Im with you 100% ThisBethesdaSea. I keep hoping for just a little more optimism about this film myself. But alas, you can't help how people feel.
Well, may we'll find out more and then know whether Neal Scanlan knows what he's talking about or not.
What's a better film, Alien or Blade Runner? I get the feeling Prometheus wont be comparable to Alien aside from the fact that it takes place in the same universe.
That's what I'm thinking as well.
Sometimes people seem to take things too literally.
I dont take it to literally mean they aren't willing to be a little creative with this movie..
Hope everyone here is having a good day!!
I've about had enough with the bitching and moaning. My response is not to gush (I'm no gushing fan). However cautious optimisnm is something that this board could use a bit more of.
Too many wink at the audience for one thing. Alien is a no bullshit movie. That's the problem. Every, but every, film suffers from at least one scene where they wink.
The closest serious attempt at another Alien was Event Horizon. It suffers from some bad editing, bad acting, and bad direction. It starts out fairly promising, but then loses itself to some very cheesy elements.
That's because they are imitations. Hannibal, it's direct sequel was (ironic time) cannibalizing on Silence by using what was a very insidious and interesting character as a primary focus. Too much of a good thing. Plus the over use of gore and carnage, something the original movie used sparingly.
I would say that "Red Dragon" though a remake, was actually a very successful film. IMHO it does a fairly good job of matching Lambs.
Because large portions of the population can't be bothered with said art form to begin with? I'm kidding of course. You make a valid point. it really you Zordon?
If it's not that hard to achieve that level of filmmaking, how come Alien haven't been beat yet? There have been/are plenty of A level directors doing their very best in the horror/sci-fi genre.
It's like how Silence Of The Lambs completely redefined a genre and made most subsequent films dealing with the same themes, look like poor imitations by comparison, including its own sequel and prequels.
Why haven't anyone made sculptures more impressive than what the renaissance era artists offered, advancing the artform to the next level?
Correct me if i'm wrong Cvalda, I certainly don't mean to put words in your mouth, but that really sounds like it comes with an air of "Well, what do you expect?" Like Alien is on such a high playing field nothing can touch it? I mean, Alien is a classic, it's a great movie, but what makes it great isn't that hard to achieve... and with everything we've learned in the last 30 years since Alien was made, both about astronomy, cosmology, biology, and all the technical advancements, that a new story could blow Alien out of the water? I think it's possible. For me, right now, the only thing that marks against this film is the AA theory involvement. If the rest of the movie can at least handle itself as an adult film, I don't see how this film can't match Alien at least.
I think it has a chance to be better then Alien. Not a huge chance, but a chance none the less.
Just remember: this will not be as good as ALIEN, not by a looooooong margin. But it will still be good (hopefully), full stop.
At least I didn't link to a "nothing can stop the Juggernaut Bitch" gif that i have been expecting someone to post all day.
Well said, indeed.
Certainly, and we're all very very excited. The fact that many of us choose to analyse all the details and not simply stop at "WOW $#^%! I JUST JIZZED MYSELF!" Show's we are far more deeply excited. This is a pretty big moment in film history. I don't think there's anyone who isn't on some level excited about this picture.
Why, exactly, does it matter to you what bothers other people? Seriously. If you enjoy something, go ahead, but a forum is all about discussion, from the minute details to the huge ones. It shouldn't hurt your ability to enjoy the film proper if some of us dislike certain details.
Now, can we gaze at this picture for a minute and get a bit excited that this film comes out in just over a month?
I have simply expressed concern with the production designers statements, which imply that the alien life / creatures, featured in the film, are derived from terrestrial examples...and specifically, the perplexing qualification that "nothing was invented". If you folks wish to categorize my specific post as a formal complaint, then that is your choice.
Virgil, with all due respect, these are two entirely different issues. Tossing aside human evolution and development, and possibly re-writing Earth's life history, are what I have "complaints" with.
He can do anything he wants with alien biology. In fact, the less it resembles terrestrial biology, the better, IMHO.
Deuterium, in another thread you're complaining that the plot is not historically factual enough for you (or at least in keeping with our known biological history).
Now you're complaining that Ridley is not utilising enough imagination or invention?
Deuterium, it begs the question.....did Ridley Scott steal candy from you when you were a baby?
Is this supposed to be something to be especially proud of? Many of the best science-fiction stories, involving alien life, make impressive use of imagination and "invention". In fact, some of the most memorable aliens in SF literature are those that are truly "alien", and have no correspondence or correlation with terrestrial Life. Just sayin...
Perhaps the eggs are vegetables? They seem to be rooted into the ground.
However it sure sounds like Ridley's going to have interspecies rape in Prometheus... I wonder if it lasts for more than 2 minutes?
do you remember this scene in the trailer, where this indefinable, blue tendril appears?
that may be the explanation for the plant-statement of scott.
or vegetable
I'm impressed .
the Hydnora africana, an unusual flesh-colored, parasitic flower that attacks the nearby roots of shrubby in arid deserts of South Africa. The putrid-smelling blossom attracts herds of carrion beetles.
Sometimes it's how they function that's that plant that infects ants....I think they probably meant 'vegetation.'
Plants and sea-creatures I can buy into - they do some creepy shit - but vegetables? Why the hell did he mention vegetables? Out beloved xeno was partly modeled on insects, and our new beast is partly modeled on.... vegetables!?
I don't know about you guys, but I am struggling to think of anything noteworthy that vegetables do, other than be tasty and nutritious.
We are spoiling ourselves already for several years with the leaks & discussing them
I guess this is now the official name for the alien ship. Not sure about it myself. Thoughts?
There's no birth scene in the trailer, either you've drawn that conclusion or you've been looking at spoilers. ?
So maybe, besides the Engineer, there is only one other creature, but shown at different stages of growth, from a small stage to maturity.