Sega & Gearbox Software have recently taken the latest multiplayer and single player builds of the upcoming Aliens: Colonial Marines videogame to PAX East 2012 in Boston. Amongst all those gamers was AvPGalaxy forum member Tonks (Scott). Tonks was kind enough to write up an article regarding his day one impressions on the event for us. You can find it here.
“The demo was a good showcase and really looked the part. Details were clear and the sound was great. The experience was a mix of action and storytelling with good pacing and it impressed me. The assets looked great in the game and it all felt like it belonged in the universe – because, as Chris pointed out with Fox treating it as canon – it has to.”
You can find a whole lot of pictures from the first day of PAX east here at our forums. Once again, thanks to Tonks for taking the time to go represent AvPGalaxy at the expo and writing up his impressions as well as Sega and Gearbox for their amazing support.
Husky = Tonks as pointed out on the OP
Make sure to read it. He did an amazing job as usual.
These reports continue to rock. The bit about the dodge ability was socool.
Is this the same person as Tonks? I couldn't find anyone by the name of Tonks on the member list.
Hope you guys like it - I'll have another report for you after Sunday's Gearbox Panel!
Thanks! I appreciate the feedback.
That's a placeholder, GameStop just does that because they're don't know when.
Until GEARBOX AND SEGA reveal a release date, it's still FALL 2012
gamestop said 1/1/2013
Health regenerates over time. I can't really say how fast as it was kind of hectic and by the time your deep in the red you're probably dead anyway. I do think this time I played I actually died from being exposed to too much acid blood. I had stepped over a dead xeno by mistake which caused my marine to suddenly slow down as fumes filled my view, then a few seconds later I just keeled over. Probably because I was being an idiot and stepped into another dead Alien.
I don't think I saw any female marines in the gameplay.
I also sadly never got my hands on the smartgun so I can't really say how many rounds there were total or if it could be picked up after the person carrying it was killed.
The Lurker (Giger Alien), the soldier (warrior Alien) and the crusher were the only 3 they had available. They did mention there will probably be more, but didn't allude to what kind or what their special skills would be.
It looked like playing as the crusher was a lot of fun.
Do players quickly regen health over time?
Are female marines available in multiplayer?
How much ammo does the smartgun have and is it the same amount with every pickup? Can this item be acquired from a corpse?
Are there any other aliens besides the drone/stalker, warrior, and crusher?
Thanks again!
You hold down the left analog to run. Sprinting feels like a pretty natural speed. At least I never felt like they moved to slow or too fast.
Noticed that the Alien appears to have a dodge move, which I think is attributed to a chosen skill. By pressing the left bumper it seemed like the Alien player was able to quickly dodge to avoid fire.
Was able to kill a few aliens as they were ready to execute my fellow marines which was really cool.
Got executed by a lurker Alien, which also looked great.
I don't know if this was specific to my game, but it seemed like the alternate fire to the smg was a shotgun and the alternate fire to the shotgun was a grenade launcher.
How fast did the marines move? Also was there an always run option or did you have to push a button to run?
If you consider 6/12 close to 12 then sure.
I doubt ACM will be that bad. Considering Duke Nukem was a 12 year old game that kept getting scrapped and restarted and eventually ended up being released just to release it.
Thanks a lot guys, keep it up. I'm continually just very impressed by the effort GBX is throwing down.
To be fair, we've seen lots of good intentions end up with less-than-stellar products, but they really seem to be backing up their claims with some solid gameplay. The work definitely shows.
I'm so ready to play.
"These glow in the dark!"
From GBX:
If you could get more details about the MP, such as how many modes there were, unlock trees etc that would be great!
Thank you all for the feedback - sorry if it's a little disjointed. I tried to take as many notes as I could in a short time. If you have specific questions, I'm happy to answer them or ask. I can't promise you'll get an answer, but it can't hurt. Remember that the panel on Sunday may reveal more, too. I'll have a write up of that, too.
Confirmation Aliens can be played in multiplayer, then...
Very nice review Tonks! I am so glad this game is looking to be real deal. The balanced multiplayer sounds fantastic as does the character weights. AVP 2010 felt like you were weighing 80 pounds of armor.
Also the story sounds good too for SP! Please keep up the reviews!
I am excite.
I read the day 1 impressions and I am even more excited for this game now. Gearbox is going to deliver, I just know it.
As I mentioned on the front page, thanks to Tonks for taking the time to go represent AvPGalaxy at the expo and writing up his impressions as well as Sega and Gearbox for their support. He did an amazing job today
Another picture from Tonks.
Edit: More cool pictures from Tonks.
According to Tonks, TDM only. Aliens controlled by GBX staffers and Marines for attenders.
Edit: According to Tonks, cameras are no allowed at the event
Also: "Multiplayer: pulse rifle, shotty, and smg unlocked for demo. Smart gun can be picked up during round"
Another pic from Tonks. This is what you get for being our rep. Thanks to GBX and Sega.