You should all remember Dennis Lowe, one of the SFX artists behind Alien, producing a number of fantastic documentaries called Alien Makers. A year or so back he also produced a documentary called Alien Fans, looking at how the movie had effected the life of those who had watched it.
Dennis has now released his second Alien Fans video, this one including the fantastic Andrew David Clark, the man behind the upcoming Aliens Encounters: 25 Years of Superior Fan Power and Gareth Ellner, AKA Abe T. Alien amongst others. Be sure to check out the rest of Dennis’ work on his website!
I also loved his genuine passion for ALIEN and ALIENS but his genuine hatred for the films that followed- ALIEN 3 onwards.
I cannot stress how right he was about ALIEN 3 almost killing the franchise to the point of no return.
As for that musician guy at the end (who took up the last 20 minutes) he was creepy
But props to that CGI guy in the middle- a perfect interviewee and I loved his story.
I agree, he was so insightful. I wish he were my friend, I could spend hours down the pub talking to him.
thought the same thing it looks awesome
Okay, I watched it, and I was very impressed by it and I thought that the musician at the end was amazingly perceptive about many elements of the movie that I hadn't thought about in terms of the characters