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Aliens Colonial Marines Q&A with Gearbox Software

We are happy to announce that we will be doing a Q&A with Gearbox Software about Sega’s Aliens Colonial Marines very soon. Not only that, but we are also giving our readers the chance to get involved and submit their own questions. You are free to ask whatever you want about this upcoming title. Just bear in mind, Gearbox Software and Sega are still working on the game and hence some aspects can’t be answered yet.

 Aliens Colonial Marines Q&A with Gearbox Software

You have until Sunday, January 29th to send us your questions via this thread on the forum. A selection of the best and most commonly asked questions will be submitted to be answered shortly after that date.

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  1. Baldbasturd
    Recently a new user has popped up on the A;CM forums.  She has asked repeatedly for a female version of the main playable character "Winter".

    I'm not going to ask for a playable female lead, I'm demanding it.

    Strong female leads have always played a role in this series.  In multiple interviews, you have stated that you are "Huge fans", and that you "are proud to be working on a series you've been stealing from" your whole careers.  Please do the series justice and include a female version of the lead.

    The legacy here is even more important.  Alien, and Aliens were some of the first Action/Scifii/Horror movies to portray a woman in a lead role, not to mention an a$$ kicker. Now, just as then, women in video games are more often objectified than celebrated.  They serve the bouncing boobie, damsel in distress role.  Yes, there strong roles, see Mass Effect.  But lets be honest, those roles are few and far between.

    Take this opportunity to help change things.  Continue the legacy of the movies, and create a strong female lead in the tradition of Ripley, and Vasquez.  Hell even Newt was pretty damn tough!

    One more thing.

    Let's face it Gearbox, after the blatant misogyny that went on in Duke Nukem, YOU OWE THE LADIES ONE.  Ya, Ya, I know, you pretty much published a finished game, but your names on it, so you own it. 

    I don't care if you have to delay the game into 2013....GET IT DONE!!

    P.S.  Sorry for the tone, I really am overall very encouraged by your work so far, but this user's signature is "My wheelchair lift reminds me of the Power Loader and every time I use it, I want to yell "Get away from her you Bitch!"".  You don't get any more inspirational than that!
  2. ikarop
    Quote from: AvatarIII on Jan 29, 2012, 08:00:09 PM
    Quote from: HicksUSCM on Jan 29, 2012, 07:45:23 PM
    Its almost 30th here. Where are the answers ?

    We have until today to ask questions, and then they need to be collated and selected, then interview is probably tomorrow, hopefully we'll have the answers on tuesday.

    It doesn't exactly work like that. Now we will pick the best and most commonly asked question and re-write them for the interview. Once we're done with that the studio will answer them. The approval process takes while too. So it will be a few weeks before the interview gets published.
  3. AndrewJJ
    I doubt this question will be asked, being as no one else has brought it up or seems to care... but will any themes from James Horner's score be incorporated into the game's soundtrack? I'll be a little disappointed if there isn't. Horner's score is a huge part of the Aliens experience for me.
  4. Crazy Rich
    Quote from: Hellspawn28 on Jan 29, 2012, 07:46:12 AM
    - Would it be possible that we could see the Newborn from Alien: Resurrection?

    I don't see that happening at all. Newborn was born many years after the events of Alien 3, if not thousands of years if I recall correctly, Newborn was one of the results of mixed xenomorph and human DNA, cloned Ripley's human DNA and the xenomorph DNA of a Queen to be exact. I think Newborn was born by accident on top of that, from all the previous failed Ripley clones you can tell their particular cloning project is a science that hasn't been fully mastered yet. A science that I believe doesn't exist at the time of Aliens and Alien 3, to my knowledge.
  5. Ratchetcomand
    - If this games does well then would a possible stand alone Predator game or a AVP game from Gearbox be possible in the near future?

    - Would it be possible that we could see the Newborn from Alien: Resurrection?
  6. Space Disc Jockey
    I'm just going to ask a bunch of questions. I don't know how many of these have been asked:

    1. Is there a leveling system? Can weapons and armor be upgraded?
    2. Are there perks\skill trees?
    3. Character classes\customization?
    4. Can armor be damaged by acid and be torn off?
    5. Are there interactive (button-response) cut-scenes?
    6. Are there side missions and not just a main mission?
    7. Is it possible to loot weapons, ammo, etc from dead bodies?
    8. Is it possible to go to third-person view?
    9. Is there a cover system?
    10. Is possible to have multiple\alternate endings, based on choices or difficulty?
    11. Can the player become facehugged and impregnated with a chestburster?
    12. Will there be a Horde\Survival mode?
    13. Will there be any driving or flying sections?
    14. Will any characters from "Aliens" make a cameo in the game?
    15. Will the Aliens always try to kill you or can you be coccooned?
    16. Are there any sentry guns (maybe for a Horde mode?)
    17. Is it possible to play as an Alien in some kind of mode?

    Thank you. I can't wait for the game and I know delaying the game only means a better product.
  7. Stringer2355
    If the game fails to make it's creative goals again do you have a alternative play style that could suffice in order to make the fall release or is it possible again for it to be delayed again or even cancelled ?
  8. Nero the Jackal
    I got the basic questions.

    Does the story conflict in anyway with the Alien FILM franchise continuity?
    and would the colony still existing be explained?

    Would the egg of from the sulaco be explained as well?

    Would there be different modes of Multiplayer as well as co-op?
    and could players jump in and out of a game that has already started? (in AVP 2010, players could only start new matches which frustrated many people and was very limiting, lack of a host migration was also a problem)

    Will there be many annoying or exploitable glitches in Multiplayer?
    (this frustrated many players on AVP 2010, a few examples of a few glitches would be getting attacked and damaged by a heavy melee attack from an alien or predator despite being a meter or more away from the attacker, another is getting stealth killed when you are out of reach or are facing the attacker.) I understand some can't be ironed out in time when it is released though they should eventually be fixed with patches unlike with AVP 2010

    Would any new types of aliens (such as the crusher) be explained rather than just being in the game for entertainment purposes? (radiation would be a very poor excuse.) and most of us never did like the Newborn or Predalien (and especially its new life-cycle)

    Will the fact that the atmosphere on LV-426 being still breathable be explained? (the processor was destroyed and the only possible explanation is cut from a script and added in a novel which is in the expanded universe which is not considered canon by many, and since some are saying this new game is supposed to fit with the film canon then it has to go by the film franchise's rules)

    Does the game have a lengthy campaign and a high replay value?

    so far that is all my questions.
  9. Razz
    It is backwards but we're living in the "want it now generation" Newbeing, people just don't have patience.Much rather have a polished fine tuned game than a buggy mess of crap just because a few crybabies on AVPG didn't want to wait for it.

    As for 15 hours, to hell with that! Much rather have a sweet ass kicking 8-10 hour game with tons of replayable modes/multiplayer and content than a shooter that wears out its welcome well before the 15 hour mark.
  10. newbeing
    Quote from: FUBAR1945 on Jan 28, 2012, 04:08:19 PM
    Quote from: chupacabras acheronsis on Jan 28, 2012, 03:16:54 PM
    Quote from: Space Sweeper on Jan 28, 2012, 01:39:40 PM
    Quote from: chupacabras acheronsis on Jan 28, 2012, 02:54:21 AM
    Quote from: PVTDukeMorrison on Jan 28, 2012, 02:36:25 AM
    Quote from: FUBAR1945 on Jan 28, 2012, 01:31:06 AM

    How long is the Single Player campaing? less than 15h = NOT BUYING

    They will fix the weapons and xenos sounds to looks more like the movie?

    Less than 15 hours? This isn't an RPG...moron

    what dark times we live in when a game that has more than 10 hours of play is rare?
    A standard first person shooter? Modern times.

    but we don't want a standard first person shooter.

    thanks god someone with brains!

    Im waiting this game since 2008. I dont want a standard FPS! I want made my wait/and my money worthy it!
    And now this delay again...tsc...tsc.

    Btw Duke no need to call names :S

    Wait... you upset about the delay, which is allowing them more time to fine tune their gameplay and make a better game? That seems kind of backwards to me.
  11. FUBAR1945
    Quote from: chupacabras acheronsis on Jan 28, 2012, 03:16:54 PM
    Quote from: Space Sweeper on Jan 28, 2012, 01:39:40 PM
    Quote from: chupacabras acheronsis on Jan 28, 2012, 02:54:21 AM
    Quote from: PVTDukeMorrison on Jan 28, 2012, 02:36:25 AM
    Quote from: FUBAR1945 on Jan 28, 2012, 01:31:06 AM

    How long is the Single Player campaing? less than 15h = NOT BUYING

    They will fix the weapons and xenos sounds to looks more like the movie?

    Less than 15 hours? This isn't an RPG...moron

    what dark times we live in when a game that has more than 10 hours of play is rare?
    A standard first person shooter? Modern times.

    but we don't want a standard first person shooter.

    thanks god someone with brains!

    Im waiting this game since 2008. I dont want a standard FPS! I want made my wait/and my money worthy it!
    And now this delay again...tsc...tsc.

    Btw Duke no need to call names :S
  12. chupacabras acheronsis
    Quote from: Space Sweeper on Jan 28, 2012, 01:39:40 PM
    Quote from: chupacabras acheronsis on Jan 28, 2012, 02:54:21 AM
    Quote from: PVTDukeMorrison on Jan 28, 2012, 02:36:25 AM
    Quote from: FUBAR1945 on Jan 28, 2012, 01:31:06 AM

    How long is the Single Player campaing? less than 15h = NOT BUYING

    They will fix the weapons and xenos sounds to looks more like the movie?

    Less than 15 hours? This isn't an RPG...moron

    what dark times we live in when a game that has more than 10 hours of play is rare?
    A standard first person shooter? Modern times.

    but we don't want a standard first person shooter.
  13. CyberDemon13
    I second the   "Will the Giger Alien design be used?" question.

    Also, what can you tell us about the "melee system;" is it more of a L4D "all-purpose knockback?" or is it more akin to the AvP 2010 "rock-paper-scissors" system?

    Thanks! :)
  14. Space Sweeper
    Quote from: chupacabras acheronsis on Jan 28, 2012, 02:54:21 AM
    Quote from: PVTDukeMorrison on Jan 28, 2012, 02:36:25 AM
    Quote from: FUBAR1945 on Jan 28, 2012, 01:31:06 AM

    How long is the Single Player campaing? less than 15h = NOT BUYING

    They will fix the weapons and xenos sounds to looks more like the movie?

    Less than 15 hours? This isn't an RPG...moron

    what dark times we live in when a game that has more than 10 hours of play is rare?
    A standard first person shooter? Modern times.
  15. chupacabras acheronsis
    Quote from: PVTDukeMorrison on Jan 28, 2012, 02:36:25 AM
    Quote from: FUBAR1945 on Jan 28, 2012, 01:31:06 AM

    How long is the Single Player campaing? less than 15h = NOT BUYING

    They will fix the weapons and xenos sounds to looks more like the movie?

    Less than 15 hours? This isn't an RPG...moron

    what dark times we live in when a game that has more than 10 hours of play is rare?
  16. Xhan
    Does Timegate have playable Aliens implemented

    Will the PC version support tessellation

    Have red-green and blue-yellow color blindness issues been addressed

    Are the controls fully customizable including numpad/keypad support for the PC

    Where the *&#@^ is the Scout
  17. FUBAR1945

    How long is the Single Player campaing? less than 15h = NOT BUYING

    They will fix the weapons and xenos sounds to looks more like the movie?

  18. Klyde
    -Do you actually read the Gearbox forums for A:CM and use some idea's from there in the game?
    -Are any Characters from Aliens gonna be in the game, like Hudson, Burke, or Weirzbowski?
    -As for the reason the Crushers are in the game, is it still the result of Radiation mutating the surviving Xenomorphs, or are they the evolved form of a couple Xeno's, for example, a few Warrior's, like a Drone to a Preatorian, and Preatorian to Queen?
    -Are there Preatorians in the game?
    -Does your health regenerate or do you use med-packs?
    -Are the AI marines actually going to be helpful?
    -When will A:CM come out?
  19. Moosh89
    Just wanted to echo some more, and add some of my own, hope its OK! :)

    - Will we be able to play as a female marine, either in Single Player or Multiplayer, if not, why not?

    - Will we be able to draw or place graffitti on our armour and weapons? I had suggested an idea to use stickers, like primitive shapes, letters and numbers with the ability to manipulate them and have a sticker limit for armour and weapons, similar to Modnation Racers on the PS3

    - How much support will A:CM receive after release?

    - What kinds of DLC can we expect?

    - Will there be "Dual sign in" splitscreen on PS3 and XBOX 360? Like where you and a friend can each sign into their account on the same system?

    - Will there be a theatre mode in Multiplayer?

    - Will the PS3 version use L1/R1 for aiming and firing? This is very important to me due to my physical disability and difficulty using L2/R2 for aiming and firing.

    - Will there be a multiplayer map of the Colony "pre-blast" with everything intact?

    - How many difficulty modes will there be?

    - Will you be able to use the welder at your own free will, or are there only certain times you can use it?

    - Does the welder also cut like in the movie? can we use it to open up new routes?

    - Can we use the welder as a crude weapon to kill other humans or androids if we run out of ammo?

    - In multiplayer, can we play as Aliens or Androids?

    - Can we get a multiplayer map of Gateway, complete with the Colonial Marines Academy, the hospital, the cargo docks and the apartments where Ripley and Jones live?

    - In multiplayer, can we pick and choose which ONE gadget we carry and use like a welder, a hacking pad, a sentry gun, etc?

    - How many weapons, gadgets and things are you implementing from the technical manual?

    - Will vehicles like the Power Loader, APC, Dropship or even the technical manuals Tanks be drivable in multiplayer?

    - Tell us something that will blow our minds about the gameplay in A:CM (that we don't already know!)

    - Have you redone any of the voice acting since the E3 demo?

    - Can you give us a vague schedule of when info will be released up until fall?

    - Can you give us a month of when A:CM will finally release?

    - Will there be a playable demo before release? either for single player or multiplayer?

    - Will there be a multiplayer beta? if so, Closed or Public? and how do we get access?

    - Was the leaked Collectors Edition legitimate? will anything change from it?

    - Will there be any special guests making an appearance in the game? You do not have to name who it will be

    - On IMDB, it says "Weirzbowski" is a character, is this the same Weirzbowski from the movie? or is it a brother? or simply an error?

    - If Aliens are playable online or in single player, is it possible to change your stance from quadruped to bipedal, also is it possible to change your stance as a marine like "standing", "crouched" or "prone"?

    I think thats all for now, if I think of any more I'll try to add them to this post before time runs out to edit, if not, I'll probably reply while quoting this post and add more in

  20. DRAKE M.
    AVP 2010 was a huge let-down. Did you guys learn anything from Rebellion's mistakes with the combat system, multi-player issues and total lack of the extras that make a game great?
  21. Razz
    I only have one question.

    -Will we get to see this game on the show floor come E3? My biggest disappointment about E3 last year was the game being shown behind closed doors, i really hope ACM has more exposure this year and to those in the community.
  22. szkoki
    What are like the main characters?

    /since years ago there are not detailed characters in some games like it was in resident evil, extermination, dino crisis, silent hill...there is only a main character who is nothing just a name and an angry commander and a buddy (like in avp 1-2-3, doom, turok and i could continue...) and thats all  you can tell about them even after finishing the game...its all about just shooting and shouting, lame/

    So whats up with CM?
  23. Ash 937

    Ask them this with a straight face:

    With all of the development delays for the game, will GBX have an opportunity to connect story elements in A:CM with Ridley Scott's upcoming film, Prometheus?

    I wouldn't necessarily want an answer to this question but I think it would be great if you could just describe their faces to the community after you ask it.

  24. RabidNinja
    Glad to hopefully get some answers on an exciting upcoming game.

    My questions would be these:

    Will we get answers as to where the Crusher came from and will their be more of a variety of xenomorphs?

    (i)Will the Pulse rifle still "Tote" its original sound and will it still have the iron sights shown in the demo?
    (ii) If the iron sights on the PR are still around in the full game, we will be able to use an ADS (Aim Down Sights) system?

    Will the Sulaco be fully searchable?

    Will we have the ability to pilot a Power Loader, APC or Dropship in MP or SP? (Preferred question to be used if chosen)

    And finally, will any special guests make a cameo appearance?

    That is all :)
  25. Roargathor
    Will players be able to play as the Aliens during Multilayer?

    If so, will you be exploring different game modes like for instance a hive defense/rescue the humans mode?  It would be amazing to have a game mode that had seperate objectives for humans and aliens.  Aliens would defend the hive and cocoon hosts, marines would rescue hosts before impregnation and possibly kill the queen to win.  I feel that in prior aliens games the hive aspects have been largely ignored.  Will we be seeing more emphasis on the aliens hive structure with the queens egg layer and chamber? 
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