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Aliens Infestation Developer Diary 4 Released

Gearbox has published the fourth developer diary for Aliens Infestation. This time around, WayForward’s Adam Tierney covers everything from the equipment and weapons to the mobility of the Colonial Marines. You can read the full entry here at Gearboxity. Did you miss any of the previous entries? You can find them here.

The barely-seen UA-571C Sentry Guns make an appearance in the game (both in assistance, and resistance, to the player). There seems to be a real cult following around this particular piece of technology, since it was seen so briefly in the film, so we were glad to be able to pull it into the game in a more substantial way.

In related news, it’s Free Stuff Friday over at Sega! This week Sega is giving away some really nice prizes to celebrate the release of Aliens Infestation. Prizes include a copy of the game, Aliens Infestation buttons and a very special (and animated!) framed art piece from the game. Head over to the Sega blogs for more information. Thanks to Sega PR for the news.

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Comments: 3
  1. predxeno
    So between the 6 bios AvPGalaxy posted and all the bios in these 2 developer diaries and the new one ikarop just linked us to, that's all the bios, right?

    Also, I especially love the last developer diary.  Very informative.  How many of us are just going to keep restarting the game to keep our marines alive? ;) :D  I might.  Judging by how amped up this game has been, this small 2D shooter for the DS just might prove to be more successful than the big 3D HD shooter by Gearbox that's supposed to be due to come out in 2012.
  2. ikarop
    And the last dev diaries are here:

    They include the rest of Chris Bachalo's head shots that were first revealed at our website.

    Edit: The last 2 bios are not featured in the article but you can find it here:
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