Aurum Press, the Quayside Publishing Group and AvPGalaxy have teamed up to give 2 AvPGalaxy fans the chance to win a copy of the eagerly awaiting Alien Vault – The Definite Story of Making the Film. We have one copy available for residents of the United Kingdom and one copy available for those in Northern America.
All you have to do is head on over to our Facebook page, Like the page and then head into the Discussion board where you will you will find a question that needs answering.
If you think you know the answer simply follow the instructions and e-mail me the answer along with your real-name so we can check you are “liking” us on Facebook. This competition will be open until Saturday night (9pm GMT). Good luck to everyone!
EDIT: And the competition was over last night! Winners will be announced later on tonight.
Actually, it's only £14.99 at Amazon UK.
bollocks, book depository won't let me cancel, yes i am annoyed at the loss of £1.99
hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Alien Vault is available for £16.98 at The Book Depository with free worldwide delivery.
have they got back to you yet? was it the US or UK winner? if it was the UK winner, maybe the email got lost in my junk box....
Ian'll be selling some at the convention, I bet. Failing that, here is a deal I secured for AvPG readers:
£20 is the discounted price he sold them at for the Empire Big Screen.
Did you send them a PM or an email?
It's not me, so I'll have his copy! My bribe didn't work the first time around
As soon as I read this a tense tune came on when I was watching the Dark Knight. Kind of like I'm in the middle of maaking a film. Here comes the ending theme of the film. Seriously.
Does this mean you will?
All of them?
Sent you a PM Cpl Hicks, telling you my currnet Email just in case.
How will you get the address? Do you mean email address?
Ok Thanks.
Only a few hours left on the competition guys!
I did.
We should be working out a discount price for AvPGalaxy visitors. Bear with us.
The name on it is Jack Lewis and its a UK submission.
eBay? Amazon?
Now, where can I get a copy of this book in Australia?
He deleted it pretty quickly, fear not.
Good luck with it everyone.