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Aliens Infestation Developer Diary Released

Sega has just posted the first developer diary from WayForward, developers of Aliens: Infestation. This first entry discusses the origins of the game as well as WayForward’s involvement with Gearbox Software and Colonial Marines. You can read the full entry here (part one) and here (part two).

The origins of Aliens: Infestation starts with the original concepts for the Gearbox Aliens: Colonial Marines game. We were given an outline of their story, but I didn’t want to simply re-tell their tale in 2D. I wanted to conceive a game that played in the cracks of their game. So I set out to write a companion piece, a story with events that were running concurrent with the events in their game; not just parallel, but also intersecting.

We can reveal that the next entry is going to focus on the gameplay specifically and some of the game mechanics. As well as that, twenty-one new screenshots of the game have been released today. You can find them all at our forums. Thanks to newbeing and Sega PR for the news.

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Comments: 17
  1. ikarop
    And the new screenshots:
  2. Ash 937
    Quote from: predxeno on Sep 13, 2011, 07:07:15 PM
    So this game is going to be like a side-story to Aliens: Colonial Marines?  Why do AVP games always come out on different consoles?  First it was the PSP, then the iPod, and now the 3DS.  I want all the AVP games just to come out on the same console for once.

    I for one couldn't be happier that these games are being released on the consoles they are announced for.  When Alien vs. Predator came out for the SNES, I owned a Sega Genesis.  When Alien trilogy came out for the PS1, I owned a 3DO.  When Alien Resurrection came out for the PS1, I owned a Dreamcast.  Now that I finally own both a DS and a 360, I am very pleased that these games are finally going to be released on consoles that I own.  It only took about 15 years for this to happen.  LOL.
  3. predxeno
    So this game is going to be like a side-story to Aliens: Colonial Marines?  Why do AVP games always come out on different consoles?  First it was the PSP, then the iPod, and now the 3DS.  I want all the AVP games just to come out on the same console for once.
  4. Xenomrph
    With Wayforward and Gearbox collaborating, and with the settings of both Infestation and Colonial Marines mirroring each other, I kind of figured the two games would be companion pieces for one another. I'm glad to see the developer diary confirms it. :)

    My DS came in the mail yesterday, definitely looking forward to getting the game ASAP.
  5. Ash 937
    The Dropship in the first pic looks very cool.  The Weyland-Yutani banner on the wall in one of the pics also made me smile.  It's obvious that WayForward has some fans of the franchise working for them.   
  6. ikarop
    A bunch of screenshots got released as well:
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