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New Colonial Marines Trailer

Gamespot has just released a new trailer for Aliens Colonial Marines. This video gives the first real glimpse of the game so make sure to check it below. Alternatively, you can download the trailer in HD here.

In related news, Nuts magazine has recently published a new article and screenshot of the game. You can find the scans at our forums.

We have also confirmed with Sega and Gearbox that there will be ‘a lot more‘ cool stuff coming this Friday on Gamespot.

Update: PAX Prime starts this Friday, August 26th, and as you know Colonial Marines will be there. When asked for comment on whether or not cameras will be allowed at the Sega booth, Sega told us: “There will be no need for cameras“. Stay tuned!

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  1. Chris!(($$))!
    Well Hicks was trying to hold on to him and I think Hudson stuck his PR down there in attempt to shoot it plus I doubt the space below the floor in ALIENS was probably small. Imagine trying to pull someone down while laying down on your stomach.
  2. Ash 937
    Quote from: Bio Mech Hunter on Sep 02, 2011, 09:12:44 PM
    Whenever we saw an Alien grab anyone from above in any of the films, it was effortless and it was swift (and they didn't make so much racket). None of this bullshit "it's struggling to carry the human" garbage. They essentially flew up the side of the wall or up into a shaft with the human in tow. These bastards are big, they're cunning, they're tough, and they're strong as hell. No more of these pansy ass Aliens, already.

    Every time a xeno grabs a victim from the top down it does seem effortless.  This is obvious when Brett gets killed in Alien and when Andrews gets killed in Alien3.  In Aliens however, the xenos appear to struggle when they take Hudson and use the bottom down approach.  Go figure. 

  3. Never say no to Panda!

    Jesus! This was the most uninspiring thing (and unscary- if this word exist) that i ever saw in my life  :-X

    It was like: OMG, don't stand around there b*atch, step to the right to trigger the script! Damn, do it ... i'm running out of HDD space, only 7 more seconds to record !
  4. Bio Mech Hunter
    Whoah, I didn't know any prototype footage of Aliens: Crucible was out there. :D Still, it IS just the prototype. Things have a way of changing during the development process. :-\ So who knows?

    Anyway, I agree. It was a crime it got canned. >:(
  5. The Xenoborg
    Quote from: Bio Mech Hunter on Sep 02, 2011, 09:12:44 PM
    Quote from: Greedy Fat Xenoborg on Sep 02, 2011, 11:36:31 AM
    Quote from: Gate on Sep 02, 2011, 11:23:03 AM
    Am I the only one slighly disappointed on my first analysis of the trailer?

    Half of what I see came STRAIGHT From Alien vs Predator 2010, which I hoped to God they wouldn't incorporate too much. The Alien's movements, the sounds, how some of it plays.

    Another thing that always irks me, and incidentally gives us a window into the mind of a dev and how they perceive the Alien's physical prowess, is when you see an Alien reach down from a ceiling (or a vent in a ceiling/wall, whatever) to grab a human and you see it kinda struggle pulling him/her up. Sometimes even briefly losing it's grip. Obviously I'm referring to scripted events. Whenever I see this crap, I can't help but think, "these devs need to watch the f***'n movies again".

    Whenever we saw an Alien grab anyone from above in any of the films, it was effortless and it was swift (and they didn't make so much racket). None of this bullshit "it's struggling to carry the human" garbage. They essentially flew up the side of the wall or up into a shaft with the human in tow. These bastards are big, they're cunning, they're tough, and they're strong as hell. No more of these pansy ass Aliens, already.
    This game pulled it off properly. :)

    Too bad this was cancelled.
  6. Bio Mech Hunter
    Well, I'm in agreement with you Chris. So far, aside from a few relatively small quips, A:CM is looking to be the kind of game we've been waiting a very long time for.

    What I was saying about their strength was a general gripe with their portrayal in past Alien/AVP games and how I'm hoping what we see in the A:CM trailer is a sign of things to come.
  7. Chris!(($$))!
    I can't tell whether all of you saying it looks like AvP2010 are idiots or just trolling. The trailer was taken from footage of the E3 or GamesCon/Pax Prime demo. In A:CM we can aim and crouch two major features missing from AvP2010. The Xenos look better even if they may not be the 100% right size they are near it.
    When we see the footage finally released then we can finally judge it. But so far it seems to be leaps and bounds better than AvP2010.
  8. Bio Mech Hunter
    Quote from: Greedy Fat Xenoborg on Sep 02, 2011, 11:36:31 AM
    Quote from: Gate on Sep 02, 2011, 11:23:03 AM
    Am I the only one slighly disappointed on my first analysis of the trailer?

    Half of what I see came STRAIGHT From Alien vs Predator 2010, which I hoped to God they wouldn't incorporate too much. The Alien's movements, the sounds, how some of it plays.
    I'm rather worried about their short-sizes, their quadrupedal movements and their role as cannon fodder.
    Also, they came out of vents and shafts like they did in AvP2010, openly, to be blasted off by pulse rifles.
    I agree with your first two points, both need to be addressed ASAP, but I disagree with the rest. We saw what? One, two Aliens getting blasted? The rest of the trailer showed them literally slaughtering the Marines. You gotta admit they've never been portrayed like this in a game trailer before. Very much in line with their movie-counterparts.

    I hope their quadrupedal movement is kept to a minimum and contextually appropriate. Not like how it was in AVP when they were ALWAYS on all fours. Even spike, the runner in Alien 3, used bipedal movement quite a bit.

    Another thing that always irks me, and incidentally gives us a window into the mind of a dev and how they perceive the Alien's physical prowess, is when you see an Alien reach down from a ceiling (or a vent in a ceiling/wall, whatever) to grab a human and you see it kinda struggle pulling him/her up. Sometimes even briefly losing it's grip. Obviously I'm referring to scripted events. Whenever I see this crap, I can't help but think, "these devs need to watch the f***'n movies again".

    Whenever we saw an Alien grab anyone from above in any of the films, it was effortless and it was swift (and they didn't make so much racket). None of this bullshit "it's struggling to carry the human" garbage. They essentially flew up the side of the wall or up into a shaft with the human in tow. These bastards are big, they're cunning, they're tough, and they're strong as hell. No more of these pansy ass Aliens, already.

    I suppose by making them about 6-7' tall, devs can justify their physically weak portrayal in the games (especially games that also feature Preds, i.e. any AVP game). Why devs have been doing this in the first place is beyond me. It's been going on for about 15 years now and I'm hoping GB will set the standard.
  9. The Xenoborg
    Quote from: Gate on Sep 02, 2011, 11:23:03 AM
    Am I the only one slighly disappointed on my first analysis of the trailer?

    Half of what I see came STRAIGHT From Alien vs Predator 2010, which I hoped to God they wouldn't incorporate too much. The Alien's movements, the sounds, how some of it plays.
    I'm rather worried about their short-sizes, their quadrupedal movements and their role as cannon fodder.
    Also, they came out of vents and shafts like they did in AvP2010, openly, to be blasted off by pulse rifles.
  10. Gate
    Am I the only one slighly disappointed on my first analysis of the trailer?

    Half of what I see came STRAIGHT From Alien vs Predator 2010, which I hoped to God they wouldn't incorporate too much. The Alien's movements, the sounds, how some of it plays.
  11. ikarop
    Leave Gamespot alone guys...

    We're currently waiting for an official comment from Sega to post at the site. I know some of you are pissed about this but that's all I can say for now. Meanwhile, let's all enjoy that super awesome gameplay trailer from last week.
  12. williammcnasty#awesome92
    cant wait to see lances henrikson reprise as a droid charactor :D, i was having a shitty day having to go to court for a speeding ticket and all that vanished when i saw this
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