I’ve just been sent the newest poster for the upcoming Aliens Encounters: 25 Years of Aliens convention which includes new details:
Isn’t my name Aaron Percival? That’s right, I’m talking on a panel with Ian Nathan (Empire writer and author of Alien Vault) and Christian Fowler of Alien Prequel News. There is also going to be a dinner party with the guests and the guys over at Alien Legacy. Myself, Vulhala & resident Giger approved blogger Valaquen are going so make sure you buy a ticket and join us.
Britain’s largest Aliens convention kicks off this Saturday at the Space Centre in Leicester.
As you can see there’s plenty to do over the weekend. Quite a few of our forum members are going and I’ll be speaking during the Prometheus panel as well. Make sure you get down there and enjoy yourselves.
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For the FX panel I'd love to hear what their thoughts on the evolution of FX are. Obviously some of them did physical models but that's moved towards CGI now. What are their thoughts?
And for Charlie I'd like to know what kind of features we'll be looking at for Prometheus. Are we talking as exhaustive a set as the Alien Anthology?
Aliens Epilogue, I'm not sure but a 12 I'd imagine – over to you Darren...
Ok Thanks.
The Space Centre is pretty easy to get around and there will be plenty of marines around you can ask but there will be something to tell you what's on and where with a map included.
Will there be a form or something telling us were all these things are? Or is the Space Centre a simple place to get around.
Harry's Aliens collection will be available to view all day, both days, in the main galleries area. You won't be able to miss it
The same goes for anything else, that isn't a panel, like the UKCM and RPF prop displays for example.
Thanks .
Also will there be age restriction for the Panels, or is it only Alien Encounters and Aliens Epilouge?
Is there a schedule that covers where the events are that don't come on at certain times? I.e The Harry Harris Alien collection.
And dinner instructions:
What sort of time were you guys going to meet, just so I know what time to haul out of bed.
And AvPGers that are going, shall we have an allocated meeting area before we start. Tinyeyes and Johnny Gore and I will be meeting outside the Space Centre. If it helps people I can provide my PingChat ID or mob. number if you're going to help make sure we all meet up.
With the show fast approaching we thought it would be a good idea to ask people what sort of things they would like to hear about at the various talks that will be going on.
Here are the talks we would like to hear your questions for.
Cast panel with
Ricco Ross
Cynthia Scott
Daniel Kash
Trevor Steedman
Colette Hiller
Prometheus panel with
Aaron Percival (AVP Galaxy)
Christian Fowler (Alien prequel news)
Ian Nathan (Author Alien Vault/Empire magazine)
Aliens Blu Ray Anthology panel with
Charles De Lauzirika
FX Panel with
Steve Begg (Aliens, models)
Chrissie Overs (Aliens, Queen sculptor)
Chris Trice (AVP, models)
Just say which panel your question is for and if it is for specific panel member.
He was. All the actors are.
And no worries, Darren. Can't wait to see them both.
Just a quick note. Since Charles de Lauzirika has now been added to the line up (he will have a talk both days btw) there simply wasn't enough space left in the schedule to show Aliens Epilogue and Alien Ecounters on both days. We had to make the decision to show each one on one day only, so Encounters will now be on the Saturday at 15:45 and Epilogue on the Sunday at the same time. Sorry if this is bad news for any of you guys that can only make it on one of the days but I think the addition of Charles more than makes it a worthwhile decision
I'm also going to force myself to get over my irrational hatred of large social gatherings and book a place at the dinner. Yay! And I'm going to do that right now before my nerves fail me.
Here's an info page for the dinner. Book soon as tickets are selling fast.
Ta in advance! I will definitely be coming to this so it'll be good to meet you all, put some names to faces
Cpl Hicks or mods, please feel free to edit this post and embed if you prefer.
And well put, ADC. I couldn't imagine having to have done that. Thank God for a car. It's the rarity of these events that really has me excited for it. Plus the opportunity to half-inch one of those pulse rifles...I hope Darren's is there, I'll be gone like a flash
Regarding the dinner (and new today) you can now reserve a place. Email Malika at: marketing@spacecentre.co.uk for reservations, with just your name and how many places you want to reserve. Cut off date to send payment is September 16th. So, reserve a place and then you have until Sept 16th to pay. Only do this if you're sure you're coming though. It's great she's allowed this to happen as it'll help those save up for it.
To anyone sitting on the fence I say this: get your arse to Mars. I mean, Leicester. It's only £13 for the weekend plus a fiver for a go in the Alien Encounter and a £1 in the box to attend the Cast talk. For £19 that's amazing and all proceeds are helping sick people enjoy movies in hospital. If you can only go for one day, no worries, other than one panel you'll see it all anyway.
I went to the '99 Aliens convention at Shepperton, it took me nine hours to hitch hike there and I had to camp in a field that night but it was worth it. If you live far away, put up with a long journey on the National Express coach, it's cheap, will take forever but it's worth the hassle. The last Aliens Convention was that one in 1999 so I guess you can see what I'm saying.
Right now we're trying to get Charles de Lauzirika to come over from LA and do a 'making of panel'. As many here will know, he's the man behind the Alien Anthology BD (& DVD) box sets. He'll be able to answer questions on what was missed from the Blu Ray, what is left over, what you'd like to see next time.
He made the documentaries and masterminded the Rawlings cut of Alien 3 and that's just the tip of the ice berg. He's also a really cool guy and I'm lucky to count him as a friend. He's also making the behind the scenes docs for Prometheus. I think his panel would be the most interesting to me personally, since his experience covers all the Alien series and he will, one would imagine, be associated with the franchise on an ongoing basis.
Sorry I missed this! I've only done 3 conventions before myself so I'm not overly knowledgeable but I do believe there's a few things that will only happen on one day. The dinner and Prometheus panel I believe are Saturday only. Oh and there's an FX panel on the Saturday only. On Sunday there's a panel with Terry English about the armor.
Otherwise it's stuff like having photos with the guests, getting autographs, there's usually panels by the actors. They usually have retail sections but I don't know about this?
They'll be premiering Aliens Epilogue and there'll be a showing of the Aliens Encounter documentary. And, of course, a chance to meet up with a bunch of like-minded fans.
Oh and we've got another in our party, Jonny Gore. He's a lurker, AvP XB player that I spent a while talking to last night. He's been trying to get to game night for a while.
Not a problem. I'm very keen to help make this event successful. Thanks for keeping me in the loop.
Many thanks to Cpl Hicks for keeping you all updated.
And I'm pming you, Tyrant.
Because this sounds fabulous.
Still sporting the cornrow style hair?
BTW guys, I've been asked about recordings of the Prometheus panel and ADC has kindly informed me:
I will be filming (using crew) all the panels/Q&As exclusively so there will be no video shot by the audience allowed. And if I catch anyone as covert or spy like as me trying to do so I'll stop proceedings! You know what I mean. ;-)
All the other stuff though is fine to video including the Alien Encounter, and I encourage people to do so. Believe, bruv – there'll be loads to capture on the ol' smart phone or camcorder.
There is a good reason I'm being strict about the talks. I'd rather have high quality versions of the panels out there and as you know by now my philosophy is very much about sharing and bringing the 'factions' of the Alien fan community together.
So I decided to film the panels properly with good sound and they'll be edited and put on a DVD which will be sold for £10, for up to two months after the show. When that two month period is up, I'll put all the panels on YouTube for everyone to see. I want all the people that can't get there or can't afford to go to see them. I'll also torrent the DVDs for people to burn for themselves, along with artwork.
So why the DVDs to be sold? Because I want to raise more money for Medi Cinema. If I sell 50 DVDs I'll raise another £500 and that would make me a very happy camper. Know what I mean? You can google Medi Cinema, it's a great cause.