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Prometheus at San Diego Comic Con

The Prometheus panel at the San Diego Comic Con has minutes ago wrapped up. Instead of a trailer being shown, some sort of featurette containing behind-the-scenes footage and movie footage was screened instead. After this Damon Lindelof and Charlize Theron presented the panel with Ridley Scott and Noomi Rapace  joined in via satellite uplink from Iceland.

The footage and panel revealed this about Prometheus:

  •  Many of the sets, spaceships, space suits and the look in general appeared very reminiscent of Alien. Repeated comments are that the sets are “epic and expansive“.
  • In the footage the “Prometheus” title card slowly faded onto screen much in the same manner as the original “Alien” title.
  • Michael Fassbender’s character, David, is shown looking curiously at a drop of blood on his finger.
  • Charlize Theron’s character, Vickers, was also seen doing naked push-ups and wielding a flame-thrower. Vickers is revealed to “be a suit“. IndieWire is taking this to mean she’s the head of Weyland-Yutani. Theron also comments that: “She[Vickers] runs a tight ship… but she’s somehow ‘going to be a problem“. 
  • Ridley Scott comments on the long wait for his return to science-fiction: “I was busy doing other movies and exploring other genres and, frankly, I never thought about sci-fi until I realized there was something in the first Alien that no one ever asked a question about. In the next one, still no exploration of that big question, so maybe that can be the centerpiece of what we just complete.  But we’ve decided to go a complete other direction… In the last few minutes of the movie… you’ll actually understand what I’m talking about . “
  • The majority of the film is shot practically with very little CG. However, it was all shot entirely in 3D which is a format that Scott is quite taken with. “I’ll never work without 3D again, I loved the whole process… 3D opens up the universe even in a small dialogue scene, so I’ve been very impressed with that.”
  • According to Ridley there will “maybe be two” androids featuring in Prometheus. We’re already aware that Fassbender’s character, David, is an android so this leaves the second a mystery.
  • Noomi Rapace comments on how “demanding” working on Prometheus has been. “It’s been the best journey ever. When I read the script, I was thrilled. Then when we started to work on this, I completely forgot about everything, it felt like we were discovering something that I haven’t been in before.”
  • A bombshell was dropped in that Fox are wanting Prometheus to be rated PG-13. Lindelof asked: “has the PG-13 rating inhibited you?” to which Ridley replied he has a responsibility to Fox but he also wanted to make sure he had both opens. In all likelihood we’ll see a PG-13 theatrical release and an uncut Blu-ray release.
  • Bleeding Cool state that: “Scott has said that he hasn’t held back and has covered stuff that might not make the PG-13 cut, but that he and Tom Rothman “will watch the footage in that big theatre at Fox” and decide what is the best way to go with the film.”
  • According to Empire they saw: “a creature getting flamethrowered” during the footage. This could possibly be the footage with Vickers and the flamethrower.

Thanks to First Showing and Coming Soon for their fantastic live blogs. You can also check out Bleeding Cool’s impressions/report from their first hand seat at the panel.

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  1. harlock
    ^ Nice idea.

    I am reminded of the old anime Armitage III though, where a new type of robot is built with a combination of organic and man-made material that can actually get pregnant.
  2. ThisBethesdaSea
    Fresh and cutting edge may imply that David has an intimate physical relationship with another male or female 'human' crew member. This could perhaps lead to a pregnancy of some sort strange offspring etc... I strongly believe sexuality will be a large factor in this story. I don't think it will be so much a component of a relationship as it will be a subject of exploration. It obviously won't be graphic but it will be talked about and flashed at enough to procure fascination from the audience.

    Just an idea.
  3. Kol
    Quote from: zuzuki on Jul 25, 2011, 12:29:33 PM
    Quote from: Kol on Jul 24, 2011, 05:05:37 PM
    Quote from: ThisBethesdaSea on Jul 24, 2011, 04:29:33 PM
    Human genetically manipulated into other biological material is at least plausible. Turning metal into living tissue is quite another leap entirely.

    but the alien and the space jockey are biomechanical. is this plausible?
    are we taling about the space jockeys who created the bio-mechanical ships in wich they ride?and created the xenomorphs?yes they can make a android into a human.and remeber ridley said androids and robots are old in science he needs to do something fresh and cutting edge with this idea.anyway it's not that hard to believe in a movie where ships are piloted by giant heads :laugh:

    i'm wondering 'bout this head since yesterday... wtf? :D
  4. zuzuki
    Quote from: Kol on Jul 24, 2011, 05:05:37 PM
    Quote from: ThisBethesdaSea on Jul 24, 2011, 04:29:33 PM
    Human genetically manipulated into other biological material is at least plausible. Turning metal into living tissue is quite another leap entirely.

    but the alien and the space jockey are biomechanical. is this plausible?
    are we taling about the space jockeys who created the bio-mechanical ships in wich they ride?and created the xenomorphs?yes they can make a android into a human.and remeber ridley said androids and robots are old in science he needs to do something fresh and cutting edge with this idea.anyway it's not that hard to believe in a movie where ships are piloted by giant heads :laugh:
  5. Kol
    Quote from: harlock on Jul 24, 2011, 07:12:46 PM
    Apparently we wont see the exact ship that landed on LV-426, it'll be a different Jockey ship involved (I'm guessing we will see one due to the confirmation of the Giant Dune Head acting as a pilot).
    This apparent recombinant goo could in theory combine with David, enveloping and egg-morphing the android into a version of the alien egg we know.
    I think with the eggs in the Derelict, that these were Jockeys egg-morphed (perhaps by the goo) and so their bio-mechanical traits get passed on to the facehuggers within, a half-mechanical version of the jelly-fish like goop the original eggs spawned.

    I always wondered if these eggs were egg-morphed Jockeys, why they were so small compared to the Pilot really, however if the goop combines with a creature to form an egg, the chrysalis of the egg could absorb and combine with the matter of the host making the egg a set size...

    Now I think that the goop has to combine with a creature to make it a viable egg with a type of facehugger inside. We know somehow a facehugger gets on a Jockey in both films to create a large alien. Its possible the goop to be a type of biohazard, it is accidentally touched by a cut on David, this egg-morphs him, creating a proto-facehugger which infects a Jockey.

    On the Derelict, a similar event could have happened to accidentally egg-morph a Jockey and thus another gets face-hugged (the Pilot) leading to the ship on LV-426 that we all know.


    great thoughts!

    i agree with the broad consent, that dAvID will morph into a pre-alien/egg phase in which the creation of the alien species will set mark (hopefully).

    but if that event won't happen, to be not disappointed that much, i'm looking forward to his transcendently trip of becoming a hybrid between human/synthetic.
    surely, it will set under a spiritual context that shows each scene that will be devoted to fundamental keywords as: to evolve of awareness through fear, paranoia, love, depression, freedom and through acute pain.

    i bet not only the opening scene will have their 2001 influence!
  6. wmmvrrvrrmm
    Quote from: harlock on Jul 24, 2011, 07:12:46 PM

    I always wondered if these eggs were egg-morphed Jockeys, why they were so small compared to the Pilot really, however if the goop combines with a creature to form an egg, the chrysalis of the egg could absorb and combine with the matter of the host making the egg a set size...

    Scott's original concept for the spores were that they use the host as food rather than transform the host into an egg like thing by other means. So Brett and Dalla's body were being absorbed and enveloped.
  7. azrael55
    Quote from: ThisBethesdaSea on Jul 24, 2011, 04:29:33 PM
    Human genetically manipulated into other biological material is at least plausible. Turning metal into living tissue is quite another leap entirely.

    that's limited thinking from a human perspective ;) as i said, for the space jockeys it might not even make a difference...

    anyhow, as to the point of the whole story of turning an android into a human being or similar? i don't know. but reading some of the descriptions of the footage shown, something like this COULD be part of the movie - and the android(s) really seem to have a bigger part in this movie than they had in the previous ones. looking forward to finding out what ridley, spaihts and lindelof came up with.
  8. harlock
    Apparently we wont see the exact ship that landed on LV-426, it'll be a different Jockey ship involved (I'm guessing we will see one due to the confirmation of the Giant Dune Head acting as a pilot).
    This apparent recombinant goo could in theory combine with David, enveloping and egg-morphing the android into a version of the alien egg we know.
    I think with the eggs in the Derelict, that these were Jockeys egg-morphed (perhaps by the goo) and so their bio-mechanical traits get passed on to the facehuggers within, a half-mechanical version of the jelly-fish like goop the original eggs spawned.

    I always wondered if these eggs were egg-morphed Jockeys, why they were so small compared to the Pilot really, however if the goop combines with a creature to form an egg, the chrysalis of the egg could absorb and combine with the matter of the host making the egg a set size...

    Now I think that the goop has to combine with a creature to make it a viable egg with a type of facehugger inside. We know somehow a facehugger gets on a Jockey in both films to create a large alien. Its possible the goop to be a type of biohazard, it is accidentally touched by a cut on David, this egg-morphs him, creating a proto-facehugger which infects a Jockey.

    On the Derelict, a similar event could have happened to accidentally egg-morph a Jockey and thus another gets face-hugged (the Pilot) leading to the ship on LV-426 that we all know.

  9. Bat Chain Puller
    Quote from: deuterium on Jul 24, 2011, 03:55:54 PM
    As to the question of turning an android (or Replicant) from the Alien (Bladerunner) universe into a human...I would argue "what is the point".

    Demonstration of power ... or a simple fatherly "No son, THIS is how you tie a shoe" depending on your take.

    Quote from: ThisBethesdaSea on Jul 24, 2011, 04:29:33 PM
    Human genetically manipulated into other biological material is at least plausible. Turning metal into living tissue is quite another leap entirely.

    It is my understanding that Ash/Bishop and other Alien/Aliens era androids are made of a synthetic tissue. An imitation of flesh ... perhaps more closely related to genetics than machine robotics in the nut and bolt sense.  We're not talking about turning the T-800 endo-skeleton into real flesh and bone here.
  10. Kol
    Quote from: wmmvrrvrrmm on Jul 24, 2011, 02:32:24 PM
    Quote from: Bat Chain Puller on Jul 22, 2011, 08:20:22 PM
    Whether or not the Jockeys had a hand in creating man specifically, or not ... there will be way more to them than just terraforming. The very name Prometheus recalls 'stealing power from the Gods' ... and that power won't be 'terraforming' in terms of planet prep. There will also be something to do with life itself. Other wise you couldn't consider them Gods, but Intergalactic Bus Boys who just clean the table for the next customer.

    Hmm, in Greek Kythology, Prometheus was responsible for creating mankind

    and animals!

    BUT he stole the fire of zeus and did one big mistake: when it was on people to sacrifice a bull, prometheus did two batches, both covered with the leathern skin of the animal to hide what's inside. the bigger one, chosen by zeus was only a fake, coz it we're only full of bones and intestines. and the other one, left for the humans had the delicious meat in it.

    zeus knew that, but would annihilate prometheus for that betrayal.
    the rest with the vulture that is feeding on prometheus stomach is (myth)history...

    ha, maybe the particular member of the ship who steal the technology will also get punished with this:

    that would be a reversed but cool conclusion to this plot, coz it would fit to the myth literarily.
  11. Deuterium
    Quote from: azrael55 on Jul 24, 2011, 08:20:19 AM
    i find it a bit odd, that almost everybody seemed to like the concept of a human being morphed into an alien egg but when it comes to turning an android into something that resembles a real person so many people seem to totally reject the idea. yeah, i mean there is certainly a difference as the egg was organic matter and an android is not or at least not fully, but that might not be of any importance for the kind of technology that the space jockeys have available. anyway, i'm sure that ridley scott wouldn't make the whole thing come across as some kind of pinochio story...

    anyway, i like that the android aspects of the story seem to be really important - as i think fassbender is probably the best actor besides rapace in that movie and i'm looking forward to seeing some amazing performances in prometheus.

    As to the question of turning an android (or Replicant) from the Alien (Bladerunner) universe into a human...I would argue "what is the point".  I mean, both of these "synthetic" life-forms appear not only to be sentient and intelligent, but fully self-aware, concious, and self reflective beings.  It also appears they have a moral existence (e.g. Batty or Bishop).  They already have all the attributes of being "human".  The only difference is from a physiological/biological standpoint.  In fact, one might even argue that they are post-human, and in fact superior to true Homo sapiens.  Putting aside the limited life-time of Bladerunner's Replicants, I am not sure that either Bishop or a Batty would consider it an improvement if they were somehow turned into a "true" human.
  12. Pn2501
    Quote from: wmmvrrvrrmm on Jul 24, 2011, 02:32:24 PM
    Quote from: Bat Chain Puller on Jul 22, 2011, 08:20:22 PM
    Whether or not the Jockeys had a hand in creating man specifically, or not ... there will be way more to them than just terraforming. The very name Prometheus recalls 'stealing power from the Gods' ... and that power won't be 'terraforming' in terms of planet prep. There will also be something to do with life itself. Other wise you couldn't consider them Gods, but Intergalactic Bus Boys who just clean the table for the next customer.

    Hmm, in Greek Kythology, Prometheus was responsible for creating mankind
    It really depends on the interpretation, Ridley could be following any of the many interpretations.
  13. wmmvrrvrrmm
    Quote from: Bat Chain Puller on Jul 22, 2011, 08:20:22 PM
    Whether or not the Jockeys had a hand in creating man specifically, or not ... there will be way more to them than just terraforming. The very name Prometheus recalls 'stealing power from the Gods' ... and that power won't be 'terraforming' in terms of planet prep. There will also be something to do with life itself. Other wise you couldn't consider them Gods, but Intergalactic Bus Boys who just clean the table for the next customer.

    Hmm, in Greek Kythology, Prometheus was responsible for creating mankind
  14. Kol
    Quote from: azrael55 on Jul 24, 2011, 08:20:19 AM
    i find it a bit odd, that almost everybody seemed to like the concept of a human being morphed into an alien egg but when it comes to turning an android into something that resembles a real person so many people seem to totally reject the idea. yeah, i mean there is certainly a difference as the egg was organic matter and an android is not or at least not fully, but that might not be of any importance for the kind of technology that the space jockeys have available. anyway, i'm sure that ridley scott wouldn't make the whole thing come across as some kind of pinochio story...

    so i think, we will see an android becoming more human-like, but we don't know how.
    with a spoken  magic spell? manipulating via TV? serious now: filling the androids veins with blood of another member? just speculations over speculations. but, it's fun!
    why would the jockey's just terrify the crew member, scare the living shit out of them and then take them back to earth?  :laugh:

    to be honest to you: i don't care much about this "detail". i will let them surprising me, but i got one thing on my mind..

    - surely they will explain about the origins of the space jockeys, maybe even the particular one, and it's ship from 'alien'.

    - we will see how they terraform planets and how the company get use of this technology and how it became developed in 'aliens'.

    - my own sentence: what if when the jockeys will use one or two members of the crew to create an pre-version of an alien?
    at least they would use one android to create it the way we know the alien.
    maybe it will be a first 'cocooning' of people/androids to make an alien.
  15. Abe
    Quote•Ridley Scott comments on the long wait for his return to science-fiction: "I was busy doing other movies and exploring other genres and, frankly, I never thought about sci-fi until I realized there was something in the first Alien that no one ever asked a question about. In the next one, still no exploration of that big question, so maybe that can be the centerpiece of what we just complete.  But we've decided to go a complete other direction... In the last few minutes of the movie... you'll actually understand what I'm talking about . "

    The last sentence has made me really want to wach this film now (Along with everything else aswell). ;D
  16. azrael55
    i find it a bit odd, that almost everybody seemed to like the concept of a human being morphed into an alien egg but when it comes to turning an android into something that resembles a real person so many people seem to totally reject the idea. yeah, i mean there is certainly a difference as the egg was organic matter and an android is not or at least not fully, but that might not be of any importance for the kind of technology that the space jockeys have available. anyway, i'm sure that ridley scott wouldn't make the whole thing come across as some kind of pinochio story...

    anyway, i like that the android aspects of the story seem to be really important - as i think fassbender is probably the best actor besides rapace in that movie and i'm looking forward to seeing some amazing performances in prometheus.
  17. Bat Chain Puller
    Whether or not the Jockeys had a hand in creating man specifically, or not ... there will be way more to them than just terraforming. The very name Prometheus recalls 'stealing power from the Gods' ... and that power won't be 'terraforming' in terms of planet prep. There will also be something to do with life itself. Other wise you couldn't consider them Gods, but Intergalactic Bus Boys who just clean the table for the next customer.

    Fassbender playing two parts sounds too derivative for Ridley at this point. I rooting for the Machine becomes Human angle. How they do it will just icing on the cake. I trust that it won't be a simple touch. The concept is fascinating. And not really a stretch considering man for all intents and purposes is already a bio-mechanical 'machine.'

    Quote from: Guts on Jul 22, 2011, 07:01:54 PM
    And anyway Directors cut versions of Scotss movies tend to be totaly differen't movies to that of the original. Legend had 20 miniutes more footage in it, and its original soundtrack back into the movie, to the point where its a vastly differen't movie. And Kingdom of Heaven i was shocked how better the directors cut version was so much better. The original movie always made me think that i had a botched dvd with scenes missing because half of the movie never made sense.

    Those changes had little or nothing to do with mature content, but running time. Scott's biggest challenge will be the running time. Stories need time to build, breathe, grow ... and two hours is pretty short when you are creating a whole new world to play in.
  18. Inverse Effect
    Quote from: PHANTOM on Jul 21, 2011, 11:45:48 PM
    Everything was money up until I heard PG-13.

    Ridley Scott + HR Giger + PG-13...

    ^ what's wrong with this picture?

    Remember that the original Alien had very to little no onscreen deaths apart from the chestburster scene, it all added to the mistery and fearfulness of the original alien. It's only untill aliens onward that the series became more bloody.

    Edit: And anyway Directors cut versions of Scotss movies tend to be totaly differen't movies to that of the original. Legend had 20 miniutes more footage in it, and its original soundtrack back into the movie, to the point where its a vastly differen't movie. And Kingdom of Heaven i was shocked how better the directors cut version was so much better. The original movie always made me think that i had a botched dvd with scenes missing because half of the movie never made sense.
  19. Lonely Universe
    I like Kol's way of thinking. I don't want the Jockeys to be so advanced they can just grab an android for a few hours and make him a man. What if Fassbender is playing two parts? One as a man and another as his synth replica? Maybe he's the guy that created the androids and he modeled one after himself or something. To me the Jockeys are more fallible than that. The only time we've encountered one it had been deaded. It got got just like us. Not so God-like if you ask me.

    Yeah, they're def terraformers. Engineers of space and what-not. It makes sense they would be highly advanced but shit, even a highly advanced species would require alot of time to study the physical makeup of an android in order to suddenly make that android a real human. Not to mention that idea is stupid, that the Jockeys just fly around space with android to human transmogrification machines on all thier ships just in case they need to impress some humans? Nah, I don't buy it. And if the movie pulls any of that touch him with a glowing finger and he's a real boy crap I'll walk out.
  20. Kol
    Quote from: Bat Chain Puller on Jul 22, 2011, 01:19:21 PM
    Quote from: 8bitAngel on Jul 22, 2011, 01:06:44 PM
    Yeaaaah... I don't want any magical stuff in this. There are alot of reasons why he could bleed red.

    Flashlights would seem like magic to someone in the middle ages ... so the jockeys tech should invoke a sense of awe with some degree of traceability in the logic. 

    If they did create the human race they would be impressed at the human's version of 'artificial life' and it would be a great show to have them 'perfect' a synthetic. Opens up all sorts of acting and emoting possibilities for Michael Fassbender too. A good roll suddenly becomes ripe and juicy ... not to mention challenging.

    who said that the jockey's had created man? they are terraformers, like the colonists in hadley's hope (technology seemed to be from the jockey's).
    scott only mentioned that the beginning of the movie will take place on earth which is very at the beginning of it's development/evolution. maybe the space jockey's had fix the climatic state of earth to give birth to any lifeform that could evolve on earth. and the beginning of earth & appearance of man aren't at the same time. to be fair you could say their technology had made the possibility to evolve dinosaurs, animals, man etc. pp.

    what we know is that this movie will import the idea of 'prä-astronautik', but tell me: how do you feel, when you're looking alien and see the jockey of the derelict ship, will you accept him as god?

    i think the members of the ship prometheus, will be a specific factor for the formula of making an alien...
  21. CainsSon
    Quote from: Bat Chain Puller on Jul 22, 2011, 03:22:28 PM
    Ridley and Noomi speak via Iceland.

    I didn't see this posted anywhere yet. Unless I'm blind.

    That video clarifies a lot and hopefully helps people rest easy about the rating, for now.

    Did anyone catch Lindelof say 'it plays like a mashup of BLADE RUNNER and ALIEN" - in the red carpet interview?

    Imf**kin speechless. This movie looks just gets better and better with every piece of info I hear about it.
  22. JaaayDee
    Some interesting things Lindelof said:

    Quote5. Prometheus is set somewhere far away from Earth.
    "It doesn't take place on Earth in any real significant way," Lindelof revealed. "The way we're exploring the future is away from Earth and [asking] what are people like now? What have they gone through and what are they thinking of?"

    So the excavation site is on another planet?  That's what I was hoping for.

    Quote8. There probably won't be any flying cars or any other Jetsons-esque futuristic technology.
    Lindelof explained that the film explores "the idea that we're going to basically all be the same a hundred years from now but we may be driven by different ideas. You will probably see some things that sort of prognosticate what the future is going to look like that you haven't seen before but the movie isn't as interested in the gadgetry and flying cars of it all as what the people are going to do and...what's driving them and motivating them as humans in the first place."

    So we will get the visual aesthetic of Alien with just a hint of new concepts.  This is f**king great.
  23. zuzuki
    @Bat Chain Puller's a great mindf**k and a great acting monent for the movie.i don't think it has ever been done before.and in combination with the other thngs going on in the movie,this could become one of the best movies in sci-fi in the last 10 years

  24. Bat Chain Puller
    Quote from: 8bitAngel on Jul 22, 2011, 01:06:44 PM
    Yeaaaah... I don't want any magical stuff in this. There are alot of reasons why he could bleed red.

    Flashlights would seem like magic to someone in the middle ages ... so the jockeys tech should invoke a sense of awe with some degree of traceability in the logic. 

    If they did create the human race they would be impressed at the human's version of 'artificial life' and it would be a great show to have them 'perfect' a synthetic. Opens up all sorts of acting and emoting possibilities for Michael Fassbender too. A good roll suddenly becomes ripe and juicy ... not to mention challenging.
  25. zuzuki
    all the reviews say the same thing.he bleeds,like real blood,and one described the crying done with a actual crystal clear tear.

    now if the space jockeys are descrbed as engineers,as creating the xenomorphs,masters of bio-tehnology they could certainly make him ridley is saying he wants the whole android,robot thing to be fresh this time because this idea became kinda lame after all the ci-fi made in the last an alien race making a android into a human could certainly be fresh,and cutting edge.just like ridley would want it.would be a game changer.

    i'm wondering also will any of the crew escape in one piece?or will they all die?someone will probably have to escape to give the information to the company .doing so they could programe ASH to obtain the alien on zeta reticuli
  26. Bat Chain Puller
    Quote from: Lt. Mike Harrigan on Jul 22, 2011, 12:34:03 PM
    Quote from: zuzuki on Jul 22, 2011, 07:25:34 AM
    QuoteMichael Fassbender's character does look like the Android characters from the previous alien films but in one shot, we see him cryin another, he appears to prick his finger and draw blood.

    would be nice if the space jockeys experimented on him and made him human.just a thought

    That's certainly an interesting concept.

    I like it so much I will be disappoint if it doesn't come to pass!

    Fits perfectly with the notion that the space jockeys were responsible for the creation of life as we know it.

    And on the subject of getting some cam footage of those clips ...

    It shows what kind of people live with us in this world ... that bloody the Twilight bed breaking sex clip is all over the place via cams ... but nothing ... nothing to do with the clip from Prometheus.
  27. Lt. Mike Harrigan
    Quote from: zuzuki on Jul 22, 2011, 07:25:34 AM
    QuoteMichael Fassbender's character does look like the Android characters from the previous alien films but in one shot, we see him cryin another, he appears to prick his finger and draw blood.

    would be nice if the space jockeys experimented on him and made him human.just a thought

    That's certainly an interesting concept.
  28. irn
    Quote from: cmc on Jul 22, 2011, 12:39:18 AM
    I'm of course looking to see this in the cinema, so the last thing I want is for the theatrical version to be some kind of watered down version. Why cant for certain cinema events like this (and it is an event) they release 2 version to the theaters. One PG-13 or whatever and the other the 18 or Rated-R version.
    Actually just relised how much thats never going to happen whilst typing lol
    Anyway by the sound of it, Scott's going to show the Rated-R version to Fox in the hope they'll let him release that in theaters instead of the PG-13 one.

    I've seen them do that with a couple of recent horror movies. The names of which have completely escaped my mind though. They screened both the 15 (UK) and 18 cert versions at the same time. I'm pretty sure it happened with a recent comedy too.
  29. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: cmc on Jul 22, 2011, 12:39:18 AM
    I'm of course looking to see this in the cinema, so the last thing I want is for the theatrical version to be some kind of watered down version. Why cant for certain cinema events like this (and it is an event) they release 2 version to the theaters. One PG-13 or whatever and the other the 18 or Rated-R version.
    Actually just relised how much thats never going to happen whilst typing lol
    Anyway by the sound of it, Scott's going to show the Rated-R version to Fox in the hope they'll let him release that in theaters instead of the PG-13 one.

    I imagine it would cost them too much to do something like that.
  30. cmc
    I'm of course looking to see this in the cinema, so the last thing I want is for the theatrical version to be some kind of watered down version. Why cant for certain cinema events like this (and it is an event) they release 2 version to the theaters. One PG-13 or whatever and the other the 18 or Rated-R version.
    Actually just relised how much thats never going to happen whilst typing lol
    Anyway by the sound of it, Scott's going to show the Rated-R version to Fox in the hope they'll let him release that in theaters instead of the PG-13 one.
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