In an interview with Eurogamer, SEGA West CEO Mike Hayes said that they are not currently considering a sequel to Aliens vs. Predator.
“[AVP] was so successful that naturally you would think you want to do a sequel,” Hayes reasoned. “But we already had Aliens: Colonial Marines in the pipeline at Gearbox.” “The Aliens universe is so interesting that there are different things that we can do before we go back to an idea of sequelisation,” Hayes added. “There’s a lot more we can do first before we would consider doing a sequel on AVP.”
Rebellion expressed interest in doing a sequel after the game had been released but of course, Sega then dropped support for the game only a few months after its release.
Eh, no, sorry, but this applies ONLY to the graphics part of the game, the rest is halfway between AvP'99 and AvP2. If AvP2 was remade with the looks of AvP'00 but keeping and polishing the gameplay of AvP2, it'd be winner.
AvP'99 and AvP'00 IMO lack the same amount of finishing, love and depth. Both were eventually pushed out the door without being truly done, and both served their purpose: proving the concept works. (Just don't push the melee system)
While Monolith's choice of style wasn't their brightest hour (though arguably due to the standard of technology by 2001), the game truly felt as if there were three games crammed in one, and each felt deep, rich and alive. I missed that part in AvP'00, and it's something that can easily be improved upon in a next incarnation.
I'd rather have Rebellion just leave the franchise alone and focus on their own IP's (2000AD anyone, work that beast FFS), and leave AvP to some more capable developers.
I'd rather have Raven soft (I for one LOVED what they brought to Singularity) do this franchise based on the classics than another half-finished one from Rebellion that's overly infested by the 2004 and 2007 movie.
Tastes & colours, something that can't be argue but personally, I think it does the least justice to the franchises.
Probably the design ADI like... or the mechanic that is a console one (and as a PC gamer I hate it) or even the fact it has less features than any of the previous game.
The capabilities of AVP3 SP are very very very limited compared to AVP2 (no ladder, specific switch, torchable things, hacker code is broken and needs to have enemies down to works).
Mod will be achieved more likely for MP unless someone takes care to add every features that should have been since the beginning of the game.
The game is fixed on PC (though I do know some console gamers around here get by just fine on their respective systems), and has always been better than AvP2 and AvP'99. Other folks may have preferential differences or their own ideas about what a game should be, but as an AvP game AvP3 is the one that does all 3 franchises the most justice.
An SDK will come, sooner or later. Whether it's official or otherwise remains to be seen, but it'll happen. Heck, thanks to Ikarop and friends we've already got a mod scene going. Props to them on that.
I remember Windebieste saying a long time ago that the future of the AvP2 mod scene was single player. I wonder if it'll hold true for AvP3.
Well hey, the original post on this topic was updated with a fancy new statement! SEGA says they're "looking into" an SDK for AvP. To be fair, it hasn't even been a year and a half since release yet, and many games don't receive SDKs out of the box. AvPGold took about a year for them to release an SDK, and it was really well documented, far better documented than AvP2's SDK (which was really just a No One Lives Forever SDK refitted to work with AvP2). With these latest statements there is hope yet for a proper toolkit without some community members having to hack up a set.
Well you never know, Gearbox developers got enough experience to create something really special.
I just hope they pack this game with loads of content, lord knows if one thing burned my ass about AVP 3 was the lack of content and the reused maps.
And I'd rather have it to improve a game that can be improved rather than just doing skins and maps while keeping the same mechanic of an awesome game, which A:CM will not be. Probably a good game, but nothing to be amazed of (SEGA remember...)
AVP2 pounce attack was indeed horrible.
Too quick, too far, too quake/doom like.
But AVP 2010 is no way an improvement either.
The fact you can't freely choose where you wanna pounce makes you feel weak.
It's probably one of the first thing to be changed if there is mod support with the melee system.
Let's pray now SEGA will send us the SDK before the end of the year otherwise I fear there won't be enough players on AVP3 (PC) anymore and so SDK will be more or less pointless with the hype A:CM will do.
f**k off avp u let us down
...but I don't miss that.
Agreed, I got a bit sick of Aliens flying all over the map in AVP2.
but it feels as natural as shoving a brick up your a-hole...
I reckon however that if no AvP2 (/4 technically) and there is Aliens: Colonel Marines' up and coming release then sega should at least branching off and consider the Predator side too. Im sure ALOT of fans want to see a PREDATOR game. Imagine if someone HUGE like ID or BETHESDA or GEARBOX got involved and made the predator game just like the 1st movie.
If that existed I would play as Blane without hesitation ~!~
They should have just kept it like it was in AVP2 IMO. No marine would ever pull a knife on a Alien/Pred (unless you're Bennett from Commando) and knocking back with the butt of your rifle is just plain ridiculous.
And oh god how I missed pounce attack
I think we're getting off topic here anyway. Isn't this thread supposed to be about an unplanned sequel and an attempt to acquire an SDK?
I'd be perfectly okay with not getting a sequel if they decide to release tools. C'mon Sega, throw us a bone!
It attaches to the other player to some extend, but allows a more free use. Not the instant-flash MW2 (the revolting kiddy game IMO)has, but a more brutal stab at someone. Many a scare was induced in the game.
The whole paper-rock-scissors-thing made it fluke IMO. During singleplayer you're blinded by instructions, in MP the only que you'll get is barely visible and just audible. Add some lag issues and you're stuck with a system that frustrates more than it immerses players. Same goes for the focus, the e-kills and the leaping/wallwalking. It just was SO much better in both AvP games the way it was, except the melee volume hitting mostly air.
Melee for Aliens and preds (I liked the idea of having wrists as a main, SC/Disc/Spear as an optional weapon that you can quick-draw when needed) indeed, Marines are masters of ranged weapons. Sadly, in this title you could only see about 33% of your screen at any given time, reducing the marines capabilities.
In my opinion this AvP(3) melee system is at its core better than the simple
jousting "melee" in previous AvP games... But it could definitely take some
more work...
And the melee should be mostly between Aliens and Preds... For marines
getting in to the melee should be a very bad idea...
And I think Marines should be able to suppress/neutralize focus attacks by
shooting at the attacker instead of defending against it with block...
Bad Company 2 did it better than AvP did. I can see why the melee sstem was build, and on paper it works like a charm. Sadly, in execution it just kills the immersion and thus AvP got to be either a instakill or a random buttonbash-fest, plagued by lag-issues.
Look up BC2's melee, it's the best of both worlds.
About toning down the other options: it wasnt broken in AvP2, so why the hell try to reinvent the wheel? Improving is one thing, but tossing it upside down just sucks. A slap in the face to all the oldies.
The auto aim the way it is in AVP (2010) is wrong. But completely remove it would result as AVP2 system where most of the time... people were hitting the empty.
I used to say once "They can't do worse than Paul Anderson's AVP"... Greg & Colin Strause show me how wrong I was.
The melee system could have been great by this way if some featured were fixed as:
-Marine can't use Melee (not enough strong to be a real threat for both Alien & Predator).
-Alien should have an advantage on Predator with the melee.
-There shouldn't be any ability to block.
-Improve the auto aim by not giving it such a huge range (distance). Also, don't allow the player to hit another one this one is not in the FOV (sometimes my character make an instant 180° to hit a prey)
-Play with the Stealth kill to prevent hit spam as for example you could only do it if he's not moving.
In that way, it would have work much better. Maybe increase the pulse rifle damages since Aliens have no hard time to reach a prey... but do have hard time to kill it without using E-spam or wallwalk tail.
If we get the SDK, I think that's what need to be done first.
Fixed, and yes I agree. There were some very innovative ideas in the modding of previous AVP games.
Developers are stupid not to allow fans to mod. They should allow the creative genius of the fans to come up with some truly marvelous aspects of gameplay and implement them in a sequel. Thats a portion of the creative process they could get for free!
A sequel will obviously come but we'll probably have to wait another decade (new movies, new other alien / predator games).
Concerning Mod Support, I think we should do something, the game has a huge potential to be mod and became a true Aliens Vs. Predator game.
I only wish so much that I could do some maps with those new graphics and possibilities offered by lighting!
1-Custimization of Predator/marine armor
2-Better multiplayer
3-mask creator(mix different styles of predator masks together)
4-Weapon Upgrades
5-the classic One pair wristblades
6-better strory
7-Don't allow the story to continue to the Aliens Home Planet, if they do hell is raised!
1-It didn't play smooth. Not speaking framerate, speaking gameplay. The wallwalking was confusing compared to both AvP1 and AvP2, the limited Jump wasn't always working out as you'd hope and the basic controls just had two settings: stop and full speed ahead.
2-While nice looking, it was far from optimized IMO.
3-The story was too short. Even Singularity, a more recent SP example, did one hell of a job to sell a relatively simple story. But that's Ravensoft...
4-It's looks were too confined by the AvP movies to lure younger players. Much of that is to blame on Fox I suppose...
5-It made poor use of it's full potential, Rebellion just needed another year instead of pushing it out the door this quick
6-the MP is god awfully uninspired, and reeked of 1990's gameplay elements.
7-balance? what balance?
8-truly horrendously chosen controls, a stupid meleesystem that overshot the target (hint: BattleField Bad Company 2 did it RIGHT when it comes to immersion) and came down to a fricking quick-time-event (with que's in SP, in MP, you were left to figure it out, now where's the fun in that?
9-focus attacks, WTF
10-feeling less in control than ever.
Nah, I'd take AvP2 over AvP1 any day when it comes to gameplay and story, even it's MP was better. AvP'10 just wasn't the improvement we had hoped.
There were some good and cool things, the atmosphere was just great, the synth's were some of the best designs of characters I've seen in YEARS and the SP had some nice levels. But in the end, it just feels unpolished, undershot and underachieved.
I prove you wrong and you tell me to stop crying, awesome counter argument.
Then you call a couple of million people dumbasses. "No game is perfect" is correct, but if all games that fixed their issues shortly after were abandoned by the gamers for good - there won't be a single game that lasts more than a year in MP. So again, you're wrong, avp3 has more than a couple of serious issues and most still aren't fixed.
About the third part, you prolly missed the discussions about the comparison between avp2 and avp3.
Point is, even with all the crap avp2 managed a decade, but I guess the people who played it are dumbasses as well.
About the "abandoned by developers" part, Sierra stopped paying so Monolith stopped the support, see Sega and REB. Oops, you messed up again.
50 dedicated servers online is a joke, avp2 had more servers and player base when the ms was still up, 9 years after the release..
Optimized would be NICE, since any given UE3.x powered game COULD look as good as AvP did, or even better. The AA issue is a technical impossibility however, since differed rendering won't allow any AA in pre-DX11 engines. Only workarounds could bring it, and looking inferior to the real thing.
What are the final sales figures anyway for the game?
In all honesty, only two companies ever worked on the franchise... And while Monolith's art direction was more stylized to hide the technological impossibilities of those days and was hated for that, it felt more complete for having a compelling storyline that actually interwove for all three species.
Next time I'd rather have Ravensoft have a go at it with some decent funds. If it turns out half as good as Singularity was...
This WAS their second attempt. And while it was what AvP'99 should've been + amped up graphics, it was a maimed version for all three platforms. Aborting gameplay elements and improve on something that worked fine as it was and thus breaking it (yes, melee system, I was talking about you), tailor cut for consoles only, with little adaption for the PC-version. Poor.
You just lost all credibility
Rebellion made a kickass game on short notice. I believe if we give Rebellion a 2nd chance they'll make a perfect AVP game.
For a company who had almost no time to put this game together I'd say they did a great job, especially on the PC. They were quick to fix many issues for the multiplayer and singleplayer. Very quick. Most developers take their sweet ass time and end up fixing nothing.
The only time I think I would say we should give it to someone else is if EA and Dice wanted to make an AVP game, so since that will never happen I only trust Rebellion at the moment.
This isn't entirely bad news anyways, Aliens Colonial Marines is coming next and SEGA didn't say "NO NEVER AGAIN" they just said...
not yet and I completely understand. Other games are being made and they are saving the best for last which is AVP
But I don't, nor will I ever, change the opinion that Rebellion have created the best AvP games so far. AvP1 had the tension and the fear and it looked like I was playing in the movies, like I was an extra character. AvP 2010 enhanced that which this unique gameplay mechanic that made me feel more like an Alien or Predator than I ever have. It all looks correct, it plays correct and it feels correct.
I just want them to come back, knowing what works and what needs fixing, and do it right from scratch this time.