This is definitely good news if it’s true. H.R. Giger’s wife, Carmen Scheifele, has said the Swiss surrealist painter is working on the Alien Prequel. You can check out the video interview with his wife here and another report about it here. It’s in German though.
HR Giger, Schöpfer der “Alien”-Figur für den 1979 entstandenen Film von Ridley Scott, wird erneut mit dem Regisseur zusammenarbeiten. Dies bestätigte die Frau des Schweizer Künstlers, Carmen Scheifele, in der Sendung “glanz & gloria” des Schweizer Fernsehens. Ihr Mann sei “on board”, also dabei, sagte Scheifele. Es werde sicher einen 3D-Film geben, wahrscheinlich aber zwei. Geplant sei ein Prequel, das die Geschichte vor dem ersten Alien-Film erzählt.
Basically, she says that Giger is on-board for the prequel. It will be a 3D film – there might be two and that it takes place before the first film. H.R. Giger of course created the Alien creature as well as various set pieces in the original Alien including the Space Jockey and its spacecraft. Thanks to Undel for the news.
R.I.P Kevin Peter Hall
i DO hope he does, but i doubt it..
It wasn't Alien anymore in Gigers mind, it was more of a wolverine biomechanical monster, more Sil than Alien (but that might be a good thing). ADI took his guidance and had a tighter schedule than Giger would've required.
The look of the A3 runner IMO is superb, and perhaps I like it most of all, it certainly was Giger through and through.
What killed the A3 creature for most was that it behaved different than expected. Now imagine it even looked different too.
Then again, I like Alien 3 best out of the whole series...
So GIger dont mess it up.
Does that mean ADI's flipper handed and buck toothed inbred alien designs are out? Awesome!
I love his work, but what he wanted to do on Alien 3 was straying FAR too far from the set lore that Alien has become, let alone that it'd be practical to use his designs.
However, apart from the second and third film, all films he wasn't working on were shite on the Alien part.