For the past few months we’ve been running game nights on specific days and times for both AvP2 and for AvP on the X-Box 360.
- AvP 2010 (360 version) – This takes place on Wednesday nights at 8pm GMT. To join just send me your Gamertag or add mine which you can find in this thread. I strongly recommend you have both map packs as they contain some of the best and more popular maps we use.
- AvP2 – Our AvP2 game night takes place on Saturdays at 6pm GMT. You will need to ensure you have the Saviour mod installed so your game can still play multiplayer. This session is done in conjunction with the Stargate Command Clan who have kindly lent the use of their server. For a schedule of the games, check out this thread.
- AvP Classic – Uncanny Psycho will be hosting an AvP Classic gaming night. This will be done through Steam and the AvPGalaxy Steam group. The first event will be September 13th at 7pm GMT/UTC. For more information, have a read of this thread.
If you have any questions, feel free to message me.