The first UK review of Predator has been published by UK newspaper NewsoftheWorld. It’s a positive one – the reviewer gave the movie 4/5 stars.
The pacing’s ace, too. There’s a late introduction of a new human that keeps things spicy (long-term survivor Laurence Fishburne – judging by that spare tyre, the foraging’s pretty good in this jungle), a beautifully-staged samurai sword battle in a field of long grass, and a majestic ending, where Brody goes ‘a bit Apocalypse Now’. With Predators, Rodriguez and Antal have made something old-fashioned, in the best possible way. They just GET what made the original such a hoot – and by and large, have reproduced the same thrills here. This movie sets action film-making back two decades. And hooray for that.
Be sure to check out the Official Review Thread in the forum which will be continually updated this week when new reviews come out. In related news, Predators has been rated R in the US for “pervasive language, gore and strong creature violence.” Also, composer John Debney has posted another sample of the Predators score online. Check it out here. Thanks to SuicideDoors, Royce and Black for the news.
tickets booked
another TWO positive reviews on Rottentomatoes so its looking better and better. But I will still reserve judgment till i see the actual flick...
"the overall media reaction to Predators was extremely positive."
I'm still gonna hold on until I see the film.
I have high expectations to this movie.