An alternate version of the Predators teaser trailer was shown before Repo Men yesterday. Some scenes have been removed but there’s some additional shots and dialogue too. The shots include a shot of a Predator from the back, and another one running through flames. It’s available to watch over on G4TV in poor quality.
Update: You can now watch the alternate trailer in HD over on TrailerAddict.
Here’s some screencaps I took of the new shots:
Thanks to Yautja666, ace3g and Veteran Warrior for the news.
now heres a question, this new super Predator, or the Wolf Pred?
As for the trailer i am very impressed as i can see that this movie has a very impressive atmosphere. The characters arent made from cardboard like Avp2. I realy like the ending as in the other trailers when you hear that high pitch sound followed by a new predator scream Other people have commented saying the dont like how they have changed the sound of the predator, i for one dont find it so bad, after all some of the predators are a different species (BSP)as to what we saw in P.1 and P.2 and the Avp movies
It is NOT the Predator-Homeworld... it is a hunting preserve that the preds have cultivated as a hunting ground... it's like their XBox if you want it like that... a planet for them to bring their prey and have fun with it...
can anyone else make it out? anyone have any idea???