The L.A Times have just released a short interview they did with Nimrod Antal regarding Predators:
“They are all predators in their own right and they are at each others throats,” Antal said. “We’re expanding the mythology but we’re also making a stand-alone film. And, I hope this doesn’t sound arrogant, but when it comes to imagery that not one of the previous can come close to. I’m very proud of the way the film looks.”
The interview also contains some apparent spoilers regarding the plot and chronological order of the film. So if you don’t like spoilers, don’t read it. Those of you who do: Go crazy. Thanks to DazAvP85 for the news.
I have thought of this since I watched the first AVP movie the creature designs just bad to me I want to see classic kickass Winston's design again! BTW I think Wolf Pred is a hybrid between these two tribes so he might be an outcast mercenary that worked as a bugs buster for the urban preds. This is just one of my idea if you guys disagree or consider it sucks please frankly complain.
When you make good shit- You can tell.
Who saw AVPR and thought it was good?
I saw what was achieved by this film and it will redefine its genre.
All the sequels try to duplicate Predator.
This film does not