IGN UK have reviewed Aliens vs Predator on X360 and scored it 8.5/10. The score itself is pretty good considering AvP2 scored 8.2/10 and Rebellion’s first AvP from 1999 scored 8/10 on there. IGN really only criticized the graphics and the story in the alien campaign.
The three species set-up feels generous even at a time when people demand so much of their games, but it’s a premise that dates back to Rebellion’s first Aliens vs. Predator in 1994. While much has changed it still feels a little rusty – this isn’t as slick as a Modern Warfare or Halo and its production values feel like they’re from a different age, with poor textures and the occasional unimaginative set-piece belying the fact that underneath the HD dazzle is a core idea that’s changed little in over 15 years. But that never truly detracts from how much fun is to be had throughout Aliens vs. Predator’s myriad modes as Rebellion leans heavily on the source material, creating a game that’s going to stoke the hearts of anyone who ever fell in love with the original films – which is likely anyone who’s ever picked up a game pad.
Thanks to Drewid and Dave for the news.
Predator rules! XD
You can really see the detail another Seraphic? review talked about too, in the youtube vid...steam hissing out of the ground in many different places, and the like. Great attention to detail, loveingly crafted. Gorgeous...I'm impressed; and I AM a bit of a graphics snob....b That's why I went for the N-64 back in the day...image quality of ps1 was unacceptable to me.
You can really see the detail another Seraphic? review talked about too, in the youtube vid...steam hissing out of the ground in many different places, and the like. Great attention to detail, loveingly crafted. Gorgeous...I'm impressed; and I AM a bit of a graphics snob....b That's why I went for the N-64 back in the day...image quality of ps1 was unacceptable to me.
I LOVE IT......
But the game in its raw state still looks exceptional. It's not quite on par with GoW2, Halo 3, Killzone 2, Crysis, ext, but it still looks fantastic. Relative to the games above (which have set the standard for visuals), AvP deserves a fine 8 in graphics, maybe a couple points higher. The environments aren't the prettiest, but the character models and lighting are spectacular.
They are decent , nothing ground breaking. Btw who said MW2 graphics are impressive? They're not its still a heavily modified Quake 3 engine that runs the call of duty games if you didn't know. Cod4 was rather visually impressive at the time of 2007 when they had updated the graphics engine, but ever since it's looking the same.
MW2 is OTT in terms of death from above.
COD4 is stil imo the best game i have ever played.
This game is great i get exited over a demo and i jump while playing all the time. I am a big of the movies yes.... but thats who theve made this game for isn't it? I also agree that the graphs are fine esp as it's an old code. there be more polish on the final realese... but i for one don't care if there ain't!!!!! ''There's something out there and it ain't no man.... where all gonna die!''
How cares about Halo?! I buyed Halo 3 because IGN and co.
said it is good...after 10 minutes I put it back in the box and since 3 months I don´t played it anymore. Halo is crap!
And sorry for my bad English, I´m from Austria...
f**k off the reviews! The press says Modern Warfare 1 is better than part 2...Screw you! Modern Warfare 1 was BORING! Modern Warfare 2 was great!
And AvP will be better
For PC i think it wouldn't be worth more than a 7, if the demo quality is anywhere near how the final game plays...
Halo 3 bored me after 2 hours, thats no joke a truly terrible game, quite possibly the most over-rated game of all time. Modernwarfare 1 was good but 2 was just a map-pack and should never have been allowed a release as a new game.
from playing the demo of AvP i can tell the game will keep me going for years.