The PC demo for AvP has been just released on STEAM. You need to register on their website in order to download and play the demo. To download the demo (1214MB) click here or try the link on the picture below. See you in the battleground! If you’re not sure if you PC can handle the game, please check the system requirements out here.
To post your impressions of the demo in the forum, please use the Demo Feedback thread. You can also view the Availability thread which will be updated as soon as the demo is released on the consoles.
Update 09:53: The X-Box 360 demo has been released in the X-Box Marketplace (780MB).
Update 14:13: The demo can now be found in the European PSN store on the Playstation 3 (1138MB). The American PSN store hasn’t been updated as of yet but give it a few hours.
Update 16:50: Rebellion just made an announcement about the infamous matchmaking system issues. A patch to fix this issue will be released shortly. Check the full announcement here.
Update 22:21: The demo has finally been released in the American PSN store. An update has also been released for the PC demo to fix the matchmaking issues. The steam application automatically updates your demo if a patch is available. Rebellion are working on fixing the problems for the PS3 demo but there is no timeframe on that.
the melee combat is terrible along with preds that disc spam lag..
if you do a frontal finisher kill move it can be blocked by mashing all the buttons... e, space, mouse 1 and 2... though i have not narrowed it down to what buttons... plus i think u can only block 1 finisher if u have alot of health but if u are near death it cannot be blocked.. or it cannot be blocked the second time around..
i only play alien as its just more skill and fun then the other races. auto transition on so i can go anywhere at any time. sensitivity of mouse in game set to 0.35 for vert and horzontal.
hold shift and hit q and follow someone spamin e pick em off but make sure nothing is near them so u dont get stealth killed.
predator trophy kills
lol funny demo video, i love this game
Also one of the most OP things in AvP2 was the pounce attack the alien had. So many of my kills came from running around like an Idiot playing as a runner and pouncing everything that moved.
The predator can do long jumps but only in focus mode.
What is the advantage of crouch? aliens and predators can see your outline behind objects.
I do think it will be a shame if we can't play as the facehugger or chestburster. Great thing is apparently there's a predalien in this game- which will be awesome to fight as a predator considering we never got to see who won in AVP:R. I do agree with your alien jump and hit though
---:graphics could have been a bit better and why they changed the controls? marines should crouch,alien should
jump and hit at the same time from dinstance with 1 button as in avp2 and the predator should long jump as in avp2.i think the controls should have been the same as in avp2.
i haven't played the single player and i'm sure i will love it no matter because i love the alien,predator universe but i think it wont be better than avp1 or avp2 judging from the videos. opinions?
Heavy Attack>Block
Block>Light Attack
Light Attack>Heavy Attack
When countering if you notice they are swinging their hand back or tail in case of alien do a light attack otherwise try and block a lot. When you block a light attack you have one of two options. Either a light attack or a heavy attack. The heavy attack is faster after you block someone thereby making a counter. Also recommend when you are playing as a Pred or Alien use your focus and when you have someone in your focus (Red crap around people for pres, green for aliens) use your light attack making you leap at them and stunning them for a quick second. After this you usually have enough time to do a quick attack and they should be dead. I've been playing this demo quite a bit in the last few days and usually end up with 22-28 kills by the end of the match as alien.
None the less if you got the demo on xbox360 add me RonnyRobotPants. Me and my roommate are always down for some killing.
Haven't had it long enough to try it out properly
I did notice one thing that kinda ticked me off about the demo. The predator Heavy Attack on the Xbox360 somehow hits you no matter what if you are infront of them. I was up in the rafters fighting a pred as an alien and he was doing a heavy attack so I went to the bottom on the rafters and still got hit even though I was below him. Now I just maul preds quickly and don't allow for the heavy attack.
I'm a bit disappointed with the predator but I will reserve judgement until we can play the rest of the maps in the full game because it seems that the refinery really suits the alien. I've had mixed success with the Marine, shotty is next to useless! The map is way too dark for the poxy flashlight to make much difference. Been enjoying playing as teams (no species on species killing) makes the species specific mp modes even more anticipated! Add me, psn id : jjay78 if you want to play!
And that review that that ben reeves wrote for GI is the biggest loads of bollocks ive ever heard. Has he even played the game. The demo alone is awesome i can only imagine what the full game will be like. The pred is to stealthy ha the alien is disorienting ha thers no ADS for the marine (well i made that up) lol. What a twat!!! He must be missing his wii or is such a cod fanboy hes scared AVP will take its crown.
Feels like I'm playing quake 1 without crouching. Crouching is for more useful then jumping and having a predator stalking you from above just crouching there watching like in predator 2 would be super bad ass. Game feels like its back in the 90's. Pickup items and no crouching.
Bad points:
I would prefer a single player game as demo rather than multi.
Map was far from great and way way to dark.
spawning was unfair.
Good points:
Great sound.
Graphics pretty good
playing as the marine is great and edge of the seat stuff.
Apart from that I will buy the game and if it's as good as the PC AvP 2 then I will be happy
Add me: FredLozano
I love the alien stealth kill on an un-suspecting predator, the predator looks so sad when they look back at you mwahahahaha
Alien get punched to death by human....Humans cant harm aliens with a punch. It would hurt us more because of their endoskeleton. Aliens are stupid killing machines they do not block. Aliens don't fear anything that they would need to block anything. Even worse aliens blocking preds gauntlets? what will that do? Doesnt make sense. As I said a while ago they should have given the alien a dodge button if anything not a lame ass human style blocking which changes the whole outlook on how aliens behave.