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AvP European Editions Announced [Updated #2]

MCV have confirmed details of the European editions of Aliens vs. Predator. The game will launch in Europe on Friday, February 19th and there will be three editions. Standard, Survivor and Hunter. The Survivor Edition comes in a steel case and features a code for downloadable multiplayer maps, which will be available post-launch. The Hunter Edition will also contain the maps, as well as a posable facehugger model, a Weyland Yutani sleeve badge and a 3D lenticular postcard. No details on prices as of yet.

20091211 AvP European Editions Announced [Updated #2]

Thanks to newbeing and Ikarop for the news.

Update #1: Pictures of the Survivor and Hunter packs have appeared online. Read More to see them. *Pictures removed at request of Sega as updated images has been released.

Update #2: Here’s a super high-res promo picture of the Hunter Edition which shows pictures and a description of the four exclusive maps as well as the other items listed above.

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  1. Hicks_0998
    Yeah mate i cited 10 different sources as to why we need the rating and sent it to the email addy provided so hope we get the support we need for it.  And remember: if you dont vote for it, youre going to hell when you die.
  2. FujiMaster
    To all Aussies!!! IGN has posted an article about how the classification board has now opened a discussion board relating to an R18+ classification for Australia, you can read about the for and against and either support or not support. Everyone must do this so we can enjoy R rated games too!!!
  3. Geraint95
    Hunter Edition looks mint, can't wait for this game! Ive spent 5 years waiting for this game and I wil spend the penultimate day for its release watching all the alien/predator/AVP films!
  4. Akarou
    My bet is that the game will cost about £55 - £60 here in the UK for the Hunter edition. Anything more than £60 for it and I'll just buy survivor edition as I'm only after the maps and the facehugger!
  5. Marz_22
    "a code for downloadable multiplayer maps, which will be available post-launch." So all who buy the standard edition are f%@*ed?"  And people who have the multiplayer maps will have less people to play with.
  6. Ferazel
    Yeah, ditto on the call for PC versions. I'm going to get a DirectX11 card for this game. I want my facehugger to sit on my monitor while I eat people's faces!
  7. Gort Pred
    Nice a Wayland badge, cause everyone wants to be known for working for the people who are responsible for killing Ripley's crew lol  but seriously I want the survivor edition
  8. juano
    im for sure gonna get the hunter pack, kinda bumbed out though, you dont get to start out as a face hugger, is that some kind of joke? i can only hope that it is indeed a joke!
  9. Shardik
    Thats pretty brutal that they are releasing a standard addition that will not contain the mutiplayer levels that the other editions have. Because this usually fragments gameplay, most hardcores are likely goin to buy the editions with the extra mutliplayer levels, god knows i will likely do so. But there will probably be a fairly large majority who will not and thus this retail gimic will fragment the gamers who play this game to a certain degree.
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