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AvPGalaxy @ EuroGamer Expo 2009

As we are all aware, Sega is demoing the multiplayer aspect of Aliens vs Predator at the EuroGamer Expo. I was lucky enough to attend the Leeds expo and get my hands on the game:

20091030 AvPGalaxy @ EuroGamer Expo 2009

We’ve since posted up an article where I dish all the details on the expo, the demo and give everyone my impressions of the game. We’ve got a gallery online with over 50 photos as well as 5 gameplay videos which you can find in the article. So check out our hands-on report of the AvP multiplayer demo.

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Comments: 23
  1. Azanode
    @Rob: That was probably the Praetorian. Like the article says, there aren't classes but you're able to select different skins.  And Hicks, would you happen to be able to remember/post the control schemes for each species?
  2. Rob
    In one or two Alien multiplayer vids there where glimpses of a new Xenomorph, I managed to freezframe them, it looked like a Queen & it had more of a sloped forehead. So it looks like you can chose differant Xeno spices for multiplay ?
  3. Alien King58
    This game looks so freekin AWSOME   ;D     ;D     ;D   This is gonna be the game of the year for me. The Alien sounds so incredably awsome   >:D   :evil   :)     >:D  
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