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Neil Marshall For Predators?

This is certainly interesting. According to Bloody Disgusting Fox is almost close to signing Neil Marshall to direct Predators:

“I’m sure the boys over at Aint it Cool News can confirm this with Rodriguez when it’s official, but Bloody-Disgusting is being told that NEIL MARSHALL is close to signing on to direct PREDATORS for 20th Century Fox. To be clear, the deal is NOT SIGNED just yet, but getting closer.”

I would have thought he’d be more likely to direct an Alien film – in fact there were rumors about him being involved in Alien 5 – but he’s certainly a fantastic director. Seems like Fox are taking these new films seriously. Thanks to Undeadite for the link.

UPDATE: Aint It Cool News has confirmed that Marshall is one of the directors Rodriguez is looking at: “I can tell you with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that Neil Marshall is one of about 7 names that Robert is looking at and meeting with right now. Neil wants this gig badly, but then so do the other folks.”

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Comments: 37
  1. ubcool
    dog soldiers was a solid debut, and the decent was even better, But doomsday was a complete and utter dogs dinner. that looked like it was directed by an adolecent and proved that he cant handle a big budget action movie.
  2. MCL4L
    off topic mariah careys new album Memoirs Of An imperfect Angel well The song obsessed premieres the 16th on b96 at 3p.m. And yea the script idea sounds good to me, it would def be a fan favorite if we could put the differ aspects of the films into one..
  3. WuteverUWant
    *Then have the winners be there on set for some outside opinions/views on the style and setting and most imp, the rel wit the charatcters etc.*
  4. WuteverUWant
    Yea i actually think this one is in good hands for once. U know what they need to do a contest to have fans send in a script and they take the best scripts and the best aspects and combine them. Then have the winners be there for on set some outside views not what foxs cheap ass wants.. I think that would be great
  5. WuteverUWant
    I know its gonna be better than the b.s we been watchin in avp movies. Man i was hyped up for AVP R and it looked so cheaply made but none the less it was worth watching. But he directed the Descent so at least he knows what works and dont work.Not only that you know the budget is gonna be 100 mil at least, the script was for 150 mil, and that was back then so you know it was cost a ton to do anything along the lines of the 150 mil $ script.. I know the visuals are gonna be off the chain
  6. Viconia
    WTF, this guy made Dog Soldiers on a budget of less than 1 million and The Decent for a not much better 3,5 million and they both rocked. Imagine what he would do with a budget that the Predators movie would throw his way    >:D  
  7. JMPredator
    very interesting choice.  personally, i'd like to see somone like zach snyder do predators and david twohy do the new alien if scott doesnt do it. wish we'd of got somone like marshall for avp
  8. Xenomorphine
    'The Descent' is precisely why I wouldn't want him to do an 'Alien' film: Once the creatures came into play, they weren't even slightly scary or formidable! 'Dog Soldiers', though, does have the makings of possibly knowing how to do a 'Predator' film, however.
  9. marrerom
    dog soldiers was corny and extremely B-movieish and it deserves to be on the scifi channel.  the desenct had some good moments but overall it wasnt something that stands out amounst all the other manufactured dime a dozen souless horror movies that studies pump out every year...and dont even get me started on that doomsday movie of his.  this is bad news guys, this director will screw up big time i promise you.
  10. paddy1973
    well that was out of the blue........great choice,as this guy can make a good film.ive enjoyed all of his movies so far.i think he is a producer on descent II.doomsday was silly but fun and dog soldiers is the nuts.things are actually looking up.
    This could be a good move, neil marshall is a good director. Desent was very very good and dog soldiers was also an enjoyable film. But can he pull it off? lets wait and see, im more than happy with the news. Lets see who they get for the lead actor, then its time to get excited. COME ON.
  12. JD
    We just need a director that has a true passion for Predator or Alien movies, a Director who knows what the fans really want to see..  If we get someone like that the movie could be great, if its an Alien or Predator movie
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