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AvPGalaxy Version 4!

After a month of hard work, Version 4 of AvPGalaxy is now online. As you can see, it has all new graphics with a slightly different layout. The forum has also been updated. With a new Predator movie coming out as well as a potential Alien Prequel, AvPGalaxy aims to be once again the epicentre for these projects. Along with the new movies, we also have Aliens vs Predator and Aliens Colonial Marines to look forward to. There’s no better time to be part of this community. More information about the changes can be found in the forum.

*Please refresh your browser to reload all the new files if the site doesn’t look quite right the first time you visit.

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Comments: 39
  1. JD
    Great overall.  however i think you should re-add the picture of the Space Jockys crashed ship, which used to be on the banner right at the top.  It always kinda ment something of where it all began..  maybe merge it  with the other pics
  2. kharn
    this is an nice and interesting site for AVP , aliens and predator fans , i hope the games get out there fast and when they do i'll be one that buy's them for shure
  3. proguy95
    the new version is not bad   :)   but would it be nice if there is some effects on the page itself like animated slime or background Aliens/Predator sounds or slight music? would that be good? i'm just giving some suggestions   ::)  
  4. Space Disc Jockey
    I really like Version 4. I noticed that you don't have any info on the Alien prequel in the "Alien 5" section.  Also, I have to say that I'm bothered by the front-page banner. Idk, I dont really like it. The blue color, the AVP Galaxy logo and the pictures used...i just wish it looked different, than before. I mean a new banner design and maybe even a new AVP Galaxy logo design.  Another thing, I noticed that there arent any scrolling arrows for the "slide-show" main stories on the page. Like on IGN, they let you scroll to the different stories, instead of waiting for them to pop-up. I want to scroll to the stories and not wait for them to pop-up.  Other than those complaints, I really like the changes made to the site. Keep up the good work!
  5. Dr.PaulChurch
    Rock on, guys! This is a nice update to one of my favorite Alien/Predator sites! Keep up the great work and thanks for keeping us fans always informed with the latest news on our favorite franchises.    ;D  
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