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  1. Selecte
    @ bog113  The graphics isnt the same because the game changes during production process, so its normal that released screens or something look different from screens or vids released later.  THe Engine is damn good, so the graphics will be! Its next gen remember?^^
  2. Selected
    And about the engine, seems to be the Unreal 3,5 Engine. Like someone says here, it looks familiar with gears of war. Read an article that said its the Unreal 3 engine! Graphics will be pretty nice!
  3. Selected
    The trailer with first ingame footage will be released on 28th may. Only some days then it's out ;). Will be really hard to wait until this one's comes out. But it be worth it !!!!
  4. bog113
    This teaser is just..."dust in eyes".makes you think this game has a supercool graphic,but remember those pictures from magazines.The graphic isn't the same!!!
  5. ZENGO
      >:D  And hello ay am from croatia in zagreb sory for a rong gramatic english words...Aliens and predator are going to have sex with my graphic card ou jea ou jea....Ay am going to play avp3 like monkey ol day and ol night...AVP3,DOOM3;QUAKE4  it a king games in frst person shooter....Aliens colonial marines  sucks AVP3 the best games in the world but MAX PAYNE 3 same it goin to be a rock game...And dont forget a  serious same 3 my croatian game from croteam...Ay am cros over doom3 and quake4 15times and my next expedition it a avp3 ho ay must cros over 20 times... First ay goin to play like marines than like predator than like alien and the best are predator and marines....And ay dont have coment how like to be a avp3 game oh main god....
  6. predator hunter
    This game is probably gonna be rated M but AO (adults only) ok thats just too much for a game like this one. Unless it has strong sexual content that i doubt it. Look at Grand Theft Auto 4 even that game is rated M.
  7. gss
  8. Manoel Metodiev
    The graphic  is very good    ;D    GAMEPLAY?????????????     ???        When we see a video that demonstrates the game GAMEPLAY    :-\   I want to see the game in action and it soon    :)    My English is bad,sorry about that   :)  
  9. Hicks_0998
    Having seen it a few times, the Aliens look like the ones from AR with the big lower jaw.  Anyone else notice that? Maybe I just want to see the good ol' Aliens from Jimmy Camerons movie again.
  10. Xenomorphine
    Interesting! Those aren't merely a 'flatscreened' CGI thing. They're using an actual game engine of some sort. If they actually have saliva and other fluids spray in the way that showed, in anything other than just the introduction, this could be impressive.
  11. Nachtfalke
    Need to see more before. Much more. Still, those little bits looked impressive. Perhaps this will be the game that finally gets me to upgrade my Computer?    :)  
  12. LeoTpred
    Those graphics impressed me was alot like Gears of war 2 graphics im very impressed because no other game like rebellion had graphics like these
  13. RavagerDX
    Looks good. Watched the trailer dozens of times already!   ;D   Just don't hope it will have the same story as the AVP movie, since it will be about a Pyramid, etc. Ah well, as long as the gameplay and multiplayer kicks butt!!!
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