Dark Horse recently announced it’s fourth and final omnibus in the Predator series!
“Across the centuries, humanity’s capacity for violence has marked time as surely as the movement of the stars. And from those very stars have come an invisible participant in our history, the extraterrestrial Predator, who has used Mankind’s own penchant for murder and mayhem as a shadow to cover its own bloody tracks, as a hunting blind from which to take down its human prey. But the Predator has not passed through the ages unnoticed, and despite the alien killer’s strength, cunning, and advanced technology, there are few things more certain than how far men are willing to go when it’s time for a little payback!”
This volume will be collecting the last remaining Predator comics out there. These include Primal, Nemesis, Homeworld, Xenogenesis, Hell Comes A Walkin’, Captive and Demon’s Gold. It’s currently slated for an October 8th release with Volume 3 out next month. Check out it’s profile page for a cover.