Due out in under two weeks, Pro-G has just released a new preview for the upcoming PSP adaption of AvPR:
“Otherwise, Requiem is looking like a tidy release, though as always only hands-on time will really prove the release’s worth. It is certainly very sharply presented and looks reasonably high-end as PSP releases go, and includes some meaty sound effects that should do wonders through the handheld’s impressive headphone output. With three different paths through 15 levels, and occasional additions to the plot of the movie, it is looking every part the fully-fledged PSP release.”
Over all it doesn’t really give much new. Nothing in the way of new screenshots, just old information we’ve had for a while. I did, however, post an interesting mention of three different story paths that the player could take. Not long until we find out anyway! You can read the whole thing here. Thanks to Alien Experience for the news.