On the tailend of the LA Comic Con, we seem to be getting a fair bit of news now and along with our report and Q/A stuff, we’ve now got an interview from IESB:
“It’s a standalone film. We really wanted to do something to set this movie apart from the last one. It does pick up where the last one ended, though, with the birth of the Pred-Alien. We actually rewind a little bit and see the birth of the Pred-Alien once again. But from there it’s a standalone movie. The cast of human characters is completely new and an interesting group of people so you don’t really need to have seen the last one to enjoy this one.”
Haven’t had time to read it all yet but from the sounds of it, it does seem to be pretty interesting and gets into quite a few things. You can read the whole thing at IESB. Thanks to fluxcap for the news.