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AvPR Fangoria Scans

It was only a matter of time before we had complete scans of the Fangoria article. Forum member AdamJZ scanned the five-page article and posted them on the forum.

20071020_02 AvPR Fangoria Scans

The article covers a scene Fangoria watched being filmed with interviews with Greg/Colin Strause, ADI Duo Alec Gillis and Tom Woodruff as well as some of the cast members. Greg and Colin emphasize that continuity with the Alien and Predator franchises will not be broken with AvPR. Special thanks to AdamJZ for scanning these in.

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Comments: 33
  1. csutkakoma
    "to filter out different heat sources maby. we have the alien vision but what about to see other preds would it be normal thermal vision or like the games. and humans have differant heat visions bouth p1 and avp were real thermal cameras."  In the Predator 1 and 2 the Pred has the same bodyheat as the humans. Just check the movies!  Still a stupid idea (Two heat vision mod)
  2. zen
    Darkness:Yesterday you said"If it was still heat vision, nothing at all would have shown up except the lights."But if that were the case whould'nt you still see the lights in the original vision?.And did Keys not say they were using ultra violet radiation lights because they gave off no heat?.And the comment by Mr.Teal above?.Oviously people dont remember Arnold coverd in mud and not being see'n in PREDATOR.So how can the pred see someone in -30* F temps?.And if the lights were hot enough to be see'n in my theory then it whould have been hot enough to melt its casing.I watch national geographic & theres two thermal cameras,one is for the jungle and it picks up heat signatures,if you were to use it in the arctic you whould'nt see anything,which is why you need the 2nd one,the one they used in AVP.And if it was radiation then whould'nt you have see'n the ultra violet light as well?.think of a lazer-pointer,you dont see the beam,but when you shine it through fog you can see it,or when you put your arm up to the sun you can see it,but you can also see the fog/sunlight as well.Its called back-ground radiation.The UV light passes through the room hitting the radiation creating a slight hollow in mid air.The pred whould have see'n that.
  3. Nomad
    I dont know what P. Anderson was thinking about updating the preds... but AVP termal vision does sucks! Thow it was made by a real infro-red camera. I like original P vision and I'am glad it's back in AVPR.
  4. bob
    "Why the Preds have two heat vision modes?"  to filter out different heat sources maby. we have the alien vision but  what about to see other preds would it be normal thermal vision or like the games. and humans have differant heat visions bouth p1 and avp were real thermal cameras.
  5. csutkakoma
    "This would be cool, because it would explain that predator's have more than one thermal vision mode. That is what i would do. Anyone agree?"  It doesnt make any sense? Why the Preds have two heat vision modes? This is stupid. Anyway Colin already confirmed in the movie there will be another vision mods, including some of from the Predator 2 and there will be some new one.
  6. Mr. Teal
    I hope in AVP-R there is a scene where the pred is going though different vision mode's (like in P2) and one of the vision modes is the RED thermal vision from AVP.  This would be cool, because it would explain that predator's have more than one thermal vision mode. That is what i would do. Anyone agree?
  7. Mr. Teal
    To zen.  The original thermal (blue) vision from predator would have been ideal for AVP because eveything around would have been blue (because no heat is being given off) and the humans would  be giving off heat so the Predator's would have been able to spot them easier.  Paul w.s Anderson just wanted to update the predator's by making them beefy, new vision mode and new weapons etc
  8. zen
    Dear staff members and/or Darkness:Something had been bugging me ever since i came hear.So today i figured i whould look around the site.And then i found out what it was!.The vision mode in AVP is the same in PREDATOR 2!.In P2 the 4th vision mode makes everything orange,thats because of all the heat!.In AVP everyone is orange (from the heat) while everything thats cold is dark.That does'nt explain why theres dark patchs in the vision mode in P2 though(have'nt figured that out yet,maybe its cold in some areas?).And that explains why the preds in AVP did'nt use the original vision,because if you remember in P2 the pred could'nt see Keys' men due to there suits.If they used that vision in antarctica everything whould be solid black!.I hope i was of help in finding that out   ;D     ;D     ;D  .
  9. zen
    Its an idea for a MMORPG.I tried to do a script for a movie but it sucks!.Look at comment #51 in "New fanforia images".And im not sure about the other seven races.Mainly because i have'nt read the omnibuses yet.But im sure some can be invented!   ;D     ;D     ;D  .
  10. Nomad
    I'am sutisfied. The article is good, very god damn good! And what about the other seven races, zen, it's a great way for our emagination to work.    ;)  
  11. zen
    Oh ya!.The name of the race of bug-dudes is "Amengi" Nomad.Them,the Karna and the space jockeys can be the other ten races for the MMORPG!!!.Not sure who the other seven races whould be though,but the game still sounds KICK-A$$!!!   ;D     ;D     ;D  .
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