Looks like AvP2 has got itself yet another new title:
Aliens vs Predator Requiem. The name was featured in Entertainment Weekly’s latest magazine. (There’s no major article or anything, just a name-drop). Also on their website, they have the film listed as Aliens vs Predator Requiem in their Release Calendar section.
Further more, Fox have registered the domain name aliensvspredatorrequiem.com. This was registered on August 3rd and redirects to the Fox Movies website. Well, I guess it’s better than just Aliens vs Predator or AvP: Survival of the Fittest. Thanks to pred_alien, Danger Close and Darkoo for the news.
Update: The short-hand version will be AvP-R. Fox told us this last week, but didn’t say what the R stood for. Guess we know now. Fox have also registered AvP-R.com which redirects to the Fox Movies site.
Update 2: Yet another domain Fox have registered: AvP-Requiem.com. They’ve also registered avprequiemdvd.com and AVPRMovie.com. Fox registered 16 domains in total. Check them out here.
Update 3: Okay, I just got confirmation back from Fox. Looks like the new title will indeed be Requiem – or AvP:R. (Hicks).