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Anchorpoint Essays Closed

Some sad news to report. The owner of the Anchorpoint Essays website, Mike Lynch, closed the site down yesterday after ten years. The problem was due to a lack of time and the fact the site had been repeatidly hacked over the last few months. To be honest, I’m pretty annoyed that someone would hack the same site over and over.

“I apologize to the fans of the site and to the fans of the ALIEN franchise who make up the ALIENS online community for terminating this site, and my work on it. You deserved more. But at the same time I have to offer a huge, and very well-deserved, “Thank You” the the ALIENS online community. The Anchorpoint Essays was never meant to be anything more than a little site of fan fiction spun to entertain the mind of its creator. Instead it became something much larger, and more wonderful than I could have every imagined. Thank you to everyone who contributed their ideas, time, and enthusiasm toward this site. You are the reason this site became what it was, and the reason it lasted for a 10 years.”

Anchorpoint Essays was sort of a detailed look into the biology of the alien. I always considered it to be one of the best Alien resource sites out there.

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Comments: 11
  1. Hangman
    Wow, thanks guys!  And thanks, Darkness.    ;D    It's been a while since I've perused anything in the ALIENS online community... and the first place I come to I find this in the News.  In some ways it's hard to believe that it lasted 10 years.  I can still remember siting in  my tiny studio apartment uploading the first version of the Essays to Geocities back in '97 and thinking that the online community would tear the site apart...   *sigh*  Anyway, thanks again guys.  - Mike Lynch
  2. uhhhhh
    Wow he sounds like a really cool dude...   LOL!  Archpoint was a very interesting site.  I read it a couple of times, fascinating and well thought out for the most part, shame to see it go.
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