Movie Infos has just posted up the first official AvP2 image. Check it out:
This picture is our first look at the new Aliens style aliens in AvP2 as well as the Predator, which goes back to the look of the original. It looks pretty damn good in my humble opinion. You can check out the full size image at Movies-infos.
UPDATE: Colin Strause has confirmed that this is an official photo. He also went onto explain the lighting etc: “On set photo’s are never taken from the correct lighting angle because they are working around our motion picture camera, so this will make the photos not look as good as the final movie. They are too front lit, too bright, and might be missing all of the slime on the creatures because the photos are usually taken in-between takes.”
UPDATE #2: Colin has recently been able to tell me that: “As for the laser, it is real and done in camera. We put a lot of atomosphere in every shot, and that makes the laser show up instead of doing it always in CGI.” Their attention to detail and enthusiasm is really making me excited for the film.
UPDATE #3: A much higher res shot has been found by Image in our gallery has been updated too.
Monday, January 15, 2007
On the Internet Movie Databse forums, AvP2 movie director Colin Strause has commented on the new AvP2 movie photo. He says lighting problems, which can make things look fake, can be easily explained.
"On-set photos are never taken from the correct lighting angle, because they are working around our motion picture camera," Colin Strause said, "so this will make the photos not look as good as the final movie. They are too front-lit, too bright, and might be missing all of the slime on the creatures, because the photos are usually taken in-between takes."
Man, the photo already looks good. Finished product's even better? Thanks for the heads-up, Colin!
Update: And Greg Strause made a small comment on the Predator 'laser' in the photo.
"The laser was filmed 'in-camera'. We had real working lasers," Greg says.
Just a small comment...
The scene also looks to be a staged production shot, with some obvious photo manipulation. The chain on the right has been partialy removed from the scene. It appears the chain originaly goes to the bottom of the screen and then loops up between the two warriors. Look close and you can see some "ghost artifacting", two chainlinks where the cannon arm meets the preds shoulder and straight down where the long grey dred? or hose ? meets his armpit (I dont think its a dred as it seems to come over his shoulder and wrap under his armpit). There is also a open gap in the dreds to the left of the preds chin, but all we see is grey not the background or any light (odd).
I really like the Alien design in Alien3 but after that it's so horrible.
In Alien Resurrection the design is more human-bio than biomechanic. Yes, that's reasonable with the movie script that the alien has a human DNA.
But, In AVP I really hope that the ADI will be back to redesign to the original like A1-A3. But not, Them use the same Alien in A4 with the little chaning the color ,the little pipe in the alien back and changed the chicken leg to human like leg. Don't help anything. that make the alien look so fake.(Yes maybe only in my oppinion.) and the alien cheek. Yes, the cheek is so thin and transparent. Like the Queen cheek in AVP. Why they don't make it dark like the original. Why why why???
So... I have a high hope for this AVP2. Hope they will redesign the alien to original like the director said.
And... Whoa! The rigged head is back. And the same body, same fingers like the past in A4 AVP. Nooooooooo, why they don't back to the old school alien like in A1-A3? Like the cool basic predator in this picture? And the cheek, the transparent cheek again?
Ok, I hope I'm wrong when the movie is out.
ONLY thing I'm not totally in love with is that in this pic. the shoulder cannon seems to be coming out at a funny angle, and the mask seems a TOUCH on the small side.
On the alien side, claws are sort of bird-like and oversized.
HOWEVER, my hopes are even higher now than they were before!! I am SURE that all these things will look GREAT on film!!
Other than that, pred and alien look fantastic.
I also agree that you can't tell who has the upperhand in the picture because it is indeed a production shot.
December seems a long time to wait, but it will be worth it.
The Predator looks awesome. I suspect you've all noticed how he appears to be holding back that Alien with such ease. I wonder if the Aliens are going to be cannon fodder?
And would you?
The only criticisim I have of the Predator in the pic is that I think the Pred's helmet is slightly to small.
Yeah well, I can download it in any available size if I want...
Mikey, you´re so right. As I mentioned before, I altered the picture with different colour corrections and contrast addjustment. And at last I applyed a fake lens flare ona top layer with parts erased. That´s the kind of Photoshop work I do nearly every day.
So you had a choice?
Thanks all for sharing on here! This is the premier website of all things Alien & Predator!
Maybe the three lines on the mouth, but not on the forehead.
Good idea.
Predator: Battle damage?
Alien: Maybe it's been tagged or something. know how they tag whales?
Nice job, spotted that:
The alien has got a yellow blob on its hand. You can't see it in the original, but you can in this version.
The Predator has to some markings on it's helmet, three diagonal lines on the mouth guard, and a marking on the forehead of the alien, which can only be spotted on this version.
The shoulder cannon does not look like it is this Predator's. It looks like it is in the background, belonging to another. More than one Predator?
More Edited Versions:
By jimmylace:
By O'Malley:
By Me - Can See Skulls and More Detail:
You´re right AtR, the killing is the most important subject, the way the other.
BTW, I´ve done a quick retouching of the picture. Maybe that´s the way it will look like in the movie. Just an idea.
Yes - looks like raptorclaws.
I am a graphicnoob. The picture is from Fox.
Yes locusta. The fansites must stick together.
Awesome Detailwork. Respect. Alien with Raptorclaws ?