AvP2 co-director, Colin Strause, posted something interesting on the IMDB Boards a few hours ago. He says they are in editing now and “heavy” visual effects work will begin on the film in January.
“We can’t offically answer questions at this time, but I can say we lucked out on the weather, which is very rare in Vancouver for the time of year that we where there. Everything went very well on the shoot, and we are in the middle of editing right now, with heavy VFX work starting next month.”
He continues “Even when you use in-camera creatures, that doesn’t mean there aren’t other CGI effects like de-cloaking, weapon blades deploying, wire work to be painted out, plasma basts, etc, etc. Also, there will always be a few shots that are impossible to do with in-camera actors, so CGI stunt doubles are needed.”
I think it’s safe to say, the visual effects in AvP2 will surpass the previous film, if nothing else.