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Comments: 18
  1. Emilio
    I saw it just now and was pretty impressed after being pessimistic considering all the nerds who say it doesn't measure up to the previous films. It coulda been scarier I think and definitely the predators coulda killed the humans in a more predator fashion like ripping their f**king heads off with the spine attached or shooting their heads off with the plasmacasters but Fox decided it has to appeal to abroader audience which unfortunately means they cut shit out so pathetic 13-16 yr olds can watch it. The only redemption Anderson can do is make a directors cut with all the cut scenes put back in that show gory human deaths and maybe one more predator/alien battle which were awsome but too few!
  2. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr
    Hey for us old timers who have seen old the movies in the original time periods.   The late 1970's and whole 1980's rock baby and they still rock.  A nd this is what they can do now!!!! Hee!!!!! Its not all original ideas. But many think it is  Ha!!!!!  "If Crom was here, he would laugh too"..  Opinions vary. And they will always do so. Just dont expect alot in a movie and you know what, you may not be disappointed.  This movie has alot of heavy boys to be compared too..  Like I said before, time will show if this movie is worthy for the Alien/s and Predator the hall of fame.  Its a pity they are alot of angry guys out there......  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr  (I like event horizan. Was not that bad:{) .
  3. Phil
    *spoiler i guess* Why does everyone say that Scar and Lex "team up"? You guys make it sound like they joined forces and went out looking for action. It pretty damn obvious that Scar realized that this is an innocent person, who has also proved herself by killing an alien, and that if he leaves her alone she will certainly die. He felt an obligation to protect her. They never went out searching for aliens to kill, they were getting the hell out of there.  AVP was nearly everything I wanted it to a be. A little longer and a little bloodier is even better, but even without that I was incredibly happy with it.  To people accusing those who enjoyed it of just being kids and not being real fans: My parents saw Alien in theatres in 79 and have seen all of them in theatres since. They raised me on those films, though I found predator myself. Both of my parents loved AVP, so shut up pease. It was fun, and that's all it needed to be. I've seen it 3 times so far, all 3 times the audience had applauded the movie and cheered the fight scenes.
  4. Shadow of FUS
    This movie rocked! Who cares it the alien life cycle was rushed.Nobody really cared.I just assumed that their was allready adult Aliens there but were just sleeping.I was sad when Celtic Predator died so easily but Scar Predator made up for that heheh.Also the predalien's screeching sent a chill down my spine.  And the Queen was one big tough bitch! I'll be seeing it again on Monday when my friend gets back from Vancouver.
  5. Saint Sinner
    The good reviews are coming from the normal movie going audience. The negative one's are mainly coming from the critics, who have a stick up their collective asses because they weren't given a press screening. JoBlo's review pretty much makes that apparent.
  6. munkieismad
    Hey, sorry for the embarasing mix up of the name of a much respected comic co.  As you can tell, im pretty down right now.  Yah, i loved the comic series, it had so much potential for plotline in this movie.  I just cant understand how any fan of the comic series, or good movies in general, can like this movie.  Also, off topic, looking forward to Shaun of the dead.  hehehe.
  7. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr
    Hi munkieismad  Black Horse! Dont you mean Dark Horse Comics. Which had the origianl and still best story by far. They had a female character team up with a Predator back in 1999!!!! Long live the the 1st series.......  Hopeful the DVD will have more human blood and guts....
  8. Kilrathisoldier
    What a min?! Are thesse reviews supposed to be good??? Not from what I'm reading! The only real good movie Anderson has made so far imo, is Event Horizon. I think alot of the AVP's outcome has to do with the producers at Fox...
  9. munkieismad
    I just watched this movie tonight and came home dissapointed to say the least.  Paul Anderson completely ignored the fact that Black Horse even exists.  I would expect that a director could make a movie longer than 100 min, considering the massive amount of money he was given.  I wont even go into the flaws that made me, as a fan of the comics/games/og movies, want to cry.  The movie was basicly just one big action sequence, with no break for story or character development that so made the older movies good.  It was just another b movie, thats going to make gobs of money.  Something like AvP should have been more ther-ally (sp) thought out, and not just made w/ a story line that was thought up in like 10 min, with the knowledge that no matter what the story, they will make lots of money.  Ok, i know im starting to rant, im just kinda upset.  The good things:  I did like some of the scenes w/ the predators using their weapons and technology, those were cool.  I liked how the three preds had personalized masks, that makes sense.  Also, i think when *(spoiler) (spoiler)* lex teams up w/ the pred, thats kinda comic book like, and also makes sense according to the situation.  Preds arnt stupid, and would not turn down help from someone who just killed an alien.  Thats about it for what i liked.  This movie just had way to much visual noise, and whats w/ the aliens going from face-hugger to adult alien in like, under an hour?  Again, another example of a rushed, un-thought out story line, typical of PA.  Well, you may agree or disagree, but this movie over all is less than the origanals, I challenge anyone to disagree on that point, but I just didn't see good movie making.   I'll give it a 2 out of 10 only cause i thought some of the pred scenes were interesting at best.  But nonetheless, a sad day for AvP.
  10. Shadow of FUS
    I thought Lex teaming up with Predator was a pretty smart idea.Wouldnt you? If you can kill an alien then your useful. also I felt some kind of romance between Lex and Scar when it watched her kill Sebastion(I wanted him to live!) it seemed to actually care for her loss.Also I tonight that was pretty funny when the predator and lex jumped on that wagon thing to avoid the blast.It wasnt all that scary but it was fun to watch and we have had our wishes granted! We got a movie with alien and predator fighting
  11. Galmorzu
    Man, I just typed up a huge review (with very little spoilers and lots of things covered), then the site crashed and I lost it all.  Bleh, too tired to retype it now.  I'll do it tomorrow.     ;)  
  12. big big fan
    The movie was ok and i am goin to see it again tommrow. It could have been better and it could have been worse. There should have been more preds and longer fights between them and aliens. But it was a fairly good movie. And i feel sooo bad for paul anderson. People r saying how he ruins every movie he makes like mortal kombat and resident evil. I liked mortal kombat and resident evil was ok.
  13. *bury
    aight i saw it and its not really like any of the 6 but its pretty violent  for a pg-13 and yes even on the human side. the running time really isnt that bad comparing that it takes like 3 min of the film to get them to the whaling station. i did think things were killed way to quick and  
    Enter Text
    the whole lex and pred teaming up thing was stupid but it was no where as near as stupid as i thought it would be and i went to the 11:20 am show and it was sold out and i live in albany and it was on 4 other theaters so maybe this one will actually make money
  14. SCAR
    I might go see it tomorow again but if i have time ,and the movie was better then A:3 & A:RE & P2,but i i'm shure that the DIRECTOR'S CUT DVD will be better!!!
  15. Series600
    I loved the movie, and plan on seeing it again withing the next couple days.  Only problem is that I work tomorrow, and start school next week.  I've been reading a lot of negative reviews on the movie, but it's usually that way.  Critics always hate the movies I love, and they love the movies I find a boring waste of my time.
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