have posted their review of Alien vs Predator. It’s not good and it’s not bad – the general vibe I’m getting is that it’s just an OK movie. From the posts I’ve read in the forum, I’m not very happy at all.
“The effects vary in quality, but they are generally good. I was particularly impressed with the CGI Aliens. They looked great. There are some great shots of the warrior Aliens as well as the Queen. You get to see her in full battle action and it was quite spectacular. Shots of her and thousands upon thousands of swarming Aliens really made me eager to see a purely Alien sequel. I’d really like to see what they could pull off with new technology. The Predators looked best when their masks were on. I didn’t like their faces as much when they removed their masks, but this was a rare occurrence. Their ships were also portrayed in a cool stealth manner.”
oh yeah does anyone here, that read the book, think they will take more of that version into making the directors cut dvd. i certainly hope so, mainly what im talking about is the chestbursting and the fighting seemed more complex and faster than the movie. one other thing i wish they would have shown was more alien hive interaction with one another and showing them plotting and being a bit more intelligent and using more communication. there was some but i think they could have went into more detail
And btw, the Aliens have a gestation period of a couple of 6-9 hours. From the time Kane was facehugged to the time the chestburster came out, about 6-9 hours had passed (1 hour walk from the Derelict to the Nostromo lander, 4-5 hours repair on the lander before leaving LV-426, and a few hours once the crew is back in space.). In Alien3, it was about the same length of time (from the time the dog was facehugged to the time the dog-Alien was born.) In Alien Resurrection, the "hosts" were facehugged during the day (lots of activity on the Auriga at the time the cargo arrived) and were "born" that night (the crew were relaxing and the captain of the ship was polishing his boots in a military-derived ritual before going to bed). I have no idea where the idea of an Alien taking a full day to go from facehugger to chestburster came from, but it's not accurate.
I think I'll buy the uncut DVD rather than see this watered down version. It's just not meant to be viewed like that. Yet one can't help but fell sorry for Paul Anderson. At least he tried. I'm gonna cry again...
btw. i hate when people say the book was better but i have to say this about the AVP. if they would have stuck to that screenplay I think even critics would have gotten into it a bit more.