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Official Predator CE Website

From the makers of the Official AvP Website comes the next interactive website. This time for the Predator Collector’s Edition DVD set featuring lots of information about the DVD and it takes you through the film interactively by showing you video clips. Very cool, I must say. Then there’s numerous pictures from Predator and a few wallpapers to download.

20040805_01 Official Predator CE Website

Recommended for broadband users only as the loading time is quite long. There’s also another AvP Sweepstakes where you can win a sculpture set. Thanks to Jeff for the news

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Comments: 14
  1. Victor Vega
    Ever heard of different Predator tribes and races? Look at it like this, Anytime (P1) was from a tribe of Hunters. They worked on being fast, agile, high-jumping hunters.   Pussyface (P2) and his clan were also a hunting race, but they had features such as spikes or teeth on their lower mandables. He also seemed to have a different hunting style than Anytime. Anytime was a watcher, a waiter, a hunter who followed the team and took them out 1 by 1. Pussyface was an oppurtunist and an addrenaline-junkie in the gretest sense of the word. He flung himself into dangerous situations, killing several opponents easily with many different weapons, but he still hunted.  I believe the AvP Predators are an entirely different tribe, and as such, they have a different fighting style. I look at it like this-Anytime and pussyface-Tribal Massai hunters: Agility, speed, quick blows. Scar, Celtic, Gill, ect-Viking/Barbarian Warriors: brute strength, heavy armor, precision blows, grappling techniques, devastating weapon blows.
  2. Predator Wave
    The thing is that the fullscreen of the DVD will have the free movie ticket to Alien vs. Predator. Already have the DVD reservered. Can't wait to pick it next Tuesday.
  3. King Alien
    Not to get to get off topic but, Hey, El Diablo, can you see if Cinema Cenetrs, Inc listed on the free AVP ticket in the Predator CE DVD?   And does the the ticket have a maximum price amount and if it does what is it?
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