CelticPredator has recorded a 30-second video clip of a PG13 TV Spot that was shown across American television a day or so ago. No new footage was revealed apart from a shot of Adele Rousseau being facehugged.
Download: PG13 TV Spot – Courtesy of FilePlanet (2.9MB)
This is also the first time I’ve benefited from having access to FilePlanet so you’ll need a Gamespy ID in order to download. The voiceover person leads the TV Spot off with: AVP, Alien vs Predator, Rated PG13, August 13th. Thanks to CelticPredator for video-taping and sending me this clip.
Also if this does well (PLEASE IT DOESNT) then who knows if other pred and alien films are gonna get pg13. Just isnt the same.