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AvP TV Spot on IFilm

Possibly the first TV spot for Alien vs Predator has been posted somewhere on There’s no new footage apart from a few minor frames here and there but it generally looks a lot brighter and clearer.

20040720_02 AvP TV Spot on IFilm

Download: TV Spot (1.5MB) (Right-click and save target as)

The clip lasts for 37 seconds and finishes with a voiceover saying “AvP: Alien vs Predator. This film is not yet rated. August 13th”.

Thanks to Agent Glenn for the link.

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Comments: 18
  1. J
    Predalienstrike, she going to be something to look at thats a  for sure, ( its going to be interesting to see how she strides, compared to Aliens). more articulation. Can't wait.   ;D  
  2. predalienstrike.
    J, thats very great! cause she is really great in Aliens. But her part is a little small.So if she has a great part it will rock!  ;D   I wonder when the movie novelisation will be out here. i went to the bookshops but they still dont have it. And over here in Holland there are still no AVP trailers or anything like that. Ive told a lot of peaple the movie was coming out and only a few knew it.I hope it will come soon here also. And the movie release! i cant wait for it.    :)   I only have to wait till 28th of Oct.
  3. J
    Predalienstrike, the Queens part in this movie will be like its box-office takings ...    ....B                                I                                 G !!   :)  
  4. El Diablo
    Cool. Let's keep a look out for any new TV spots, there should be a ton of them coming our way. The Fox Sunday night line-up is always promoting upcoming films from the studio so that's a good bet. Both Sci-Fi and Comedy Central will probably show them too.
  5. J
    MAN! can't believe in just afew months were going to be watching the cross over of the century.  Can October 22nd come any sooner ( Hell boy hasn't even come out yet)
  6. CelticPredator
    just thought of something...everyone whatch ur tvs, ill try to find it for u guys and post it in the news section. does that count as news darkness?
  7. J
    Try, they are taking their time over this rating thing,  FOX, WHATS GOING ON? IS IT PG-13 OR R? JUST LET US KNOW ONE WAY ALL ANOTHER!  ( cool clip by the way.)    :)  
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