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AvP Movie Deleted Scenes

A few people in the forum gave me an idea for a new article last week. Here’s a detailed and comprehensive guide to deleted/missing scenes in Alien vs Predator. It covers what was found on the DVDs as well as production stills and shots from the trailers that never made it into the final movie or the DVD. Check it out.

20070203_01 AvP Movie Deleted Scenes

There were also a few scripted scenes that I didn’t even know about. Such as the fact there was a brief fight sequence between Scar Predator and the Grid Alien and also the Grid Alien actually made it to the surface at the end of the film. You never know, we may see another AvP DVD by the time AvP2 comes out that has more footage on. But for now, you can check out my AvP Deleted Scenes article.

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Comments: 17
  1. Predator Schwarzenegger
    The scene of Scar wanting to end his life because of what he carried would have been terrific. I hope they have that hidden somewhere and are saving that for another release! Plus, I think the unrated version is better than the theatrical one. Only because of the addition of certain characters scenes and the discovery of the face hugger by Lex and company. Miller's observations of the skulls is also, to me, indespensible as that is his profession and it makes sense he would examine them. It doesn't matter that it came after the Queen's awakening because you hear the queen strain, which is what Miller reacts to: "Its just the wind through the corridors.." or something to that effect.
  2. ButtZilla
    We all know that Chopper died 1st and it was a very cheap death, impaled fromt he back by the Grid. In the actual script he had an awesome fight with aliens and Face Huggers @ the same time. Eventually he died because of the overwhelming odds and numbers of Aliens. I would like to see some of that lol and less freaking useless humans    >:(  
  3. RakaiThwei
    I was noticing that some of the scenes weren't used in the unrated edition-- and the scenes such as Predator Ship, Looking for Targets in the Hive, Grid vs Scar (which we ALL wanted to see), Grid reaches the surface, and Scar and the PredAlien burster surely would've made AvP much better...
  4. Darkness
    Yeah, I think the 1904 scene should have been included to start with. Anderson removed it because he didn't want the audience to see the creatures so early. It's not like we did anyway. All we saw, was from the predator POV.
  5. XxSaNdMaNxX
    very very interesting there a few scenes that i had seen on one of the featurette i  dont remember witch they had shown the one with the preds looking at the earth never thought they had really done it. among others others scenes well if they do another avp dvd they should add all of this on the movie n same the money for useless special features......
  6. shakermakerman
    oh and one lmore thing if u watch the movie again when scar takes his mask off to lex you can see bits of alin all over the place just before the quen comes.
  7. shakermakerman
    hmmmmmmm very interesting, i remember Anderson saying that they did shoot loads for this movie joking they could be an 8 disc box set.
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